My studies

Friday, June 17, 2016

Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.  Rom. 4:18


I teach some of the content on Today’s video.

.The Muslim who was walking around the fire house- after 911
.Mass shooting
.Sharia law
.Hillary’s money
.She takes it from countries who execute gay people- even now!
.Media blamed it on a CHRISTIAN PREACHER [no joke]
.I spoke with the Muslim who came to the fire house- how did it go?
.Gay victim of mass shooting rebukes liberal media
.Clinton foundation
.After the incident- we got a FBI warning to be on the lookout for radicals who want to steal firetrucks [no joke]
.Top porn producers of the world
.I gave him a Persian bible
.He did 20 years in prison- but almost did a meeting
.Oh- to all you guys who want to know if I was joking about being a narc- I hope this video resolves it?

What I saw on the news after the mass shooting of 50 gay men- who were killed.
1 ‘What could cause such anger towards gay people’?
2 They showed a video of a CHRISTIAN PREACHER- preaching against same sex- sex.
3 That was their conclusion.
The radical Muslim who murdered the gay men- was MUSLIM.
Meaning- he would NEVER be influenced by any Christian preacher- because he also believes [when radicalized] that Christians must die too.
NEXT- After the worst mass killing in our nation’s history [from a gun] the victims were gay.
In the history of our nation- there has been only ONE candidate for president- who illegally took many millions of dollars from actual people- who actually execute gay people- even right now.
Yes- Hillary Clinton – in the history of our nation- is the largest recipient of actual cash from Saudi Arabia- Qatar- and many other Islamic nations- who actually- now- execute homosexuals- simply because they are gay- that’s the crime.
So- you would think this question would be asked by the media- because- not like the Christian preacher mentioned above- who did not advocate the killing of gay men.
The donors to Hillary Clinton’s fund- actually execute them- right now!
The many millions she has received from these murderers of gay people- was found to be illegal- because she was secretary of state at the time.
The media did do one good job- they investigated the many millions that the Clinton foundation received- as a NON PROFIT- AND ONLY ABOUT 1 PERCENT OF THE MONEY WAS ACCOUNTED FOR.
And this whole debacle- mentioned above- is not even noticed by the main stream media.
As Secretary of state- she could have put pressure on these nations who execute gay people- and treat women, like dogs.
But she was an illegal recipient of millions from them- do you think that might have affected her decision to not take them to task?
And the media never even mentions it.

Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. I deal with issues at times that it would be beneficial for some of you to download and save the file from the Word Press link. This creates a permanent record. The on-line videos are only good if sites are not hacked- which has happened in the past. Thanks- John.#

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