My studies

Monday, March 11, 2013


1872- TEXAS ‘HOLD-ER’ [Texas Hold-em is a popular scratch off down here in Skynard land]

I had an interesting day on Facebook yesterday.

I kinda hung out for most of the day- reading my friends sites and all.

Being I’ve been living in Texas for the past 32 years- to me it’s neat to see all the old pics from my hometown area.

Some of my friends post classic/current pictures of my old stomping grounds- that’s so cool.

As I perused the landscape- I also noticed something- many of my friends get lots of comments.

At first this seemed like a good thing- but as the day wore on- and I watched the news [Holder story- in a sec] I began letting ole slew foot in the door.

‘Yeah- why do they get so many comments- and I get none’?

‘Wait John- don’t go down that road- you know where it leads’.

Okay- I resisted ‘resist the devil and he will flee from you’ [James].

Yet- the more comments I saw- the worse it got.

‘John- focus on the word- find a short- 2 or 3 word verse that you can fixate your mind on’

Good idea!

‘Love those that treat you wrong- don’t get even- don’t be jealous’.

I mean- there are so many to choose from- plus- they sound real good- but I can’t seem to ‘get satisfaction’ by focusing on them.

I also saw lots of old Rock pics and stuff- yeah- even ran across that old Stones tune ‘I can’t get no satisfaction’ I know what you mean Mick.

So- after a while- I found a short- 3-4 word phrase that seemed to do the trick- but it came from the Facebook site itself.


Oh yeah- sweet- so sweet.

Easy to remember- and it feels sooo good!

Okay- I kid.

Now- what actually did get me riled up a bit?

As a news watcher- I flip the channels nonstop.

I watch em all.

So- as I’m resisting the jealousy thing- I see that Eric Holder came to Texas to address the NAACP.

They showed a few short clips of the speech.

He has sued our state multiple time- he just sued Corpus Christi last week [few posts back].

So as he’s giving the speech- he criticizes the new voter ID law.

He even mocks good ole Texas.

You know- Skynard said ‘southern man don’t need him around anyhow- in Birmingham we love the govn’r’ yeah- he stuck it to old Neil Young.

So Holder says that the new law would permit you to vote if you showed a pictured gun permit- but you could not use a student ID.

Yeah- you preach it Holder!

Doesn’t that sound like Texas is filled with a bunch of A holes?

Boy did they roar in the crowd.

He then went on and said the law- which requires an ID [I’m pretty sure you can get one for free if you don’t have the money?] is a POLL TAX.

He said we were all racists.

This is our attorney general.

‘John- be honest- it’s because he’s Black- isn’t it’?

No- that’s only about 5 % of it [okay- I kid once more].

The truth be told- this is indeed playing the race card- and for the chief officer of the justice Dept. to be playing this card- well- that’s bad.

I mean why would a gun permit do the trick- yet a student ID wont?

In Texas- many students [thousands- 10’s of thousands?] are not U.S. citizens.

It’s not against the law for a non citizen to have a Texas student idea.

Yet- you can’t get a gun permit without an extensive background check.

If you have a permit- you are a citizen.

Now- Holder knows this- so what he did was pure politics- he appealed to the racist instinct in all men- yes even in Black men- and he played the race card.

This is shameful- it is racist- and the man needs to resign his job- now.

Okay- see- now I’m struggling again- just like the comment thing ‘love your enemies- pray for those who do you wrong’.

Yeah- I know.


It just feels so much better.

All right.

Psalms 78.

I have been reading/meditating on it the last couple of days.

The Psalm recounts the story of God meeting the needs of his people when they came out of Egypt and were in the wilderness- for 40 years.

You find the story in the book of Exodus.

During this 40 year journey- which in reality was a couple of day journey- but they wandered in circles for 40 years because they would not believe the promise God made to them.

So- during this time they complained- lots.

‘we will starve out here- we have no bread- no water- no meat’.

And time after time God would do a miracle and give them what they needed.

In the Psalm we read that he gave them bread from heaven- it was called MANNA- the word means ‘what is it’.

It was called Angels food.

It was a little wafer type thing [Catholic friends- think Host] and in the morning when they got up it was on the ground- every day- for 40 years.

They wanted meat- they started complaining about the Manna ‘Manna every day- cant we change the menu up Moses’.

So God sent them meat- he caused a strong wind to blow and tons of Quail blew in from off shore- they had meat ‘until it came out their nose’- yeah- this is a quote from the bible.

So- God did provide for them- yet they still complained.

Years ago when reading the story I came across a verse I liked [almost as much as BLOCK THIS PERSON].

It said Moses kept the ordinances in the wilderness for 40 years.

Think about that.

After God parted the Red Sea- they spent 40 years wasting time.

They were supposed to go right into the promised land [Cancan- Israel] but because of their whining- it took 40 years to make the 3 day trip.

Yet- God gave them ordinances- religious type rituals that he wanted them to keep- Passover- etc.

And Moses kept observing them- even though the promise was so far away.

Yeah- that’s the tough part if you will- what divides the men from the boys.

It’s not your talent [or how many darn comments you get] or your good looks.

No- at the end of the day- can you keep the ‘ordinances in the wilderness’.

Can you do what needs to be done- even when all hope seems gone.

Yeah-  that’s the key.

So- as I end this post- I too have a choice.

Will I think ‘happy thoughts’?

Nah- the BLOCK THIS PERSON still seems to give me that extra umph- one more night with the frogs will have to do [one of the 10 plagues- it’s a long story for another day].

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.

1871- LIAR

Let’s recap a few recent news events.

Yesterday Libya held their first Democratic election.

To my surprise [and glad about the thing] it seems [so far!] that they might have elected a ‘non Islamic’ guy.


Yeah- every so called Arab Spring state has gone the other way.

Yet- in Libya- maybe- just maybe they will get a good guy.

‘John- do you mean to say the Muslim Brotherhood’ are bad’?

In a way- yes.


What we have done in the Western world [especially the President] is we have sided with those who have been ‘rebelling’ in these various nations.

You might have a situation like Egypt- where we were actually good allies of the former leader- Mubarak.

Yet- he- like the other autocrats in the region- did indeed abuse his power.

His police force were brutal- and eventually the people rose up and had the historic protests in Tahrir square.

We then began calling for Mubarak to step down [the infamous words of Robert Gibbs- the former press Secy- ‘he needs to go- yesterday’]

And he did just that- he stepped down under pressure.

Now- as ‘righteous’ as the U.S. looked- we actually conspired secretly with the Egyptian military and used this inside pressure to get the guy to go.

How come we had that type of influence?

Because the top military leaders were all trained at West Point- here in the U.S.

Our generals and military guys all knew their top guys- and that’s how we did it.

Okay- the rest is history.

The Muslim Brotherhood guy just won the election in Egypt- and he is calling back the Parliament- the military dismissed them a few weeks ago- and the new guy is going up against the military.

The Parliament had a majority of Muslim Brotherhood in the ranks.

Because the Egyptian law limits the majority in parliament- one party can only hold so many seats- their high court ruled it ‘unconstitutional’ and they were ‘let go’.

So- the new Brotherhood guy wants them back.

All in all- many [most] of these countries are going the way of Islamic law.

This is not good for the rights of women- it’s not good if your gay- and it’s bad if you’re a Christian.

Yes- even though they might have been elected by the people- makes no difference- if you want to rule your country by religious law- then that’s not good- period.

Okay- then why did we just have a couple of days of worldwide media coverage about the Taliban killing the woman ‘taken in adultery’.

Look- we- the U.S.- use propaganda all the time.

We are all affected by it.

The Taliban shot a woman because she committed adultery with some military guys.

The media have been showing this ‘shocking’ tape.

We have been trying to negotiate a peace treaty with these guys.

And how have they responded?

They blew up a few buildings and killed a bunch of guy’s right after one of the recent meetings.

They are saying ‘screw you’.

So- we show how bad they are.

Got it?

‘But John- isn’t it bad’.

Of course.

But they do the same thing in Saudi Arabia- Bahrain- and a bunch of other places.

And we support these other leaders- even though they indeed do the same thing- based on Islamic law.

So- when we show the killing by the Taliban- make no  mistake- many of ‘our friends’ do the exact same thing.

I hope Libya turns out well- but it’s too soon to tell.

Every now and then I’ll see that they’re playing that Jim Carey flick.

Liar- Liar.

It’s kind of a kid’s type movie- but when I saw it years ago- it was funny.

Carey is ‘cursed’ by having to tell the truth for 24 hours.

His kid made a birthday wish and Carey becomes this saint.

So- he finds himself in these tough spots- being he is a lawyer.

He tells his secretary about the curse- but she doesn’t believe him.

He says ‘go ahead- test me- ask me something that you think I would lie about’.

So she begins questioning him about the time she asked for a raise and he said that the bosses said they couldn’t approve it because then all the other secretaries would want one.

She then recounts how he told her he offered to pay out of his own pocket- but they said no.

As she recounts the tale- Jim covers his ears and says ‘never mind- don’t ask- don’t ask’.

The next scene- she’s emptying out her desk.

His son tells him ‘dad- my teacher said that true beauty is in the heart- it’s not the outward appearance’.

Carey responds ‘that’s just something ugly people say’.

He does this all thru out the movie.

At one point the secretary answers the phone- it’s one of his regular ‘customers’.

She informs Carey that it’s him- and he’s asking for advice- he just got busted doing some drug thing- or break in.

Carey takes the phone to give him the advice- actually I hesitated on using this- I mean I did drop the F bomb in the last post- but he takes the phone and says ‘stop f$@# up- A- hole’.

What’s the solution to all these uprisings?

We are now using the same words that we used in all the other spots- we are talking the same way about Syria ‘the wrong of history- his time is short’.

I have stood on the side of the people in all these uprisings- and at first I wanted to see real democracy spring forth.

Yet- we must realize that many radicals in these countries are also using the whole ‘wrong side of history’ to see if we will come in and do the dirty work for them.

One of the militia leaders in Libya- the side we backed- is actually an Al Qaeda guy who was released from Gitmo.

Yeah- one of the prisoners we released- he‘s running a military group right now in Libya.

So- what do we do?

When various groups rise up- start an armed uprising- then say ‘look- do something- see- we are dying’.

We need to say- we support democracy- everywhere.

But- if you want our backing- then you can’t install Islamic rule- as the law of the land.

The U.S. would not permit it- so we won’t back you if you keep doing it.

Second- if your ‘rebellion’ includes the bombing of civilians- hospitals- and other ‘non military targets’ [like the Syrian rebels] then we won’t back you.

In short- we- the U.S. and the Western World- we are not responsible for all the world’s problems.

We want to help people- but not groups who are tied to Al Qaeda.

We want to support democracy- but not ‘democracies’ that elect leaders who want Islamic law.

Yeah- maybe the advice of Carey to his client is what we need to tell them- stop- well- you know.

NOTE- Let me give you one more example of ‘propaganda’.

Last year I watched a story unfold on MSNBC.

Thru out the week they did their usual Sarah Palin bashing.

Now- I have said in the past- I think she was not ready for the job of V.P.

But- that doesn’t mean open season on her- and her kids.

The story was some book writer rented the house next door to the Palin’s.

He set up all the stuff to see if he could catch them doing anything that the world might want to see.

I guess the guy had cameras and recorders rolling.

So- the response of any normal person would be to- get mad.

So they put up a bigger fence- and tried to protect their privacy.

Then- some out of town reporter showed up- he came to Alaska for the sole purpose of digging up dirt on the family.

He actually approached the younger daughter of Palin- I think it was at the school yard.

She was around 13 at the time.

When mom and dad found out- they were rightfully pissed off- like any normal parent would be.

They informed the guy- from out of state- to stay away from this minor- I mean who knows- the guy might have been some sex offender.

So- one day in town- the guy approached the daughter again.

When Sarah found out- she was fuming.

So they contacted the authorities- and they tried to press charges.

How did I find out about the story?

Well-  on MSNBC- Keith Olberman's show- before he quit.

He covered the story as 'Sarah Palin and her nut family’.

Yeah- he had the reporter on- and they made him look like a victim.

‘Who does the daughter think she is- damn it! I mean- it’s not illegal to walk up to somebody in town!’

Yeah- you tell em Keith.

The story went on and they depicted Palin- and her minor daughter- as nut cases.

The reporter defended himself by saying after the school yard incident- he decided to leave the girl alone.

But being he flew to Alaska- he might as well not waste the ticket.

So- he went ‘sight seeing’.

As he was ‘sight seeing’ in town- low and behold- the daughter- by chance- spotted him.

He says she approached him.

Then- MSNBC made it look like the daughter was the nut ‘who does she think she is- she’s the one who was out looking for you’.

Okay- this guy is in Alaska for the sole purpose of getting dirt on Palin- yet the daughter sought him out.

It was sad that a so called news organization would do this [another reporter- Andrew Sullivan- reported a story that Sarah’s Down Syndrome son Trigg- was really the ‘bastard’child of Bristol- this story will forever live on the internet- the son- and all the family will one day read it].

It was even sadder that many believed it.

I usually have talks with my liberal friend when stuff like this happens- and they usually have swallowed the line.

‘Geez John- look how dumb Palin is- who does her daughter think she is- just because your 13 doesn’t mean adult men cant approach you’.

Say of the story were turned around- say if this happened to Sasha or Malia- the presidents girls- would we be saying the same thing?

See- that’s media bias- that’s propaganda- that’s what happens to all of us- regardless of what side of the aisle your on.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.


This week I read the book of Amos.

Amos was a prophet to the northern nation of Israel- 750-790 b.c. [though he had a few prophecies for Judah- the southern nation].

He was unlike the other Old Testament prophets- in that he was an ‘uneducated’ shepherd that came from a little village [Tekoa] about 5 miles south of Bethlehem.

Yet- Amos knew history.

He railed against the political leadership of the nation- he spoke up for the poor ‘in the gate’ and condemned the ‘church’ of his day.

He said they were spending all their time and money on religious celebration- on their own ideas of what they felt God wanted [Amos says they worshipped the ‘gods that they made’].

And yet justice was falling down in the street.

Yeah- Amos was a prophet sent from God- and the people knew it.

I watched [re watched] a documentary this week on the failed run for the presidency by George McGovern.

Now- as a news buff- I never really studied McGovern- but have heard so much about the guy [usually negative] that my view of him was formed by these little clips of his life.

McGovern is famous because his loss to Nixon in 1972 was one of the biggest landslides in presidential history.

As I watched the documentary- and read Amos- I began seeing a type of Amos in McGovern.

