My studies

Monday, June 29, 2015

1-      Will states revolt against Supreme Court?
-          This past week we saw 2 rulings from the court- in the ‘Obama- care’ ruling- regardless of your view on healthcare- the court rejected the actual language of the law [for the 2nd time] and instead interpreted the ‘intent of congress’ in its ruling.
-          Many say the court does not have the power to ‘interpret’ the intent of a law. They see this as judicial activism.
-          In the gay marriage ruling- many [even chief justice John Roberts] said the court ‘found’ a right to marriage- that is not in the constitution.
-          Whatever your view on gay marriage- many states have actually passed laws banning it- and to these states- they see the court as making its own law [or finding a constitutional right- that is not there].
-          It’s possible that some of these states will finally challenge the court- rejecting the view that the Supreme Court actually has the power to override states authority.

2-      Economic crisis will not go away.
-          The present Greek crisis is a microcosm of bigger things to come- central banks have kept interest rates too low- for too long.
-          The ‘growth’ in the stock market has not represented true growth in the economy.
-          It was simply a result of central banks ‘creating’ money.
-          This is not real economic growth- the system has to ‘flush’ itself out- and we have been experimenting with the low [or zero] interest rate policy- thinking maybe it will work.
-          It will not- and because this policy has put off the inevitable- when it finally hits- it will be much worse the if they let it happen sooner.

3-      China shakes
-          This weekend the Chinese markets were rocked- and financial advisors are trying to say it’s an isolated incident-
-          They are wrong- in the beginning of the year many advisers put their hopes on the Asian economies.
-          Yet the signs showed that China was in a bubble- all the data pointed to this.
-          Yet- many simply tried to paint a picture that we are in a recovery- and we are not.
-          True unemployment for the U.S. is closer to 30 percent- yet we have ways to make it look like it’s around 5 percent.
-          You can fudge these numbers for so long- but eventually it will catch up.
4- ISIS is not going away-
These past few days we saw Isis attacks in 3 different countries-
It is only a matter of time before we see something happen again in the U.S.
Now- as Christians we are not to fear- but we are also supposed to be able to see the ‘signs of the times’.
Many do not want to see the writing on the wall- because their hopes are in ‘this world’.
I have not said these things based on any ‘bible prophecy’ type view- but to be honest- there are many ‘prophecy’ type people who are saying these things as well.
I’m simply giving you the real time view of where we are at.
I have said from the start of the year that I think we are going to be rocked this year-
If I am wrong- great.
But I can’t see how all of these things happening at once cannot have a very bad outcome.
The U.S. has been trying to put the best face as possible on these things- and in some cases has manipulated numbers to give a false view of security.
It is obvious- many have said this for a long time now.
These past few days were simply the inevitable showing up- things that some have said were indeed going to happen.
Let’s see what the next few weeks/days will show us.

But even in the best case scenario- we are in a global downturn- and we should be aware of it.

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