McGovern was from South Dakota- outside of the mainstream ‘machine’ of the Democratic Party.

He was raised in a preacher’s home- and dabbled at becoming one himself.

He would eventually enter politics- and also had a background as an historian [Amos].

They called him ‘the prairie prophet’.

He was not the favored candidate for his party’s nomination.

At first it looked like Muskie would be their man.

But old Ed didn’t seem to have the temperament for the job.

At one campaign stop he was picketed by some gay rights group.

He said- quote ‘If I have to be nice to a bunch of Soddomites to get elected- then fuck it’.


McGovern would eventually win his party’s nomination- and lose in the general election.

As I watched the rise of McGovern- the animosity- and outright hatred- from his own party.

I also saw that he indeed was a voice in the wilderness at times.

McGovern is most famous for his opposition to the Vietnam War.

It was said that just the name of McGovern being said would send Lyndon Johnson into a rage.

McGovern stood steady in his opposition- and as an historian he had read that other world watchers had predicted that there would be an uprising in Indo China and South East Asia.

They said the people groups were growing tired of colonialism- and they would eventually rebel.

So McGovern did not see the Vietnamese as a communist threat- that left unchecked would have a domino effect.

After the assassination of Bobby Kennedy he was convinced to briefly throw his hat into the ring and run for the 68 nomination.

But the 1972 nomination was his big achievement.

In the book of Amos there are some choice quotes [not like Musky].

‘Hate evil and love good- establish judgment in the land’

‘Let judgment run down as waters and righteousness as a mighty stream’ [MLK’s famous line too]

‘Woe to them that are at ease in Zion’ [the present day church]

The one that caught my eye the most-

‘He strengthens the spoiled against the strong so that they come against the fortress’.

At times in history there are voices that rise- sometimes they are Prairie Prophets.

Sometimes we don’t realize the importance of what they are saying- until after they are gone.

Rulers- people in power- they are not all corrupt- but many are.

LBJ referred to Vietnam as a ‘little piss ant of a country’.

He [and Nixon] bombed the hell out of the land- not wanting to be seen as week.

A small- little ‘piss ant’ country in South East Asia.

Hundreds of thousands would die needlessly.

Men like McGovern- for all their critics- saw the writing on the wall.

At the present day- as I write- we have been at war in Afghanistan for around 11 years now.

We just reopened a key ground [truck] route thru Pakistan- it has been shut for 7 months because we killed around 30 Pakistani soldiers in a mistaken identity case.

NATO was flying over the border- we were fired upon from the ground- and we bombed them.

We thought they were Taliban- they were Pakistani.

Pakistan got pissed off- and they forbid us to use the key supply route until we apologized.

We just did.

We are now having talks with the Taliban- to come to some type of Peace Terms with them.

Our goal at the start was to remove them from power because they gave Al Qaida a place to operate from.

At the start we were warned that the Taliban [and the Afghanis in general] are a resilient people.

That to enter into a ground war- in some ‘piss ant’ part of the Arab world would be foolish.

We are now trying to find a way to untangle ourselves from this mess.

Yeah- after 11 years- our guys coming home without their body parts.

Thousands dead- many of them women and children.

Yeah- after 11 years our only response is.

Well- in the immortal words of Ed Muskie #$@^%$

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.

1869- THE GOD PARTICLE [and Mayan flag day]

Hope you ‘all’ had a good 4th of July.

I actually flew the flag for the 2nd time in so many months.

For years I never had a house flag- I hung them up daily at the fire dept for 25 years and it never dawned on me to get one.

So when I woke up on Memorial Day and saw my neighbor’s flag flying high- yea- it made me feel like a commie.

So I went and bought a flag.

I asked my wife- ‘where did you put the flag’ ‘it’s in the closet’.

I get the flag- it’s around 7 or so- and I walk back into the room ‘let’s go hang the flag’.

My wife says ‘what do you mean- you need 2 people to hang it’?


 But I want you to stand next to me and recite the pledge.

I thought it was funny- she didn’t seem to think so.

Yeah- I’m one of those types that get the most use out of a purchase as possible.

I’ll probably be flying it on that Mayan calendar day- I think it’s coming up pretty soon?

So- as I debated about what we should discuss today- I picked up the paper [yesterday morning] and the front page headline read ‘JUSTICE DEPT SUES CITY’.

I mentioned this the other day- about the fire dept not hiring enough women [they say].

I read about half of the article- I read the stats- we actually hired more women than other comparable cities.

I really did not want to do another whole post on the thing- but it was sad to see that as a front page headline- I don’t think we have ever been sued by our own govt. before.

[in the post the other day- I think I used the word threat- maybe not- but now I know they did sue].

I have written about our attorney general before- Eric Holder- this guy has politicized the justice dept to no end.

I could give you example after example- even his past dealings are very shady- the Mark Rich pardon- a pardon he recommended when he worked in the Clinton days.

By all accounts- Clinton pardoned a crook because he had connections- Holder used his influence to get the dirty deed done.

Pure- 100% Chicago politics- corrupt to the core.

Okay- instead- let’s do the other big news story- the so called God Particle.

Yeah- I heard/read a bunch of stories on the so called breakthrough discovery.

Now- I am not ‘anti science’.

I am not a person who believes the earth is only 6 thousand years old- or that kids rode on the backs of dinosaurs.

But- in the historic setting of apologetics- and the role that science has played in the debate- I must say there are lots of misconceptions floating around in the air.

Okay- a brief history of the scientific method and how it came to be.

The past year or so I covered lots of posts on philosophy and physics and world history in general.

We covered how during the middle of the last millennium [500years ago] the world began a break thru in many areas- and we often refer to this as the modern era.

Man- science- thought- all of the fields we see as part of the modern era- they began at around this point.

Science/philosophy and religion all played a big role in the debate.

One of the big boys was a man named David Hume- he was a thinker who questioned what we talked about the other day- the law of cause and effect.

This law simply says that every effect has a cause.

Hume challenged the popular idea that we can know causes.

He said we think we can know the cause of something- but in reality we can’t be sure.

The example Hume gave was the Pool table.

He said we see a person hit the q ball- the ball hits another ball and it goes into the pocket.

Hume said it might look like this a string of cause and effects- but we don’t know for sure.

Maybe there are other reasons why the balls are reacting like this.

Another famous example is the Rooster crowing- the guy couldn’t sleep in because the sun kept shinning in his window- so every morning right before the sun rose he heard the darn rooster crow.

So he shot the rooster.

 Just because one act precedes another- this does not mean that is the cause.

 Okay- we got it Hume.

But some began to doubt all possible knowledge- they said you can’t make any judgments at all- because we don’t know for sure what the real cause is.

Okay- this led another great thinker- Kant- to challenge Hume [the famous quote from Kant was ‘he woke up out of his dogmatic slumber’] and Kant said even though we can’t be 100 % sure- yet for any possibility for science to function- we do need to be able to have some type of way we can settle on knowledge- science does need to be able to say ‘okay- we have looked at this long enough- we think this is what’s causing this’.

Okay- this whole debate is called Epistemology- how we know stuff.

Now- the God particle.

As I listened to the various reports the last 2 days- I could tell right off the bat that there was some funny stuff going on.

The actual statements form the scientists are saying ‘well- we haven’t ACTUALLY seen the particle [also called Higgs Boson] but- we have detected enough other particles- so we think the Boson is more than likely there too’ or ‘it’s like looking in the distance- and you think you see someone- but maybe you’re looking at his twin instead’.

Okay- what kind of argument is this?

This is what we call a Metaphysical argument.

It’s an argument that is made- not because you actually detected the thing- but you have come to a conclusion based on the Scientific Method of Induction/Deduction.

You looked at- observed- and tested various things- and you now say ‘well- it must be there- because look at all the other stuff’. [layman’s terms].

Okay- is there anything wrong with this.

Not really.

But- here’s the catch- many in the modern field of physics refute the argument for the existence of God because in the end it is a metaphysical one.

That is- the materialist scientist [one who says we only deal in facts that we can actually see\detect] uses metaphysical arguments all the time- he just does not realize he is doing this.

Remember the other day- I posted about the many contradictions good men make when mixing science with apologetics and the laws of argumentation [or logic].

They often do not realize they are contradicting themselves- or making out right nonsense statements- because they are scientists- not logicians.

So what we have in the Higgs Boson case- in the Dark Matter- Dark energy case- in the entire Multi Verse theory [many universes].

In all these theories- which now make up the majority of modern physics- they are all the same type of argument that the materialist scientist says are not good arguments- at least when it comes to the argument for the existence of God.

In a nutshell- if we agree to accept that a certain particle must exist- not because we have actually detected it- but because ‘well- it must be there- because if not- then how do we explain everything else’?

If these arguments are being used in all of the above scenarios- and trust me- they are.

Then we can’t exclude the Theist from the table- we can’t say ‘no- you silly Christian- you deal in things we DON’T SEE- we deal in things we do see.’

Actually- you don’t.

All of the above theories are conclusions based on how the other things around them respond.

The reason many think Dark Matter exists- is not because we have found it- we haven’t.

But because in order for the standard model- well- to stand- then Dark Matter simply ‘must be’.

Okay- this is the same type of argument the Theist [one who believes in God] uses.

If you want to exclude the believer from the table- on the grounds that he appeals to a ‘non detectable’ being.

Then we must ditch all of the above.

And it seems- Higgs Boson too.

NOTE- all scientists are not materialists- many are believers- and even many non believers are not materialists.  If you are a pure materialist scientist- one who says we cannot accept any other non material arguments [things we don’t actually see/detect] then you also would not be able to accept any of the major theories of physics today- that is if you were consistent in your thinking.

Also why did the researchers at CERN release this as some great new finding?

The ‘discovery’ was made at the new 10 billion dollar Hadron Collider.

This is the world’s largest Atom smasher.

In order for the Europeans to justify the cost- they had to convince people that this was the best chance to actually discover this long elusive particle.

Now- Europe is in a near depression- as most of you know.

This underground ‘particle smashing tunnel’ [I think it’s right on the French Swiss border?] when first opened- had a bad day.

It leaked oil into the tunnel and it was shut down- and had to be repaired at the cost of millions of dollars.

Okay- all of these guys realize- if you do not justify the cost of this thing- in the midst of a European depression- then what are the odds that your gonna keep getting funded?

I don’t know if this was the main reason they came out with the statement now- but for them to have come out- and kinda have fudged on it- makes me wonder.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.


Last night I was watching a talk given by the Ohio congressman- Dennis Kucinich.

Dennis is known as a big Lib- he has been the butt of jokes for years- he once saw a UFO- and that pretty much put the nail in the coffin.

But- to be fair- the guy is smart.

Now- I’m not saying I believe everything he says [accept of course about the alien ship] but during the talk he was asked a question.

And he used an example from Evolutionary Biology.

He said- in so many words ‘scientists tell us that there is this thing called Punctuated Equilibrium’ and he used this idea to make a political point.

Now- as I heard Dennis- I thought ‘geez- if I get into this in the morning [now] it will take the whole post’.

So let’s see how far we can go.

I laughed somewhat over the example.


Evolutionary Biology has made great strides- and had setbacks ever since the idea was popularized by Charles Darwin in the 19th century.

Now- Charlie was not the first person to espouse the idea.

In fact- there was another famous scientist at the time- who some believe Darwin ‘stole’ the idea from him [much like the debate with Einstein- the famous Mathematician- Max Plank- at one point took part of the original idea of Einstein and almost became the famous one].

So- what Darwin is famous for is coming up with the theory of Evolution [what we call Macro Evolution- that all species came from a common ancestor- one spontaneous living cell that popped into existence from nothing- Charlie did not teach this by the way- not fully- but the  modern theory has gone there].

Okay- it would take too much space to explain all the ins and outs.

But the debate that has raged for the past 150 years has been whether or not this ever really happened.

That is- have all species actually come from a common life.

The strong evolutionist insists [or did insist] yes.

Those who questioned the theory [not just Christians or Theists- but there are many in the scientific community who have expressed real doubt- these men are not believers- but it’s virtually impossible for their voices to be heard because when you question some of the huge problems with the theory your usually tagged as a right wing nut].

So- after 150 years- the evidence that they thought would be there- is simply not there.

How so?

After many years of discovering fossils- and trying to see if there is a pattern of things actually evolving over millions of years- the evidence does not show this.


You heard me- the evidence shows something quite different.

It shows us that new species came into existence at set points in history.

That is- we might find a certain species living for so long- and Walla- seemingly overnight- a new one pops up.

There is absolutely no regular pattern of what you would call transitional species- it’s simply not there.

Okay- if this were the only Monkey Wrench [pun intended] then that wouldn’t be so bad.

But as science has advanced- we have also been trying- desperately- to get some type of species- anything- to actually become something else.

The way we [science] attempts this is thru the experimentation with fruit flies.

In the lab they have been trying to simply get a fruit fly to become another thing [they breed and reproduce fast- so that’s why they use them].

After many dollars and years spent trying this- they can’t get this to happen.

There are many more reasons I could give- but after things like this kept popping up- some in the field- leading Evolutionary scientists- Gould [MIT]- one of the daughters from the famed Leaky family- etc.- starting having real doubts.

Now- these doubts were not based on religion- but science.

The data showed that there seems to be this huge wall between species- that is it’s not as easy as Darwin first thought.

As a matter of fact- the science showed that it is virtually impossible for one thing to become another thing [as far as we can tell right now].

So- the normal thing you would do [should do] at this point is to say ‘maybe we got it wrong- maybe we need to look in another direction’.

And Walla- Punctuated Equilibrium.

Yes- as Dennis said- scientists have said that this is the idea that instead of things slowly evolving over millions/hundreds of thousands of years- they simply changed overnight.

Now- this in reality would be saying ‘the other side- those who questioned Evolution- are right’.

Because the 2 major competing theories are Evolution [things changed slowly over millions of years into new species].

Creation- things came onto the scene at once [or set times].

The Punctuated Equilibrium idea is simply a fancy way of saying the evidence points to the creationist as being right.

But instead of coming right out and saying it like that- instead the theory sounds like it is a result of Evolutionary biology.

I have heard this stated over the years- that indeed Evolution has made this new discovery possible.

Now- I’m not a total rejecter of the entire theory.

I have said in the past that there is no doubt that evolution [natural selection] does take place within the known species [called Micro Evolution].

But there is lots of evidence that seems to say Evolution does not take place on the bigger scale- species changing into another species over long periods of time.

[Darwin thought that whales changed into cows over many years- he thought that the Black aborigine tribes were proof that Evolution was true- he said these Black races were less advanced along the scale. And the famous ‘Monkey Trial’ here in the U.S. [Tenn.] made it look like the Christians were idiots.  Many are not aware that the Evolutionary book that Scopes was accused of teaching Evolution from was actually a racist book that the KKK endorsed.  The book [by George Hunter] had a scale of the most advanced races- and the least advanced- of course at the top were Whites- the bottom were Blacks.  Yet the media made it sound like the more noble side was indeed those who backed using the book in public schools].

But the entire argument shows you how people’s bias affects the end result.

In reality- for anyone to say that Evolutionary science has been responsible for the great breakthrough- known as Punctuated Equilibrium- well it’s ridiculous.

Because Punctuated Equilibrium is simply saying that those who reject the theory that species change into new species over long periods of time- they are right.

So what you see is a manipulation of the argument- to make it look like the ‘losing side’ is actually responsible for this discovery.

 But in reality the other side was right all along.

See- I knew this would take the whole post- thank Kucinich for it.

O- by the way- he does have a backup plan.

He can always say the aliens did it.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.

1866- MARY- THE MOTHER OF GOD- WHAT DID SHE SAY? [or- I am the Egg Man]

As we close the week- lets recap a few highlights.

Of course the SCOTUS ruling was the biggest news- and we also had congress vote- and pass- the contempt of congress charge against Holder.

But there were a few other ‘lesser’ stories that in a slower news week would have gotten more attention.

The enemy of all conservatives- yes- the peanut farmer from Georgia- Jimmy Carter- got some heat over his criticism of Obama.

What did he say?

He made some comments about our Drone war tactics- and said there is no doubt that the U.S. is violating human rights.


The drone planes are remote controlled unmanned planes- Bush was the first to ‘arm’ them- and Obama followed his lead.

We used to use them as surveillance planes- but when we stuck bombs on them we started using them to go after the enemy.

The problem?

Being we don’t have pilots in the planes- we are basically doing our best to hit the target by remote control- and we often kill civilians in these strikes.

We are doing this in Yemen and Pakistan as I speak.

So- after years of killing lots of the wrong folk- these people are outright pissed off.

In Pakistan- there is some lawyer representing the families of the victims- and they have been saving the debris from the bombs- writing down the serial numbers and all- and using them for evidence on some future court case against the U.S.

We recently found out [thru leaks?] That the way the U.S. counts the amount of terrorists that are killed in the strikes is ‘every adult male killed in the vicinity is considered to be a terrorist’.


Yup- that’s the rule.

So if we accidently kill- let’s say 15 men- and even if the remote control operator messed up- and hit the wrong spot- we count this as ‘15 bad guys dead’.

Geez- with scoring like this- how can you lose?

So- Carter came out and said this type of killing is wrong.

Was he right?

Of course he was- we have killed a lot of women and kids- that’s wrong- in everyone’s book.

Then why don’t we stop it?

Good question.

The newly elected president of Egypt- the Muslim Brotherhood guy- he has already given signs to Iran that he wants to form some sort of an alliance with them.

He has also told the U.S. that he wants us to turn over the Blind Sheik.

Who’s he?

If you remember- years before 911- we had another attempted bombing of the World Trade Towers.

They traced the original plot to some Muslim radical who was based in New Jersey.

I remember the case because as I watched the story- the guy had his office/mosque set up right on a storefront street- and when I saw the spot- I recognized the street as one of the places I walked passed as a kid [I think one time I illegally rode my dirt bike right passed the area- you know- one of those late night street rides when the cops chase you].

So- the new Egyptian president wants the guy released and sent back to Egypt.

And we have hailed this election as a great thing- we forced a former leader out- who we were actually allies with- and we [Obama] publicly supported the Brotherhood.

This is sad.

And last but not least- I told you the other day that Holder sued Florida [man- he needs to stop suing cities/states- this guy is out of control].

He sued the Repub governor- Rick Scott- because Scott ‘purged’ the voter rolls of non citizens.


Yeah- Scott actually identified real non citizens who were on the roles- and he tried to take them off.

It is against the law to vote if you’re not a citizen.

Why the suit?

Holder believes that the states that are doing this are really trying to hurt the Dems by going after minorities.

Okay- but say if we know- for a fact- that the people he’s removing are only non citizens- would that be okay?

According to Holder- no.

Huh- huh?

Yes- Holder said the state does not have the right to remove NON CITIZENS from the rolls- because it is within 90 days of an election- and darn it- those non citizens have rights too!

So- the case went to a federal judge- and the judge said- in so many words ‘are you nuts man- it’s against the law for non citizens to vote.  The state and governor can actually be held liable if they don’t purge the voter rolls- of course Scott can do this- it’s required by law’.

I mean even the judge- a Dem appointed judge- thought Holder must be delusional - because they were upholding federal law.

As a side note- Holder has also sued some Egg farm.


Because he said they were requiring too much proof- from non citizens- to prove they were not illegal’s.

Yes- he sued this private business- not because they were requiring the proof from citizens- but from non citizens.

Why did the egg company do this?

If you get caught hiring an illegal- you pay a fine or go to jail.

They just raided a pizza place here in Corpus for this.

So- if the Egg man actually got caught hiring an illegal- then off to jail he goes.

So- he simply tried to make sure that the people he was hiring were in fact citizens- Holder sued him for this.

These are the things that have really riled up some on the other side.

I mean who cares if your Black, White or Green- this guy is absolutely off his rocker.

Okay- lets end with a bible thing here.

I mentioned the other day that I read some chapters about John the Baptist this week.

One of the big [and long] chapters was Luke 1.

In the chapter we read about the angel Gabriel appearing to both Mary- the Mother of Jesus- and Elisabeth- Mary’s cousin.

Elisabeth and her husband Zacharias were older folk and were never able to have a baby.

Then one day God does a miracle and Elisabeth gets pregnant and has John the Baptist.

The miracle was not the same as when Mary gets pregnant- but the miracle was they were older now- past the normal time to have kids.

Mary is told about this and when she gets pregnant with Jesus she visits Elisabeth and when Mary- who is carrying Jesus in her womb- sees Elisabeth- who is pregnant with John- the bible says the ‘baby leaped in her womb’.

It was John the Baptists purpose in life to be the fore runner of Jesus.

And even before he was born- he still responded this way as Christ showed up in the womb of Mary.

When the angel reveals to Mary that she will bare Christ- she bursts into this prayer/proclamation of praise.

Scholars call this Mary’s Magnificat [her magnifying of God].

If you have time- read this prayer in Luke one.

It does not sound like the prayer of some humble- quiet little lady.

It’s more like a prophetic blast of Gods rule.

Mary says things like ‘He hath put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree’ ‘He hath filled the hungry with good things and the rich hath he sent away empty’.

I mean these are some of the same themes we see in the teachings of Christ.

As I write and blog about politics- I do try to be fair.

I know it must have been hard these last few months for my friends on the left side of the aisle.

Trust me- about a year or 2 ago my friends on the right went thru the same thing.

My ‘job’ is to not simply pick a side- and then defend that side at all costs.

I think that’s the mistake many in the church have made.

We have really lost our prophetic voice as the people of God.

The modern Evangelical church [and the televangelist world] has lost the true social justice message of the church.

They [we] have traded that message in for one of self help- how to become wealthy- how to be happier- how to have a better life.

We have lost the prophetic voice of the church- the one that speaks out against the murder of the innocents [drones] or the lying about killing terrorists- just because we count ‘all adults in the area’ as the enemy.

Yes- the ‘church’ is supposed to have a voice for the defenseless in society.

No- we are too busy having an American party.

Beware- Mary said ‘the high he will bring down- the rich he hath sent away empty- the famous/proud will be bring low’.

I can’t think of a better description of the church today- can you?

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Okay- before we get to the health care ruling- let’s do some spiritual stuff.

When I got up yesterday morning- I determined not to listen to too much news before I go to the homeless spot.

I mean I like keeping my mind free- at least until I get back from visiting with the homeless.

On my way to the mission- I put on the Christian music station [I listen to classic rock- talk radio- news- and Christian stuff at various times].

I was in such a spiritual state of mind- avoiding all the political stuff.

Then my music station broke in- yeah- one of those ‘breaking news’ type things- like CNN did one day- in the middle of real news- they broke in ‘BREAKING NEWS’- gee- what could it be that’s so important- I mean they were already covering real time important stuff- Syria shooting down a Turkish jet- you know- stuff like that.

Then the urgent story broke ‘Obama rose 2 % in a poll’.

Sad- so sad.

So my Christian station ‘broke in’ I mean I was in a good state of mind- free from Rush [on the right] and NPR [a little left].

It was short- and well- sweet ‘the Supreme Court has upheld all of the Obama care law- yes- all of it’.

Now- go back to your spiritual state of mind.

Thanks a lot.

Actually- at first I was surprised- and thought for a moment ‘am I mad’ ?

You know- I wasn’t.

Am I in shock?


I was just surprised.

Those of you who have followed my posts this last year realize that I was not a total rejecter of Obama Care.

I did feel that the main justification for the mandate- the way Obama used the Commerce Clause- was a mistake.

The administration said they had the right to make people buy insurance because the Fed. Govt. has the right to regulate commerce [under the clause].

And that health care is ‘commerce’ that takes place between the states- so they are ‘regulating’ it by telling you to buy insurance.

In short- this seemed like a stretch to me.

I also wrote that the pres does have the authority to pass a law that could tax people for health care.

But Obama- and the Solicitor General [the lawyer who argued the govts. case before the court] chose to reject the ‘we have the right to tax you’ law- and instead argued the ‘we have the commerce clause right to regulate you’.

So- that’s really why I thought the law would get rejected by the court.

But who am I- just some arm chair peon who watches the news- a lot.

When I got home from the mission- I caught the latest and realized that I was actually right.

The court did reject the Commerce Clause argument.

The 5 more conservative justices did in fact shoot down the Commerce Clause argument.


Then how did it pass constitutional muster?

John Roberts [the chief justice] then sided with the 4 more liberal justices- and said in essence ‘you [Pres and Congress] do have the right to tax [which we all agree on] therefore- Obama Care passes because it’s just a tax’.


The Solicitor General- and the President- have argued- time and again- that this is not a tax.

Yet Roberts said ‘we pass the law [mandate part] because it’s a tax’.

It seems like a contradiction to me.

Then- when I read/heard the dissenting opinion- from the 4 ‘conservative’ justices- they ripped into Roberts.

They basically said what I just told you.

They said Roberts and the 4 libs did indeed change the law- by saying in their ruling that it is a tax.

The 4 dissenters said it is the courts job to simply rule on the law- the way it was written- and the way it was argued- and that both said this was not a tax.

So- in the end- for some reason- Roberts took it upon himself to kind of be a ‘judicial activist’ and in a way re write the rule himself.

This is a little strange to be honest.

And it confuses the public.

There are now many Obama supporters who are saying ‘see- we told you it was constitutional all along’.

But actually- the way it was written- the Commerce Clause thing- was said to be unconstitutional.

Yes- the majority says the way the law was initially written was unconstitutional.

So- those who said this from the start- were proved right.

Yet- those who defend the law are skipping that [as they make the rounds on the news] and are simply saying ‘see- it was constitutional all along’.

What a mess.

I fear Roberts- in his desire to make the court look like it’s not too political- might have made one of the worst decisions- that is- a decision that seems to be political.

From the start I was [and am still] not someone who outright rejects the goal of universal care.

I never made the strong right argument that what Obama did was socialized medicine.

In actuality the law is simply a mandate for citizens to buy private insurance- without limiting what private insurance can charge.

I think in a way this is a boom for the private insurance industry.

I would have preferred a more European style thing [see- you guys who think I’m all ‘right’ have not read my blog too long].

Yes- I know both sides of the issue- and realize that true universal care- Canadian style- has its good and bad.

I just felt from the start if you are going to shoot for universal coverage [a noble goal] that the way Obama went about it was not the best way.

Okay- enough of that.

I hung out at the mission for a few hours- had a good talk with Dirk and a few other friends.

Around 1 o’clock one of the new ladies that has been coming the last few weeks- she had a free bag of goods that the mission gave her- and had to walk a few blocks in the heat.

She’s also pregnant- so I offered to give her a ride home.

Tammy also asked if I could give her a ride and I said sure.

Most of the times I will leave with Henry- and he comes back to the house and hangs out for the rest of the day.

But he was not around so I just gave the girls a ride home.

It’s been real hot in Corpus the last few weeks- we have been breaking records.

Anyway as I was dropping off Tammy she was telling Johnaa that she is sleeping on the floor of her trailer- she has no bed.

Right at that point I make the turn to get to Tammy’s street and some people look like their moving out and have about 5 beds right there on the street.

So Johnna says ‘hey look- there’s a bed’.

I asked Tammy if she wanted to turn around and see if they want to sell one.

Of course she was broke- but I told her maybe I can get a deal and I’ll buy it for her.

So I did the U turn and asked the guy- he said they were moving out and we could take one.

I’m like ‘praise God brother’.

I noticed he had on that little Elder tag that the Mormons where.

Now- I like Mormon people- and over the years I have had very open and honest discussions about their faith.

I do try to be nice when I refute some of their teachings- and have really made headway with them over the years- being open too- and willing to hear both sides.

So the guy I talked too had the badge on- plus there were about 5 more of them standing in the garage.

It must have been some missionary house that they were moving out of.

So I told them I just left the mission- I gave the Elder my ministry card [so he knew I wasn’t making stuff up].

And I kinda saw the whole thing as God working it out.

They seemed to not take it the same way.

I mean- they didn’t say anything- but it’s almost like the elder didn’t even want to touch the card.

I realize why they are like this- and if any of you guys are Mormons- I’m glad you read the site.

Yet- I felt they just were not that ‘into me’.

Anyway- far be it from me to hold a grudge- I mean that’s childish.

So we got the bed.

Oh yeah- one more thing.

If Romney thinks I’m gonna vote for him now- well he better think again.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.


I was tempted to post a quick note last night- but I thought it better to wait for today.

As I was watching the various news shows- I caught an interview with some lady who just wrote a piece [for some magazine] that said the Fast and Furious scandal- was not a scandal at all.

She did a 6 month investigation- and lo and behold- there was never any ‘gun walking’.


Yeah- instead she talked about the real reasons these guns were in the hands of Mexican drug lords.

Go on- I’m hearing you sister.

She explained that many of our law enforcement guys have tried to get the guns off the streets- but because of the Republican [and NRA] loose gun laws- that to their dismay- they cant stop the drug runners from purchasing the guns.

Oh- I see now.

O yeah- one last thing- she said there was ONE case where she did find a Gun walking activity.

It was the single Whistle Blower [Dodson?] who did this.

As the woman made the rounds [I saw her on CNN] the ‘new’ story was that both the Repubs- as well as their cohorts in crime- the actual whistle blowers- that these were the ones who were blaming Holder [because he is Black?] while all the while Holder and his people are really innocent- after all- they never sold guns!

Now- I was really mad when I saw this latest story.


This last year- as I actually watched some of the congressional hearings- and read lots of sources and stuff.

The REAL STORY is there were guys working for the ATF and other law enforcement agencies- and these guys complained- for a couple of years- that the Gun walking program was a very dangerous and real program- even Holder has said this.

Now- these were the actual guys doing the ground work- of course they were the ‘gun walkers’ they worked for the govt.

So- after complaining about it for a while- nothing was done.

Eventually the story made it to the news- and the govt. [Holder] denied it.

At that point- some of the guys involved risked their careers- because they knew the govt. was lying- and they went public and said ‘look- I am one of the guys who actually bought and sold the guns’.

So- instead of demonizing these guys- like the lady making the rounds on MSNBC and CNN- we should be thanking them for what they did.

Quite frankly- this is about as low as it gets- they were actually saying ‘Holder never walked guns- but these darn whistle blowers- who are making the charge- they are guilty!’

Sad- so sad.

One other charge came out- it was initially made by those on the Right- and now it’s used by those on the left [as a counter charge].

When I first heard this charge- by some on the Right- I was mad.

I was mad because I knew the charge was false- and I could not believe that some were actually falling for it.

The charge?

Some have said that the Fast and Furious program was designed- on purpose- to get guns into the hands of drug lords [actually- this part is true- they wanted the top guys to get the guns- then they thought they could catch the big boys.  The goal was noble- the way they went about it was stupid].

But some have said Obama purposefully wanted the gun crime to go up- so in the end he could blame the loose gun laws [NRA folk] and pass stricter gun laws.

Now- I have heard this by some radicals on the right- and this is not true.

Then why is the charge gaining ground?

Because- in the mess of this whole thing- there was indeed some memo that slipped out- by the Dems- that did say ‘if this gets out of hand- and you are asked about the program- turn the conversation into one that says ‘see- we need stricter gun laws’.

Yes- the Dems did say this- and indeed do this.

As I watched the news over the months- whenever a Dem was asked about the scandal- he/she said ‘well- it’s because we need better gun laws’.

Is the scandal about this?


Is it about some whistle blower who is guilty- while Holder is innocent?

No [Holder- and the ATF big wigs were in charge- they bare the blame for the peons at the bottom that they ordered to do this].

The whole scandal- is simply the fact that the Justice Dept. - under Holder- at first denied the program- then later admitted it.

 He now will not release the other papers that probably show that they were indeed trying to cover their tracks after the story broke.

That’s it.

Congress will vote today on contempt charges- and Holder will probably be the first Attorney General of the U.S. to be held in contempt.

This week I have been reading the story of John the Baptist.

John was an interesting guy.

The bible says he was filled with the Holy Spirit ‘from his mother’s womb’.

The prophets Isaiah and Malachi spoke of John ‘before the great day of the Lord I will send Elijah the prophet and he will restore the fathers to the sons and the sons to the fathers’ Malachi chapter 4.

Isaiah said ‘I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness- prepare ye the way of the Lord’.

John was the fulfillment of these prophecies.

One time the people came to Jesus and he asked them ‘what did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind- or someone dressed in expensive clothes?’

No- you went to see a prophet- and I tell you- more than a prophet.

For this is he of whom the prophets spake [above].

Then Jesus says something kinda strange- he says ‘I tell you- of all that are born of women- there has not been a greater than John the Baptist- but he that is LEAST IN THE KINGDOM  is greater than he’.

Over the years I have heard various takes on this- most say that Jesus was saying that even the ‘least’ in the new church age- the Born Again Christian- is greater than the greatest of the Old age [Law].


But I like this interpretation the best.

Jesus often spoke about himself in the 3rd person ‘for God so loved the world that he gave his only Son’.

Maybe Jesus was really saying ‘he that is least [himself] is greater than John’.

Jesus spoke about the smallest of seeds falling into the ground and dying- then later it becomes the greatest tree.

He said this about faith- about Gods kingdom- and also about himself.

‘Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die- it abideth alone- but if it dies it will bring forth much fruit’ [John’s gospel].

Jesus was the ‘least among men’ that is- he gave up his glory- his position with the Father and became a man and humbled himself unto the death of the Cross.

Because of this God raised him up and seated him at his own right hand in glory.

Jesus was [is] greater than John- yet John was up there on the charts.

John was- in a way- a Whistle Blower- he revealed the secrets of men.

The thing that got John killed was his preaching against corrupt leadership.

He said ‘Herod- you snake- you have your brother’s wife- and its wrong!’

One day Herod had a party [he was the puppet king that ruled the Jewish region of the Roman Empire].

And Herod's daughter in law danced for the king.

Herod was struck ‘I'll give you anything honey- up to the half of my kingdom’.

 The mother says ‘ask him for the head of John the Baptist’.

Yeah- the wife got tired of John’s whistle blowing- and John lot his head over the thing.

Today congress votes on Holder- also the Supreme Court will rule on Obama Care.

Both sides have all the reasons why they are right- and the other guys wrong.

Lets agree on one thing- let’s not blame the messenger- the guys at the bottom who were ordered to do these things- they risked their lives and careers in revealing the program- because they were good guys not bad.

Yeah- the least- the small seeds- these are the valuable ones.

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Yesterday morning I caught NPR radio news.

They were talking about the presidential campaign- and how the Repubs are using the accusation that Obama was/is part of the corrupt political machine that has existed in Chicago for decades.

In Chicago politics- just like where I grew up [N.J.] you had a lot of illegal- strong arm type stuff going on.

If you felt it was to your advantage- you would ruin a person’s life- or hurt them- just to make an example.

Now- the NPR show was discussing this- and a woman reporter said that Obama was not really a part of the corrupt ‘machine’ of Chicago.

Then- an older male reporter- I recognize the voice but don’t know his name- said ‘I am going to have to disagree with you’.

I was surprised- you normally don’t hear it that blatantly.

Then he went down the list and actually covered a brief history of Obama’s time in Chicago politics.

He seemed like he knew his stuff.

He brought out the fact that the machine was made up of men like former mayor Bill Daly- and Rahm Emanuel.

The Daly family was an institution in Chicago politics- and they were ‘the machine’.

Of course we all know that Daly actually went to work for Obama in Washington- and Rahm Emanuel was his first chief of staff- Daly eventually replaced him.

The reporter also brought out the fact that Obama was the man that the corrupt machine backed in Chicago.

He ran against another prominent Black leader- Bobby Rush.

The Black community backed Rush- the machine backed Obama- Rush won.

It was simply a short lesson that contradicted the false media narrative that somehow Obama was connected to all these guys- but was never really ‘a part’.

The reason I bring this up is if you realize this- then you might not be surprised that the president has indeed crossed the line- many times.

One of the reasons that many believe the president is behind all the leaking of national security info these last few months is because of the way he ‘shut down’ all unauthorized leaks in the first couple of years of being in office.

How so?

Now- this is where you need to ‘see’ the Chicago machine.

In all administrations- you have leaks.

Some hurt you- some help [actually Obama’s recent leaks have helped him].

But- you did have some the first 2 years that were real leaks- leaks that people usually believe will bring sunlight into a corrupt- or wrong practice.

How do presidents deal with them?

It’s their choice- it ranges from letting the person off the hook- called forgiveness.

To firing the person.

And in rare occasions- you press federal charges against the leaker.

For instance- the Watergate ‘scandal’ and other exposes' were the result of leaks- most liberals thought it good.

Okay- in the first 2- 2.5 years- president Obama has sought to try- imprison- and yes- execute leakers.

This is no joke.

President Obama has used the strictest federal law to go after leakers- the Espionage Act [usually used on real spies] and he has used it 6 times.

‘Okay John- what about other presidents- have they used this act’.

Sure- 3 times- total.


Yeah- all former presidents of the U.S. - combined- have only used the act 3 times to go after people like this.

This is amazing- this is astounding- this is the Chicago machine- but you don’t see it.

One case I heard/read was an outstanding man [maybe a Dem?] who was also a university professor.

So- in the long tradition of men who leak- and take the risk of maybe getting fired- he did what he felt was right and leaked something about some program, that he felt was unjust.

Okay- he took the risk- if worse comes to worse he might get fired- from Washington- and go back to work at the university.

What happened?

Obama pressed the highest charges against the man [the Espionage Act] and put him away- if I remember- for life.

Yes- he sent the man to prison.

The man’s wife and kids [he had 2 daughters in school] begged the govt. To ‘please not do this- please just treat us- like say- BUSH’.

The family has been ruined.

The man is in prison- divorced- his kid’s lives are ruined.

Now- this is one case of 6.

In another case- a ‘gay leaker’ at that- the president- thru Holder- raised the offense to the level of an executable crime.


Are you kidding me John- I have never heard this.

I know- the media don’t like telling you this.

Yes- to the shock of many- even many inside military men- the president raised the charge on this gay soldier to a charge that would merit execution.

Unbelievable- never- ever- in the history of the country has a leaker been charged like this.

When you use the Espionage act- it’s usually used for real spies- not for leakers.

Even one of our countries worst spies- Jonathan Pollard- who spied for Israel- against us- even he did not get the Ax.

Yet- Obama has sought to charge this soldier with this type of crime.

It should be noted- that Holder said ‘even though we are seeking this charge- we probably will not ask for execution’.

Gee- what a nice guy.

I remember an instance when some person- an insider- stole- and leaked info on Bush.

When they caught the person- Bush simply forgave the person.

I am telling you these stories because the average American has no idea that the president has operated like this- this is the most ‘strong arm’ presidency in the history of the nation.

I mean the death penalty- for things that others simply lost their jobs over- if that.

You see- when the lady NPR reporter said ‘no- even though Obama was in tight with all these Chicago guys- he does not play their game’.

The older male reporter corrected her- he does play the game- a lot better than most people realize.

[One last note- many reporters- who were really Obama supporters at the start have seen this- and they will tell you that it is impossible to get real leaks anymore about anything.  These insiders see the volume of recent leaks about national security stuff and they know these are being done behind the scenes with the full permission of Obama- I mean after the first 2 years- who in their right mind would leak anything without the permission of the White House?]

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The Supreme Court came out with a few rulings yesterday- the big one was their decision about the Arizona Immigration law.

Most of you know that the governor [Jan Brewer] has been fighting with the Justice Dept. [Holder] over their stringent immigration laws.

Arizona- like other border sates- has had a problem with illegal aliens for some time.

So- they passed new state laws that made it tougher if you were an alien in the state.

If you applied for a job- and you were an illegal- you would get arrested.

If you got stopped by the cops- they could ask you for your papers.

A couple of other things that went beyond the federal law.

So- Eric Holder [attorney General] did what he does best- he sued Arizona.

 [As a side note- this is not a joke- he has sued states/cities ever since coming into office. He just threatened to sue the Fire Dept. here in Corpus Christi. They settled for hundreds of thousands of bucks- why?

 We were ‘discriminating’ against women.


Some of them could not pass the physical exam- you had to do things like pull a dummy- the weight of a person- to show that if you were in a fire you would be able to rescue either your partner or a victim.

Many times women would fail this part of the test.

Okay- so some depts. changed the test.

But lots of women do- by nature- have a hard time passing this requirement.

If you ‘dumb’ down this part of the test- you are putting people’s lives at risk- both the woman as well as those she would need to rescue.

Holder threatened to sue- Corpus settled.

He also sued 2 north eastern depts. a couple of years back.

He said they were not hiring enough Blacks- he told them to change the exam.

They spent about a million bucks redoing their exam.

Some Black applicants failed.

He then ordered the dept. to lower the passing score to 60.

Finally- the BLACK firefighters union said ‘ENOUGH- YOUR GOING TO GET US ALL KILLED HERE- Blacks and Whites!’

So- Holder does have a penchant on suing cities/states when he perceives a racial issue.]

What did the court do?

They struck down some of Arizona’s law- but upheld the most controversial part- the cops can still ask for your papers at a stop.

I found it interesting that Justice Kennedy- who wrote the majority decision- seemed to side somewhat with the more liberal argument.

One thing he mentioned was when dealing with illegal immigrants- we need to keep in mind that we are dealing with people.

I know this seems obvious- but when issues become politicized- we have a tendency to forget this.

I live in an area where over the years I have seen lots of Illegal’s coming thru.

The Fire Dept. that I worked at had calls where illegal’s would accidentally start a brush fire- they maybe had a camp under a bridge and lit a fire to stay warm- stuff like that.

I had friends- Mexicans- whose families gave them food and water when they saw them in the fields.

The point is- the immigration problem is a real problem- and it is true that all countries need to be able to control their borders and have a system of legal immigration.

At the same time- we need to also look at the person issue- the above verse was a reminder to the Jewish people that they too were illegal at one time- when they were staying in Egypt.

In all these debates- we tend to forget that we are all ‘aliens’ in a sense- our country is made up of immigrants [the American Indian is the only group that can claim non immigrant status].

I personally have a problem with the amount of lawsuits that Holder has launched against the states.

He is suing Florida over their voter registration ‘purge’.

The governor- Rick Scott- has made an attempt to get non citizens off the voter rolls.

Okay- should we be letting non citizens vote?

Of course not.

Then why is Holder suing?

He sees [like others] this as a racially motivated purge.

He argues that what Florida is really trying to do is get the minorities to not vote.

Okay- the governor simply asked the justice dept. to give them a list of non citizens- those they know to be illegal.

Holder refused.

Why does Holder- and others think that Scott is anti minority?

Because after they checked the data base- the majority of those who were non citizens were indeed minorities.

So- according to Holder- this is racist.

But who else would be on a ‘non citizen’ list?

I mean do we have a massive migration of say- polish folk who are washing up on our shores?

Not yet- unless this E.U. thing gets out of hand.

So- if you are ‘purging’ the voter list of people who are not citizens- by its very nature you are going to get more minorities on the list.

Yet Holder sees this as racist.

So- both sides need to be honest- and fair.

The Right side of the aisle needs to keep in mind the above verse- that in the end we are all aliens- yes- our grandparents came legally and it’s not the same as those who are coming illegally- I hear that- but we are still dealing with humans [Kennedy].

And the left- if Holder keeps suing fire dept’s- and thinks that his role in life is to use the justice dept to accomplish some type of political agenda- then I think the words of my fellow Black firefighter should be kept in mind.

If you keep this up- ‘your going to get us all killed’.

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Let’s recap the week’s news.

The lines are drawn- the pres has asserted Executive Privilege- for the first time.

And Pelosi has come out and accused the Repubs of outright racism.

Chris Matthews- the most dangerous man alive [sorry Ken Shamrock] has also jumped on the bandwagon.

He had on 2 Black Dems and said those who want Holder to release the documents on fast and Furious are racists.

The other week Matthews was defending the right of Asian Americans to abort their baby girls because they preferred a boy.

Yes- he took the other side when the Repubs wanted to outlaw sex selection abortions.

Now- he claimed he was not for it- but argued against the passage of the law- because he said it was only a problem in the Asian community.

So- he thought ‘why outlaw it- only Asian girls are dying’.

This is the same guy who sees racism in the Holder affair.

About a month ago I said to myself ‘let's see how long it will be before the media begin re running the Watergate movie nonstop’.

To my surprise- not only are they running the movie- but all the major networks have come out in full regalia- ‘celebrating’ the 40th anniversary of Watergate.

I also read an article the other day- some Texas professor wrote Holder- demanding the release of the other documents from Watergate.

Holder responded in a way that sounded like ‘there is no longer any good reason to continue the cover up of Watergate- by golly- the truth must show!’

Let’s see- did we celebrate the 20th- 30th anniversary?


Do you normally celebrate the 40th anniversary- of anything?


Your normally have a big bash on the 25th- and 50th.

But the media have actual real time scandals- the cover up of the murder of 300 hundred Mexican citizens- and at least one border patrol agent.

The Solyndra scandal that revealed that the presidents own men [All the Presidents men?] actually told him- in a memo- that what he was about to do looked illegal.

This was said- in a memo- by his own men.

What he did was changed the loan to Solyndra- in order for his top fundraiser- who put money in the company- to get paid back first if the company went bust.

This loan change was not done for any other person/company- only for the loan that his top fundraiser made.

When this was first revealed- a mainline news reporter [Sharyl Atkinson] who broke the story said it looked like this might bring the presidency down.


This was all revealed on a Friday- after months of denying any involvement in the scandal.

For it to be revealed that your own people thought what you did was illegal [not just knowing about an illegal act- Wateragte- but actually doing it!] and you did it anyway.

And you did it for your friend- against the actual law that regulates the loan- which said you can’t do this.

Well- even a mainline reporter thought it as bad- or worse than Watergate.

What happened John- Nothing.

The media simply kept silent.

Now- in the current scandal- you know- the ‘race haters’

In this scandal- when congress asked the Justice Dept. if they had any knowledge about the Fast and Furious program- they sent a letter to congress denying involvement/knowledge.

This was the beginning of 2011.

Now- when you go on record like that- the investigating team usually drops the case- because you would be lying to congress at that point.

Holder left the letter out there for most of the year- claiming they had no knowledge of the program.

When congress continued digging- Holder pulled the letter back.


Because they did indeed know about the program- this in itself is enough for a resignation- this in itself is a Watergate.

Congress just tried Roger Clemens- twice- for lying to congress.

I’m glad he got off- they found him not guilty.

Did he lie John- and use steroids?


But for this crew to be trying people for lying- well that’s laughable.

So- Holder basically already admitted that he lied- whether he knew it or not at the time we don’t know- but we do know they said- for around 9 months ‘we had no knowledge of the program’.

Then he pulled the letter back.

At the least- we need to know what changed- who was lying- why?

The parents of the dead agent- Terry- went on the news this week- they too think Holder and Obama are covering up- by all accounts- it does look like they are covering up.

Are the parents racists?

According to Pelosi and MSNBC- yes.

We have very real scandals- things that rise- easily- to the level of Watergate.

Watergate was the cover up of a botched break in of a political office in a hotel- the name of the hotel was Watergate.

The cover up of fast and furious involves the murder of at least 300 Mexican citizens [the Mexican govt. by the way does not see this as a joke- they are outraged over this].

And the murder of an American law enforcement officer.

The Solyndra scandal was presidential involvement [not just knowledge!] to change a loan- illegally- even said to be illegal by the president’s own people- in writing!

He changed the law so his number one fundraiser would not loose money- and he denied it- until he was caught.

These lies- these scandals- they outrank Watergate- I said it at the time- but the media tried their hardest to make these things look like nothing.

I’ll end with one last ‘lie’.

This week I read some of the Leaks that are believed to have come from this White House.

These are the leaks of all the classified intelligence info that outed Israel- got the Pakistani doctor put in prison for 35 years- you know- no big deal.

When I looked at the leaks- I mean they were laughable in the way they were made to portray the president in a favorable light.

Most leaks are simply info coming out- lots of time from good men who see wrong things and are trying to expose the corruption.

We call these people Whistle Blowers.

But as I reread some of the recent leaks- I mean they are saying things like ‘As the president sat there in his chair- debating on which terrorist to kill next- he contemplated his recent study of Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas Aquinas- and he acted with righteous indignation’.


St. Thomas and Augustine.

I mean these are 2 of my favorite Catholic scholars.

Augustine- the 4/5th century Bishop of North Africa- and Thomas- the great 13th century Doctor Angelicas [Angelic Doctor].

Yes- these are some big players in Theology and Philosophy.

So why have the media reported that the pres used them in his war strategy?

They are also famous for the development of the Just war Theory.

Yeah- people for centuries have appealed to these great thinkers in their justification for war.

But Obama- how does he find the time to read these guys?

I mean- unless their names are on the golf balls [he just played his 100th round!]

I don’t see him having time to read them.

So why mention it?

Because he fumbled the ball with our Catholic friends [who just began a 2 week prayer and fast against the repression of religious liberty- because of the presidents demands that they provide birth control thru their institutions].

And he needs to make amends- so lo and behold- he loves reading the Catholic scholars!

If you put all this together- the ongoing scandals- not just one.

The actual lies- the ones they have been caught in- on paper.

I mean even a mainline reporter could not believe that the revealing of this was ‘no big deal’.

And now- the fact that the pres came out the other day and addressed the nation ‘me and my Whitehouse have not released any CLASSIFIED information’.

‘It’s an insult to think this’.

Then- one week later- on Friday- they sent a letter to congress- declassifying the drone war
in Yemen.

They were basically saying ‘yeah- we were behind the releasing of all the info- it’s just we ‘declassified it’ first’.

He is going to say when he released the info- his office first ‘declassified it’.

But when he addressed you- and me- he was outraged- he made it sound like he was not aware of the leaks.

And 99 % of the public took it this way.

Look- when you get caught doing this- over and over and over- I mean this is not a one time affair.

Then it does make the public wonder about everything else.

And when the public asks for answers- and you respond by playing the race card- then it’s time for some people to resign.

Holder needs to go.

Whoever else has lied about their involvement also needs to go.

And if Nixon had to go because he lied about his knowledge about a 2 bit break in- then what about the possible cover up of your knowledge about the murder of a U.S. border patrol agent and at least 300 Mexican men, women and children.

But wait- I forgot- we don’t have time to cover these present scandals- no- we are covering the golden [or brass?] 40th year anniversary of Watergate.

Drink up.

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I wasn’t sure how to close up this week- I know how much you guys like it when I do politics! [note- every now and then I drop a joke or 2 in- I realized once that everybody does not know when it’s a joke- but if you have to say each time ‘here I kid’ it kinda ruins the thing].

I did go to the mission yesterday- and Dirk- my homeless friend that I gave a lecture to on the ‘proofs for the existence of God’ [he was kind of going off the other day on how everyone believes what they hear- that there is no real way to know who is right- so I covered the history of apologetics and the proofs for the existence of God- I kinda blasted the guys for about 15 minutes- and wasn’t sure they were following].

So when I see Dirk- the first thing he shows me is this book on Bertrand Russell- the famous British philosopher- I wrote about him when I was doing the study on philosophy.

Dirk was kind of repentant- he must of took my ‘speech’ to heart- and he told me he was going to put more of an effort into researching stuff.

Now- it was a surprise to see my homeless buddy running around with a Russell book- but I got the hint that he did get something from my talk and wanted me to know he was trying.

By the way- being he showed me the book- I encouraged him to read it- but had to let Dirk know that Russell was a very influential 20th century British philosopher- he was famous because he was a public protestor against the use of nuclear weapons.

But in the field of thought he became an Agnostic.

He was raised as a believer- but at a young age he read a book from another famous thinker- John Stuart Mill.

Mill wrote about what we have been discussing these last few days- the law of Cause and Effect- and how things came into being.

Mill said ‘if everything has to have a cause- then why not God? Who caused God?’

Now- Mill wasn’t the first thinker to pose the question- but Russell became influenced by this idea and espoused it for the rest of his life.

The problem?

Though both of these men were smart- they stumbled over this misconception.

The law of Cause and Effect [also referred to as causality] does not say EVERYTHING has a cause.

It states that all EFFECTS have a cause.

In essence- it’s within the realm of logic to espouse an infinite- causeless being.

Now- some might say this is ‘illogical’ but using the laws of logic [like we covered the last few days].

In the end- the only logical explanation for all things is an infinite being.

Anyway- don’t want to re hash the whole thing again- just thought it interesting that Dirk was reading Russell’s book.

Even though there are a lot of news events that could be covered today- lets finish with a few ‘religious’ things.

I have a verse here [about 200!] hanging on my wall- it’s from Isaiah [I think? I write them down and hang them up- but I don’t write the reference].

It says ‘do these things- and when others read about them- this will be a witness to them’.

There are others along this line that I have come across these last few years.

I started working with the homeless in 1992- with guys that were on drugs- ex-cons- before that.

I never told any of these stories until a few years back.

I started the blog in 2006- Facebook a couple of years later.

I felt that it was part of the ‘next step’- that is doing ministry- that the Lord wanted me to get into.

So- even though I did not even have email until 2006- or even get online until that time- I did my best to put together the blog [amateurish as it is] and start the process.

Now- over the years- as a student of religion, philosophy, ecclesiology [church]- I have written a lot about what it means to ‘do church’ or ‘be church’.

In Christian circles this has been hotly debated in recent years.

Many in the House Church movement have written- and debated with those who are more into the Traditional type churches.

There are many Protestants who have all types of ways they see ‘church’.

In its most basic form- the best definition that I have been able to come up with- is Church is a community.

It’s a worldwide community of those who confess Christ [the universal church].

And it’s a local community of those who follow him.

If you read the gospels- Jesus and his disciples are a good picture of the church.

Now- many will say ‘No John- the church was not formed until Acts chapter 2’.

Okay- I hear that.

I see the whole thing.

But- as community- it’s a mistake- in my view- to dismiss the gospels as ‘pre church’.

I don’t want to get into a theological debate- because I’m not even sure how many are following right now.

But- the point is- if we actually read the things that Jesus told us to do [sounds simple enough].

  We would end up doing a lot of the things that most of us call ‘prison ministry’ or ‘street ministry’ or ‘outreach ministry’.

In actuality- these things are a main function of being a community.

So- over the years- because many of us associate church with the meeting [or the building].  We have a tendency to shift the focus from community- to the corporate entity.

Years ago I filed the corporation papers for our ‘church’.

Instead of paying a lawyer- I got a self help book- ‘how to incorporate your church’ and filed.

It was no big deal.

But I realized how we confuse the actual corporate laws of a state- they have ways they recognize what they call ‘a local church’.

And what the bible actually teaches.

In the bible- the church is a community of people- much like Jesus and the disciples going thru the towns- preaching- healing- helping others.

Yet- much of the focus of modern ‘church’ is the corporation ‘how much do we need this month? How many members do we need each month to tithe- and cover the vision of the church’.

Much of the focus- and effort- is spent on raising money for the corporation.

People are ‘challenged’ to sacrifice for Gods work- but the challenge is often seen thru the lens of ‘give till it hurts’.

Look- I’m not against giving- I give lots of money away.

But when you have the majority of church goers- who mean well- when they begin seeing their sacrifice mainly thru a paradigm of giving more money to a corporation- then this blinds them to the majority of teaching in the New Testament that calls us into the world- in real ways- to be the ‘actors’ [ones who act- function- not just give money so others can act/function on our behalf].

That is- the primary responsibility of the believer is not simply to go to church on Sunday [though this is a good thing].

Or to tithe to the ‘church’.

But to be active in helping one another- to be giving our lives away for other people.

This is the heart of the whole New Testament.

So- my purpose in telling these stories the last few years was simply to show one example [out of many- there are many Christians who do see the stuff I just showed you] So these things could be ‘the wisdom’ that the example of people seeing what it means to ‘be church’ might lead others to a ‘more better way’ [Hebrews.]

So- I’ll end the week with the example of my homeless buddy reading the writings of a 20th century British philosopher.

The politics will have to wait- yeah- I know your sad.

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I want to try and cover a little more on Apologetics- but just a few notes.

Yesterday my favorite news channel [you know I’m joking?] MSNBC once again showed why they have the lowest ratings around.

Lawrence O’Donnell- he did a report on Ann Romney's disease- she has M.S.

In the report he questioned her use of trained horses as a recommended therapy for her sickness.

By the way- a Cali news paper did the same thing a few weeks back.

For those who don’t know- some in the media mocked Ann Romney because she works with these ‘dancing horses’.

Yeah- it’s not what the average person does- and that’s exactly why they think its fine to mock the lady.

So last night O’Donnell said that he had his team investigate whether or not this is an actual treatment for M.S.  He then quoted some report- that it’s not in the top 10.


Well of course you would not recommend the average M.S. person to go out and by dancing horses at the rate of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I mean this is common sense.

But if you have the money- working with horses is indeed a legitimate treatment for all types of motor skill injuries/diseases.

The shameful thing is this network deems this as a legitimate story.

When Michele Obama got caught in disguise a few weeks ago- to be honest- this was very sad.


She went shopping- against the warnings of the secret service- and against the wishes of the president himself [you can’t do stuff like this- an unplanned shopping trip into town].

But there have been lots of reliable reports that Michele Obama has had a very hard time adjusting to being the wife of a president.

She initially wanted to stay in Chicago with her 2 girls- and simply travel back and forth to D.C. every few weeks/months.

Obviously this would look bad- so the president convinced her to live with him.

Now- when I heard/saw the story that she actually put on a disguise and went shopping- against the strong recommendations of the pres and the secret service- I knew there were real problems.

I did not rejoice over it- I pray- by name- for him and his family every Monday and Friday [those are the days I use for regular prayer intercession- I pray every day- but those days I mention world leaders].

Okay- if this happened to Sarah Palin- or any other top political figure from the other side- you would have had the late night comedians dressing up in masks.

You would have had MSNBC and the shameful crew laughing nonstop.

I mean an incident like this- is fodder for the ‘press’.

Yet I never heard one story like this- I simply saw the hard news story on it- and that was it.

Now- I’m sure the White House prepared- braced themselves for the jokes- none came.

I think it’s shameful for MSNBC [and the Cali paper] to have actually investigated the recommended treatment that Ann Romney uses.

They went- in detail- on how much insurance she holds on each horse- they mocked the fact that she used a lot of money to work with the horses- I mean they investigated her more than Obama- I mean the press never even read his autobiography!

When the media celebrated that 20,000 pages of Sarah Palin’s emails were released [many emails that were between her and her daughters- things that you would not want released].

They actually tried to recruit the public to ‘go thru them and see what you can find’.

Yes- at least one news paper asked this of their on line readers.

What did they find?

Absolutely nothing.

It was a shame that they did this.

They released- and put on line- emails that they did not even read yet.

Say if there was one that said her daughter had some type of sexually transmitted disease- the public would have know this- and it would have been out there for the world to see.

Yet the same paper- the N.Y. Times- did not release the emails about the scam that some global warming guys perpetrated.

These emails showed that some of them [not all!] actually rigged the data to make it look worse than it really was.

The Times said they would not report- or reveal- these emails- because- quote ‘the original writer did not intend them to be made public’.

Too bad they never gave the same courtesy to Sarah and her kids.

Right now- as I speak- the attorney general of the U.S. - Eric Holder- is ‘holding’ on to around 70,000 pages of emails and other info that would show us who was responsible for the program that resulted in the death- and cover up- of a U.S. border patrol agent.

Holder has released around 20,000 pages- and he’s trying to ‘bargain’ make a deal ‘how bout I give you so many more- and then you wont ask for the rest’?

Who are you bargaining for?

Why are you even trying to make a deal?

We are asking- we- the American people- are asking ‘who in the heck is responsible for the murder of agent Terry’?

No deals- no bargains- if the media rejoiced that the American public read everything about Palin and her family- email’s that spoke about family problems- the whole thing ‘we have the right to know!’

Then what about the right to finally find out who is responsible for the dearth of Terry?

The problem with politics- and the way we side with either side- is we begin rooting for things that are wrong.

Yesterday I posted about how our action in Libya has caused the Black people of Libya to be persecuted against.

Yet there are many supporters of Obama- who will not report this story.

These people are complicit by their silence- yet they claim to be on the side of the Black people.

I had a talk a few weeks back with a liberal friend.

It was during the time of the debate over Planned Parenthood.

I explained to my friend that the founder of Planned Parenthood- Margaret Sanger- was an extreme racist.

I wrote on this a while back- and even posted the on line info on her [you can Google her name and it shows up on the first page].

Sanger observed the Black race in major cities- and came to the conclusion that the Black race were like rodents- that the more they increased- the more they would be a drain on white society.

She looked at the Blacks in N.Y. and said if they keep ‘breeding’ they will eventually overburden the welfare system.

She wrote- using this language- in many of her published papers.

She said it was obvious that the Black race were an inferior race- who could not compete with the more enlightened White race- and that we need to find ways to eliminate the Race.

Okay- the first clinic opened in N.Y. - with the intent on cutting back on this ‘breeding race of rodents’ [her language- not mine].

Today- Planned Parenthood is the number one provider of abortion in the country- and Blacks make up their biggest client base.

Now- this is simple fact.

I am not saying that all the current workers know this- I’m sure they don't.

But when I revealed this to my liberal friend- the racist language and all- my friend tried to defend the woman by saying stuff like ‘well I’m sure she meant well- but maybe used unfortunate language’.

You see- we are so joined to either party- to either side- that when a real injustice is done- we will even defend ‘our side’ even if that means defending a true racist.

Do I think its ‘funny’ that Ann Romney does the silly dancing horse thing?

Not really- I don't think anything she does in her private life- unless its illegal- should be a platform for some immoral reporter like O’Donnell to shamelessly broadcast to the world.

To question whether or not her horse thing is a ‘recommended treatment’ for her disease.

If the media- and the comics- were able to ‘overlook’ Michele’s shopping trip- incognito- then let’s leave Ann alone.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.


I was going to post this morning on ‘secondary causes’.

That in nature- and the created world- there are what we call secondary causes.

That means God does not ‘create’ everything you see- as he did the original creation.

We see trees- plants- fish- even humans- and even though it is proper for us to refer to these as Gods creation- yet we can also examine the natural process of reproduction- seeds falling to the ground- and even ‘test tube’ babies- and this is still a creation from God [man can’t duplicate life- even in the lab] yet- these creations are not direct- as the original creation.

Anyway- maybe I’ll do this tomorrow.

What I want to do today is simply re hash some of the posts from the last year.

The other day when I checked my site [Face Book] I had a few comments about my political posts.

At the time I did not realize I knew the person.

She is a good friend who was an original church member form the church I started years ago in Kingsville.

I did feel bad a little- that I responded to the comments- not in a bad way- but without first saying hi.

Then after thinking ‘geez- this name sounds familiar’ I realized it was my friend.

Actually – she does have a good story to tell.

Janie met her husband- Emit [or Emmet? I never knew the correct spelling] at our little church.

Emit was one of the first ‘drug addicts’ that joined our church.

He was a friend of Elias [another addict I met while preaching at the jail] and our little home church was made up of these families.

Anyway- Emit- and Aunt Bee- the aunt who raised Emit- and Emits son [Emit Jr.] were all church members.

Emit Jr’s wife- Veronica- and her mom- Yolanda- all came too- I mean Kingsville is a small town- and after a while you meet the whole crew.

I was happy to see Janie and Emit meet- and later marry.

I would visit her and the boys [she has lots of boys- and a sweet daughter- Rhonda].

I knew these kids when they were young- I’m sure they look different today.

Janie and Emit and the family made a nice family.

Then one day I heard Emit died.

As far as I knew Emit was clean- not on drugs anymore.

And his son told me his dad died because his liver was bad- after all the past years of drugs.

I don’t know the whole story- but this was what his son told me.

By the way- Emit Jr still keeps in contact with me till this day.

So- before I get into the political debate- I wanted to tell the story of Janie and her family- it really is a good story to tell.

Okay- in some of the comments- it’s hard to re-tell all the posts I did last year- and the comment section on Face Book is too small to really do it justice.

One of the debates was over whether or not Gadhaffi slaughtered his people.

Did we [Obama] intervene in Libya because the leader was slaughtering his people?

I disagreed- and this is the reason why.

There was an ongoing policy debate within the administration [the president’s team].

There were some on one side- Susan Rice, Samantha Powers- and the other side was pretty much made up of the defense secretary and the military folk.

I remember reading/hearing about this particular debate- because some in the media made it sound like ‘the women’ won over the men.

Basically the debate was ‘should we- the U.S. - and the Obama presidency- should we set a new precedent that says- we will use military force- BEFORE a slaughter takes place’.

What you had in Libya was a very public ‘civil’ unrest.

90% of the population lives right off the Mediterranean coast- in the West you had the capitol city- Tripoli.

In the east the main city was Benghazi.

The rebels from the east rose up against Tripoli.

Gadhaffi and his men were attacked by the east- they made it all the way up until the western stronghold of Tripoli.

[Note- these guys raped- killed- and committed ‘crimes against humanity’ on the way- that’s a  fact]

After a few weeks of fighting- Gadhaffi re grouped and began his trek east- and wound up at the gates of Benghazi.

Okay- was there a slaughter that took place?

No.  It was GOING TO TAKE PLACE- at least that’s what the threat seemed to be.

Gadhaffi was saying- very publicly- that he would go in and go from house to house and get all those who are siding with the rebels.

Some think this was just a threat- that he wanted the city to abandon the rebels cause- and this was simply bravado.

Anyway- on both sides- there was killing- but no slaughter [slaughter is what took place in Rwanda- a million dead].

President Obama and his team admit this- this was their argument ‘we acted first- before the slaughter took place’.

Now- I don’t want to re hash the whole thing- nor do I think it profitable to get into debates like this- with my friends.

It’s just some of the comments said I basically was an idiot and had no idea what I was saying- and I felt like I needed to respond.

I actually am on the side of Obama right now- in his decision to not act in Syria.

There are those calling for military intervention- but we [the U.S.] have intervened too much already- very rarely does military force do the job.

In Libya- before we acted- people living in Tripoli had a good life.

I used to see actual documentaries on the open markets of the city- venders selling olives and fish and all the wonderful produce form the Mediterranean region.

You had doctors and professors- kids going to school- you went to the hospital- just like here in the U.S.

After the killing of Gadhaffi- that city is ruined.

If you take your kid to the hospital now- there are opposing militia groups [terrorists] who walk through the hospital- carrying guns.

They are all saying ‘we are in charge- no- we are’.

I heard this from an interview from a doctor- it was on NPR radio- a very reliable news source.

The non Black leaders that were from the east- the group we sided with- they have taken the Black women and children and have made them- well- slaves.

The leaders we backed- they hate Blacks- with a passion.

I explained why this is in the past- basically Gadhaffi loved the Black skinned Africans. So the ‘friend of my enemy is my enemy’.

There are many reports that these wonderful Black people- I mean some were doctors and school teachers- you need to see how bad this is.

These Black people are now actually doing slave labor- they have them cleaning up the streets and working as slaves- these are reports I heard from multiple reliable sources.

I mean how would you feel if the U.S. came to your city- and your Black kids were used like this?

Taken out of school- their future gone- their dads castrated.

This has been going after the death of Gadhaffi.

How can anyone think this is good- that we helped these people?

Libya- Egypt- and yes- Iraq- they are all worse off than before.

This debate is not about whether or not someone’s favorite president did better than the other president.

It’s about U.S. intervention- it’s about the use of force.

 It’s about the plight of the Blacks in Libya.

No- Obama did not go in because Gadhaffi was slaughtering his people- he went in to prevent what he said would be a slaughter.

Either way- we ruined that country- for good.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.


First we need to take care of some unfinished business.

Yes- I’ll admit- yesterday’s prediction failed.

The post warned of a possible sell off in the market [I guessed around 100 or so points- nothing real big].

But- the market went up around 100.

If I have learned anything in life- it’s when you blow it you need to fess up-  come clean- in Christian lingo ‘confess your sins one to another- so you will be healed’ [James].

So- to all who read this site- I have one thing to say.

My account was hacked [Anthony Weiner?]

Okay- let’s move on.

Actually- most of everything I posted was [is] still true.

I don’t want to do another whole post on economics- but some analysts think the market went up- not because we had good news [yesterday stats showed factory orders were down in May from the previous month] but because we had bad.

Like I wrote- if investors think things are bad- that makes them think the Fed will act [put more money into the system] and Walla- the Dow goes up.

There are a few other things too- like the Greek vote on Sunday [whether or not they will stay in the Euro] but overall I still stick to my post- absent that one line that was hacked!

Okay- did we have any other ‘big’ news yesterday?

There were a few things- some ‘bigger’ than the media [or the administration] would like us to know.

The president did a funny thing yesterday- he sent a letter to congress saying he ‘declassified’ info about our terror [drone] campaign in Yemen.

This is the first time he did this [as far as we know?] since he’s been in office.

Why does this really look suspicious?

His administration is under criticism right now- it looks like they have indeed been ‘leaking’ these stories to the press.

The whole recent scandal of national security leaks.

Of course he has denied it.

But- if he [and his political people] were behind it- then they obviously had a strategy about how much would come out each month.

This ‘late Friday’ release- seems to go along with this theory- it looks funny to me.

The president also did his ‘kinda’ executive order- by giving some type of cover to some illegal aliens.

For the record- I’m liberal when it comes to this subject [for those who think I’m too far right!]

I want for our nation to work out some type of deal for the kids of illegal’s- who were young when they came to the country- who are in school- basically grew up just like you and me- I don’t want these kids to be afraid of getting sent back.

I also realize the need to have some type of border enforcement- I just want to say I’m not against the principle that that the Pres laid out.

Of course it was politically timed- I mean you’re in office for 3.5 years- and now you do it.

In actuality there really is more ‘politics’ to it than meets the eye.

When the president’s real plan for immigration was shot down- The Freedom Act- he simply blamed it on the Repubs.

But something unsuspected happened.

Marco Rubio [the Cuban American Republican from Florida- possible V.P. pick for Romney] began working on a Repub plan to allow the minor kids of illegal’s to stay in the country.

The same basic thing that Obama wanted to do.

Okay- to the surprise of some- he seems to have convinced enough fellow Repubs to sign on.

Now- the part you don’t see is this.

What the Pres did- and the other Democrats- was they saw how bad it would look if the Repubs actually passed a law that favored immigrants- that if Rubio succeeds- than it will look like they did something Obama was not able to do- pass immigration reform.

So behind the scenes Obama and the Dems have been telling fellow Dems ‘don’t agree with Rubio!’

Some have jumped ship and simply said ‘look- we want reform- we [the Dems] had total control of the govt. for the first 2 years- you [our leader- Obama] spent all your capital on health care- so we don’t care if it’s Rubio- we simply want TO HELP THE KIDS AND GET THE REFORM DONE’.

Okay- that sounds principled to me.

So- Obama realized he was gonna look bad if the Rubio thing goes thru- and he came out- after 3 and a half years- and said ‘I must act now’.

He pulled the rug out from Rubio [which in reality hurt the long term solution- which would have been much better for the Hispanic kids].

And gave an ‘order’ to Janet Napolitano [the lady that oversees the immigration laws] and said ‘put a 2 year hold on deporting the kids of Immigrants’.

Now- there’s more to it- but this is the short story.

It really would have been better to just let the Rubio idea pass- because the new plan from the Pres still leaves the kids in limbo- they simply get 2 years to not get deported.

That’s politics.

Okay- lets end the week with a few verses.

I have been reading Isaiah chapters 26- 30.

Some notable verses ‘your dead sons will arise- together with MY DEAD BODY shall they arise’.

This week the more historic/traditional churches celebrated the Eucharist [communion- the actual term means Thanksgiving].

This past Sunday was a church memorial that always sticks in my mind each year it comes up.

It’s a special day that celebrates the Feast of Corpus Christi.

This feast is a celebration of the Body of Christ- but because that’s the name of my city- I usually make note of it when it comes up annually.

I like the above verse- I have quoted it every week for years [it’s one of the many prayer verses I have painted in my yard].

It’s a prophetic verse speaking about both the future resurrection of all men- and it’s also speaking about the Lords Table.

At the last Supper Jesus gave his men [and us] an ongoing memorial of his death for us.

‘Take Eat- this is my Body’.

He broke the bread and poured the wine.

We as believers have been keeping this memorial for 2 thousand years.

The apostle Paul told the Corinthians ‘as often as you do this- you do show the Lords death until he comes back’.

I love the celebration of the Eucharist- the Catholic scholar Scott Hahn says something I like.

He says ‘Jesus said DO THIS in remembrance of me- not- write this’.

His point- to us ‘scholarly’ types- is that we often emphasize the bible- the written word- while Jesus told us the doing of the memorial was what would ‘show his death’ till he comes.

I like that.

So- for you non church goers- maybe tomorrow [or in the near future] you can make an effort and go to church and celebrate the meal.

Isaiah said ‘your dead men shall rise- together with my dead Body they shall live’.

Gather ‘together’ with the confessing church- celebrate the meal- lets all live TOGETHER. 

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.


Before I forget- the odds of the market selling off today are high.

If you are in- and have been for a while- no big deal.

But if you are one of those types that buy and sell every couple of days/weeks.

Then I wouldn’t buy today.

Okay- have a lot to cover and not much space.

I found it interesting to watch the narrative that I have been talking about these last few days to have been so blatant yesterday.

On MSNBC the hosts are now regular telling people that the Euro zone crisis is a direct result of austerity measures [spend less than you have].

This is an outright lie- I wrote about this lots the last few weeks and don’t want to re hash the thing.

The point is the entire network is now saying this- and if you are someone that’s invested in world events- you are being lied to- daily.

I caught the morning NPR show yesterday- I usually catch the early show [sometimes right at 5 am].

I’m an early riser- been up since 3:30 this day.

So- it was interesting- right at 7:05 the report was some bad housing numbers- foreclosures were up from last month.

They were up 16% from this time last year- 9 from last month.

Bad- but not surprising [to me].

Then- at 8:05 am- the report said ‘good news for the housing market’.

I mean- you can’t make stuff like this up.

Why are these bad numbers not a surprise?

Last year many of the banks put a hold on their foreclosures.

You had the Robo Signing scandal [people just rubber stamping foreclosures- using fake names].

And you had the president purposefully do a short moratorium on foreclosures.

Okay- so what would happen when these temporary fixes were over?

Foreclosures go up.

Then why don’t the financial guys tell you this- why do they make it sound like all is well?

I don’t think these guys are purposefully lying [most of them] but when your whole career is based on the market- then you have a natural tendency to hear [say] what you want- not what’s necessarily the truth.

Why am I so negative on the market today?

Yesterday we had a short run up- primarily because the central banks [in Europe and presumably us- the Fed] made it sound like they might help the cash strapped European states and pump ‘liquidity’ [cash] into the system.

Okay- so the Dow went up- not because we had good economic news- but bad.

That is- things look so bad- the world banks said ‘we might help’.

Okay- why does this help the market?

These last few years- our nations bank- the Federal Reserve- has pumped trillions of dollars into the system.

Some think this is bad monetary policy- others say it’s good.

Now- as a matter of simple math- if you put extra money into the system- this money has to go somewhere.

And eventually a large part goes into the market.

This in reality is a fake way to ‘stimulate’ the market.

So that’s what you saw yesterday.


Yesterday the high court disbanded the entire Parliament.

The military are still in control- and it looks like Democracy has failed.

Now- do I think this is a bad thing?

 Not really.


Look- the Muslim Brotherhood rose to power after the protests.

These guys just had thousands in the streets calling for the destruction of Israel.

They are indeed radicals- and if they run the country you will have another theocracy like Iran.

This is not good for the rights of women- Christians- and many other groups.

The economy of Egypt has been ruined.

For centuries people have been going to visit the pyramids- that whole thing is now dead.

Tourism was a major part of their economy.

We have not helped the cause of these people- we might have meant well by toppling Mubarak- but the aftermath is bad.


Oil prices are down 12 %- because of a global slowdown.

Asia [China] is slowing down faster than anyone thought- China just took financial action to try and counteract this.

In the beginning of the year many were projecting 3.5- 4 % growth for the U.S.

The Bulls and Bears were just about split [I was- am still a bear].

Half way thru the year- the estimates are now 1.7 % growth- terrible.

There is no way we are going to see an upturn for the rest of the year- not possible.

Now- will the markets go up?

I don’t think so- but people do crazy stuff.

I’m saying the global economic outlook is terrible- very very bad- The E.U. crisis is very bad.

Spain and Italy are in trouble- not just Greece.

Greece is on the verge of exiting the Euro- and many investors have taken their money out of Spain and Italy.

Italy is really ‘too big to fail’.

If the Italian economy crashes- the Euro\zone is over.

Now- Do I think the worst will happen?

I don’t know for sure- but for financial advisors to be telling people that the ‘fundamentals’ are strong is ridiculous.

This has been the mantra the last year.

That U.S. companies [and banks] have much more cash on hand- the price for stock- compared to ‘projected’ growth/income of the company is cheap.

And some paint this rosy picture.

If you own a McDonalds on your block- and your ‘fundamentals’ are strong- but if everyone on the block is going broke- it makes no difference how strong the fundamentals are- the customers are broke.

That’s what the E.U crisis means- they are our number one trading partner- yes- they beat China.

If they are having all these very real problems- then we are in danger of another recession.

Most of the recent numbers seem to be saying this.

The last few weeks we are seeing a rise in the weekly unemployment numbers.

Our economy is softening- and the trend is not your friend.

With all this going on- the message of the president makes no sense.

He gave a speech yesterday- he basically is saying ‘do you want what we had the last 10 years- look what Bush gave you’.

I mean he acts like he has not been in charge for the past 3.5 years.

Look- I’m starting to worry about the man.

One interesting thing to keep note of.

The markets play into what they think might happen.

If the Supreme Court shoots down Obama care this month- markets WILL LIKE THAT.

And- the truth be told- if they think Romney is going to win [the odds look much better for him now than 3 months ago] the markets will factor that in as a positive sign.

All in all- today might be a rough day for stocks.

We do need to batten down the hatches for the rest of the year and realize at midyear- we have made a turn for the worse.

Don’t worry- don’t panic- but make sure your listening to good advice.

I am not a total doomsayer when it comes to this [Beck type]- but I see the writing on the wall- the global economy is slowing down- we are on the verge of a double dip recession- and the Euro Zone looks very bad- despite the central banks action.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.


Let’s cover the ‘other’ news story of the day- the Elephant in the room.

Yes- with all the things going on in the news this week- we also have had the start of the Jerry Sandusky sex case.

Most of you know the scoop.

Sandusky is the famous coach from Penn state that worked for years with the famed Joe Paterno.

There were rumors- and ‘chance’ encounters where people saw Sandusky with young boys- and he was caught molesting kids.

As the defendants have been testifying this week- well- we heard bad stuff.

I don’t want to ‘defend’ the Sandusky’s of the world in any way- but I want to speak openly- and in a politically incorrect way about sexual orientations of all kinds.

I have a book here in my study- about 3 feet from where I’m sitting.

It’s the story of Jeffrey Dahmer’s conversion to the Lord after he was sent to prison.

I do realize that we see lots of jail house conversions- and for some people they will never believe that a Dahmer could convert.

But as I read the book- and also have watched the re play of the interview that Dahmer did with MSNBC- I do believe he was sincere.

One very interesting- and truthful part of the interview was when Dahmers dad was asked ‘why do you think this happened to your son’.

The dad- who is a Christian man- said he felt like somewhere along the line- Jeff associated- connected- the act of sex with dead things.

That he was fixated as a boy with skulls and dead things- and in time when he went thru puberty- that he also- somehow- connected the joy of collecting skulls and stuff with the act of sex.

Now- some might dismiss this as a lame excuse- and of course the crimes Jeff committed were very serious [for those not familiar- Dahmer is the famed serial killer who cannibalized his victims].

In point of fact- people- in all societies and in every age- can- and have ‘learned’ certain types of behavior- for good or ill.

The reason this debate is hard to have in our country- is because the present debate over gay rights pits one group against another.

For anyone to say ‘we actually do have proof that certain sexual behavior can indeed be learned’ seems to be bigoted and against the civil rights of people.

The purpose of this post is not to get into a long drawn out discussion over this.

I want to simply say- there are- and have been- all types of sexual associations that people have made with certain acts.

In the Sandusky case- with minors.

In the Dahmer case- with dead things.

The list does go on.

Is it possible to ‘un learn’ associations like this?

In short- yes.

Is it easy?

Probably not.

A few years ago I noticed that one of the major hospitals in the U.S. - famous for doing sex change operations- very quietly quit the practice.

As I listened and read about the story- I came to find out that the hospital- that was lauded for their non judgmental attitude- their willingness to break ‘the religious bigotry of our day’ that after doing the operation for years.

Admitted that the results were horrendous.


The rate of depression and suicide among most of the patients went sky high.

After years of doing the operation- the data showed that despite all the ‘political correctness’ the facts on the ground were these operations were doing more harm than good.

Yet- year after year we see people who have had the operation- on well meaning news shows being interviewed- and the interviewer- without fail- always comes across as ‘look how accepting I am of you- look how wonderful it is for us all to celebrate your freedom and to not judge’.

Yet- many of the times I get the impression that these people are under great pressure to go with this line.

That they are cast into the limelight as a great example of acceptance- and they seem at times to not want to let the interviewer- or the world- down.

But- if the data says the rate of suicide and depression sky rockets among those who have gone thru with the procedure- then if we really love these people- or our kids- or generations to come- then we would be more careful before we jump on the ‘what a great thing you did’ bandwagon.

In the whole debate about whether or not sexual orientation [or simple associations of sexual expression with particular acts] is changeable- we need to be aware of the overall effects we are having on all sorts of people.

In the Sandusky case- we do see an attraction that many men have.

There are entire organizations supporting man/minor ‘love’.

NAMBLA- North American Man Boy Love Association- being one.

Do these men make the same argument that some have made with the gay rights issue?


Many argue that that they have had this ‘orientation’ for as long as they can remember.

They argue that they share a common orientation with thousands of other men all over the world.

They argue that its’ the ‘Victorian era morality'- that religion wants to impose on people- that tells them- and society- that they are wrong.

After all- if ‘God created me this way- why should I not express it’.

Now- I- like you- do not accept these arguments- but in truth- they are basically the same type of arguments that others have made with the gay rights debate.

[Note- I do have gay friends- and I do not want to come off as saying I equate child molesters with gay people- I don’t. The point I’m making is the NAMBLA folk are saying ‘who has the right to say that Man/Boy sex is wrong’. And to be honest- if you reject the basis of natural/moral law- then they win the point.]

The point I’m making is if we- as a society- tell people that sexual orientation is never learned behavior- then we are in ways justifying the NAMBLA argument.

I was going to delve into the entire field of what we call natural/moral law.

Where does it come from?

Does society simply make up moral law?

Actually no.

This is a very long debate- going on since the days of Immanuel Kant [one of the great thinkers going back a few centuries].

In short- some have argued over the years that we need to rid society of moral law- that it’s these restrictions on men [particularly sexuality] that is the cause of society’s ills.

The famous thinker Freud [and Nietzsche] advocated this.

But after hundreds of years of debate- there are no examples of any successful society that has managed to develop any type of functioning ethic- apart from what we call the Judeo/Christian ethic.

I don’t mean to come off as judgmental- nor to offend any group of people- but if we are telling entire generations of people ‘you are a slave to your sexual orientation’.

If we are saying to people ‘you can never change’ or overcome your sexual associations.

Then we might be biting off more than we can chew.

If it simply makes us [the interviewer] feel better about ourselves when we say ‘see- you have done such a great thing- if only these religious bigots would stop judging you’.

But in reality- the data show that these people suffer tremendously- for the most part- after they get the sex change.

Then maybe we need to re think what we are saying to them as a whole.

Maybe we should tell people ‘yes- associating sexual expression with a particular act- or life style is a very strong thing’.

In most cases- even in cases like Sandusky- even if there are hundreds of thousands of people with the same ‘feelings’ all over the world.

Yet- if we do love people and are honest- we would tell them it is possible to change the feeling- the association- dare say ‘orientation’.

We must realize that there are many types of sexual expression- that society- and moral/natural law say is wrong.

Those in these lifestyles- often will argue that the orientation was with them for as long as they can remember.

Others argue that there are many others like them.

All this may be true- but in the end- this does not mean the association is right [NAMBLA] or can never be broken.

I’ll end with a couple of verses ‘I hate vain thoughts- but your law do I love’ ‘commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts will be established’ ‘God will keep them in perfect peace whose minds are fixated on him’.

This entire debate is long- and even many Christians disagree on some points. There are movements within the church that seek to accept the gay lifestyle as an acceptable lifestyle.

Today’s point is- if we tell people- with all types of orientations- that you can 'never change’ them- or overcome them- then we are not being honest.

If we think that the solution is ‘let's just live with no moral law’.

That has been debated- and tried- and found wanting [Freud died in a mental hospital- going insane from a sexual disease].

If we love our kids- those around us- our neighbor- then we should not encourage those among us struggling with orientations to ‘go with what you feel’.

Or to be so accepting of an operation that the data shows does not solve anything- only makes it worse.

In short- if we love people- we must be truthful with them.

Yes- try not to judge- love them even if they don’t become what you think is best.

But be honest with people.

I feel sorry when I see Chaz Bono being interviewed- time and again- everyone telling her how happy they are for her.

When I know in reality the data says something different.

The statistics show that those who go as far as ‘changing’ their sex- many of them take their own lives.

And it’s not because they feel judged- it’s because many of them can’t believe what they have done.

Sad that we hide this- sad.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.


Let’s cover a few of the top stories of the week.

Yesterday I heard a report- from NPR radio- not what you would call a ‘right wing’ show.

They were covering the debacle in Libya.

That the country is in a shambles- that the terrorists that now run the place are holding the family members of Gadhaffi- and will not turn them over to the U.N.

That they bombed one of the ‘peace keeping’ vehicles.

And that the massacre of/by BLACKS continues [Blacks have been killed- and they are now fighting back].


  I covered this underreported story before.

In Libya you had a strange situation- Gadhaffi saw himself as a savior for the Black men/women on the continent.

For whatever reason- he stood up for the Black Africans- more than any other leader on the continent.

When we did our so called ‘no fly zone’ and bombed the hell out of the country- we were fighting Gadhaffi- and a huge militia made up of Black Africans [who spoke French!] who were from the Sub Saharan part of the continent.

These Blacks supported Gadhaffi.

So- when we toppled the leader for political purposes- we unleashed a torrent of violence against Black women- men- and children.

They undergo forced castrations- women raped- men murdered- kids raped.

We did this- the U.S. allowed this to happen.

The ‘winning’ side- made up of lawless thugs roaming Libya- see ALL Blacks as those who sided with the former leader.

Okay- this has been going on since the toppling of Gadhaffi- and if you’re Black- you’re in danger every single day of your life.

Why is it important for you to know this?

Because this administration is indeed responsible for this.

If this were a White president- a Bush- who did this- this would be the number one story on the nightly news.


Enter the attorney general who got grilled yesterday by congress.

The calls for his resignation are growing- and it does seem like a storm is brewing.

What’s the big deal?

Holder has been involved with all types of shady stuff- the Fast and Furious cover up is just the latest.

[Holder sought and recommended the pardon of Mark Rich. Rich was a billionaire who fled the country because he was a tax evader. Rich knew Clinton- Bill ‘knew’ Richs’ wife.  Rich had connections to Clinton- and Clinton got a pardon for Rich- Holder did the dirty deed].

Holder will not release the documents that will show- one way or another- how far up the chain this went.

These are the papers that deal with the murder of border patrol agent Terry.

At his death scene- we found the guns that Holder and the justice dept allowed to be there thru the sale of illegal weapons to drug guys from Mexico.

This was the botched program called Fast and Furious.

What we have been trying to find out is who authorized this deadly program- and how far up the chain did this go.

 It seems like Holder is covering something up.

Now- some are calling for an independent counsel to look into the national security leaks- Holder just appointed 2 U.S. attorneys to check it out.

The Dems are raging ‘how dare anyone call for an independent counsel’.

Won’t the attorneys be fair?

Let’s see- one of them was a political worker for Obama- he was on the team that picked vice presidential picks for Obama.

Yeah- I’m sure there will be no conflict of interest.

So- McCain and others are calling for an independent counsel.

What’s hypocritical is the fact that Obama and Biden were some of the loudest voices calling for an independent counsel under Bush.

Okay- the Repubs calling for the counsel are wanting to investigate the leaks of classified info that came out the last few months.

These are high level national security secrets that some think were leaked for political purposes.

When Obama and Biden called for this special counsel during Bush’s term- they were investigating the Valerie Plame name leak.

I have written on it before- for the most part this was a silly issue.

Valerie Plame was a woman whose husband was sent to Niger [back to Africa] because he spoke- well French!

Yeah- just like the Gadhaffi guys.

How did this happen?

Africa [Niger and other spots] was colonized in the past- and one of the colonizers was France.

So- during the Bush years when he was making the case against Iraq- one of the big pieces to the puzzle was whether or not Iraq was trying to obtain nuclear materials from Niger [called yellow cake].

So- some guy- Joe Wilson- goes to Niger [cause he speaks the language- this is how his wife got him the gig- she recommended him] and comes back and writes a piece in the N.Y. Times that said ‘Cheney sent me to Niger and I came back with proof that they were not selling yellow cake to Iraq’.

Well- for some guy- that nobody really knew who the heck he was- to write a story like this- raised lots of eyebrows.

[note- congress investigated the whole thing- and one of the conclusions was that Joe Wilson lied about Cheney sending him].

The biggest brow being that belonging to Cheney.

He asked ‘who in the h.. is this guy claiming I sent him to Niger’.

They found out he was the husband of Valerie Plame [this was the real reason Plames name came out- people wanted to reveal that Plame got her hubby the job- that he was a liberal Dem who had his own agenda- that Cheney never sent the guy to Niger].

A lady who worked for the govt.- and in the past held a ‘secret’ security type clearance.

Okay- a reporter- Bob Novak- wrote a story about the incident- and named Plame.

The left [dems] went nuts- and charged ‘Bush and Rove leaked the name of a secret Agent- AHHH!’.

Was she really secret?


Everyone knew her by her real name- she appeared on the cover of a magazine- and she was no longer a secret agent.

Never the less- her name should not have been outed.

During the investigation- by the special counsel that Obama called for [Patrick Fitzgerald] they found out- early on- that the name WAS NOT LEAKED by any Bush politicos.

The guy who inadvertently coughed up the name was Richard Armitage- someone who the Dems actually liked.

He worked for the dept of defense.

But- nobody knew this yet- only the insiders.

So- instead of dropping the case- the special prosecutor continued pursuing the Bush guys- and finally got one.

Scooter Libby.

He was asked ‘do you remember when you first heard the name Plame’.

He said ‘I think Tim Russert told me’.

Russert [former Meet the Press guy- now dead] denied it.

They convicted Libby for lying about Russert giving him the name- and gave him a prison sentence.


 You mean even though he [and no one else] ever purposefully leaked any name- yet- the prosecutor- who Obama called for- tried to send a Bush guy to prison for this.


Bush commuted his sentence [but did not pardon Libby] and till this day- Cheney’s pissed that Bush never pardoned his friend.

Okay- if something as stupid as this required a special counsel- what about the serious national security leaks that have endangered the lives of many.

How so?

Someone leaked info about the Bin laden killing- they leaked that a Pakistani doctor had a secret vaccination program that obtained DNA from a family relative of Bin Laden- this DNA was used to identify Bin laden after we killed him.

Within days this doctor was tried for treason and is now doing 35 years in prison.

Pakistan has since shut down their nations child vaccination program.

His wife and kids are in constant danger.

Is this worse than saying ‘I think I heard Plames name from Russert’?


Iran has been under a ‘covert’ attack for the last couple of years.

Their nuclear facilities have been blown up- their top scientists have been killed in the streets- and they have been blaming Israel for it.

Israel has not admitted a thing.

We leaked the fact that Israel and the U.S. were behind the computer virus that attacked the nuclear centrifuges in Iran

We just ‘outed’ Israel.

And we have also leaked the Drone attacks- top secret info about them.

Should we have a special counsel look into these leaks?

Obama and Biden were for the imprisonment of a man whose crime was ‘I heard the name from Russert’.

They were vocal advocates ‘we need a special counsel- this leak rises to the level of a special counsel’.

But Holder and Obama seem to think these leaks- that caused real national security dangers- that these don’t rise to the same level.

Do you think these leaks rise to that level?

I don’t know- why don’t you ask the doctor-  sitting in a Pakistani cell for the next 35 years- maybe he can clue us in- maybe?

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The other day I posted about the ‘new narrative’.

I talked about the argument that austerity [cutting spending] in the Euro zone- as well as the U.S. - is the new reason to blame for the globes economic woes.

I won’t re-post my rebuttal- suffice it to say I don’t agree.

So- when the president made his recent gaffe ‘the private sector is doing fine’ the right went nuts- and the left ran with the new [false] narrative.

With all the talking heads out there- you would think that they would have put these things together- after all they get paid lots of money.

I mean even though I’m a regular critic of MSNBC- I do see them as family.

How so?

When the Nielsen ratings come out- and Chris Matthews rating is 2 people- at least he knows his wife watches the show [or has it on mute?].

And I’m number 2.

So let’s weave the web here.

When Obama kicked off his campaign year- he had some very rough starts.

The Bain capital thing- well that didn’t work too well.

Then they jumped to the Massachusetts job record of Romney- when he was governor.

Okay- that’s fair game.

But the argument they were making was Romney was a failure while overseeing the state.

Yet when he left office- unemployment was under 5 %- under Obama- we have 8.2.

Yeah- they dropped that line too.

So- the new story is that the Repub led congress [house] are to blame for the unemployment rate.

That Obama put a ‘jobs bill’ on the table- and the Repubs refuse to sign the thing.

Thus ‘the private sector is doing fine’ but because the jobs bill- which is geared towards providing around 250 billion dollars to the states- and union and govt. workers- that because the Repubs won’t pass it- therefore the ‘public sector’ is dragging down the economy.

This is the same argument that says austerity measures are the cause of all the worlds woes.

Last night as I was news surfing I saw some fill in for Maddow on her show- he seems to be a nice kid- have heard him before [Ezra something?]

He did the whole show based on this argument.

He said Romney and the Repubs are hypocrites because when they are in charge they are for public sector workers [cops- firemen- teachers].

But now that Obama is in charge they are cutting them back [note- they were never for trillions of stimulus- as a regular means of providing jobs. They were for the regular fed money that would normally go to the states].

Of course- this is the attack on the dumb [it was dumb] Romney line ‘we don’t need more firefighters and teachers and cops’.

What did Romney really mean?

He is arguing the conservative view that says the jobs market really isn’t a function of spending more federal money.

That even though the fed does provide money to the states [teachers] yet in the long run it’s the local and state economies that will decide whether or not to hire more of these ‘public’ sector workers.

As a firefighter- we did not get federal money to hire new guys- but if our city was doing well financially- then we had the tax revenue to hire new guys.

That’s Romney’s point.

Last year- the govt. did distribute billions [yes- with a b] to the states to stave off the laying off of many teachers and cops and firefighters.

Basically the original 800 billion stimulus simply paid the checks for another year.

But in reality you can’t keep propping up the jobs like this.

For one thing- it’s not ‘fair’.


Look- any president can say ‘let’s spend another trillion- during my term- to simply pay people so they stay employed’.

If the majority of the money- like in this case- is going to workers who give your party lots of money [unions support Dems] then it would be like Bush giving money just to oil field workers- during his whole term

Second- we already have spent a little under 2 trillion fed dollars- propping up the economy.

We had the 900 billion dollar bail out of the banks- and the 800 billion dollar stimulus money.

Obama is blaming the Repubs for not passing his ‘jobs bill’.

Is this really a jobs bill?


It was simply another 250 billion dollars of ‘stimulus’.

We- as a nation- can’t keep doing this.

Overspending is what got the Euro zone in deep trouble- not austerity.

Our very high debt is what is getting us in trouble- as a nation.

Right now- 40 cents of every dollar the govt. spends simply goes to pay the interest on the debt.

Imagine if almost half of your household income was simply interest on your credit card.

Would the answer be ‘lets get another card’?

So- the pres- and some progressive economists [Krugman- and the MSNBC crowd] are saying ‘let’s get another card’.

The Repubs are saying ‘no- let’s start paying the card down’.

You can decide which road is better.

While the president does have some truth to the argument he made the other day- the ‘macro’ picture looks much different.

What was he right about?

When the terrible jobs number came out last month- the 69,000 new jobs- part of the bad number did have to do with govt. layoffs.

The private sector created a little over 80,000 new jobs.

The govt [public sector] lost around 20,000.

So he was trying to make the point ‘see- if the Repubs let me spend another 250 billion- then the govt. would not have laid off folk- and the economy would be fine’.

This argument is being made right now- on both sides of the pond- but it is really not the full story.

In our country we have millions of people without work- the unemployment rate is 8.2%.

And the small % of govt. jobs that are being lost is not the reason why the country is in trouble.

And the solution- long term- is not to keep getting the country in debt.

Anyone can say ‘pass this jobs bill’.

If they simply mean ‘let’s spend billions more- to keep people on the job- just until my election [or term] is over’ then it really is not a jobs bill.

It’s another 250 billion in stimulus.

 I think we already spent too much.

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This week we were treated to the singing cowboy- I think from Texas?

I’ll admit- I don’t watch American idol- or any of the other shows like that.

But because the cowboy made the news- I saw the scoop.

What happened was you had this talented singer- who stuttered.

He was interesting- fit the Mel Tillis style.

 When he was asked about the stutter- he said he got it when a grenade injured him in action in Afghanistan.

Of course the judges- and the audience- loved the story.

The only problem was- he made the whole thing up.

So last night I saw a news report- he seems to have been faking war injuries for years.

Though he did serve in Afghanistan- for a month- yet he seemed to have some issue with his hearing- and was sent home.

As he was being interviewed- after the story came out- he was crying- yes stuttering- and he said ‘this is my truth- this is what I have believed’.

Sort of like truth is relative- if the story ‘helps’ you out- then it’s ‘your truth’.

I remember the old days of listening to classic rock on those vinyl albums. 

Yeah- you put them on the ‘turntable’ and the technology was so advanced- you even had that little lever that you pulled to make the Album replay- all on its own!

I still remember the cover to my Thin Lizzy album- I mean those guys rocked.

You might remember the hit song ‘the boys are back in town’ there was another song on the album- called ‘The Cowboy Song’.

Yeah- our stuttering cowboy knows how to sing- and tell tall tales at the same time.

There have been a few news stories of importance this past week.

One of the top ones was the leaking of all the national security info.

I was surprised to see both Dems and Repubs calling for an investigation.

Diane Feinstein- the Dem senator form Cali- she said she has never seen the level of leaks this bad in her 11 years on the Senate Intelligence committee.

What are the leaks?

These are leaks that show the president in tough situations- doing all he can to fight terror- and basically making him look like a tough guy.

The pres denies- in a Clintonian way- that he ‘authorized the leaks of classified material’.

When I first heard the denial- I thought ‘he knows about it’.


As someone who really liked Obama at the start- I have followed him these last few years- and he has done lots of ‘tricky’ stuff- that at first I brushed off- but after a while I realized- well sometimes ‘cowboys like to tell stories’.

As I listened to both sides- McCain, King- a few other Senators and congressman have showed that some of the leaks had to have come from inside the White House- from the small group of people around the pres.

They were detailed accounts of what Biden said- or what Obama did [shuffling the cards that have the names of terrorists].

They brought out the fact that much of the detail- that came out in the N.Y. Times- were things that only a few inner circle people would know about.

While it is true that many people knew about some of the other info- like the Stuxnet virus.

Yet only a few- inside the White House- would know the details of what Biden said- when there were only 5 or so people in the room.

Also- the paper that reported the leaks- said the sources were from the White House [as opposed to the FBI- or CIA].

Now- some of the leaked info is bad- we ‘leaked’ that both the U.S. and Israel were indeed responsible for the Stuxnet computer virus that ruined the nuclear centrifuges in Iran.

Last year Iran had their nuclear facilities damaged- at the time they did not know for sure that it was a virus- and they did not know- for sure- who did it.

Now they know- someone leaked it.

There are a few other things that came out- details of the Bin laden killing- stuff about the underwear bomber.

The thing that makes people question whether or not Obama [his political team] are actually behind it- is all the leaks put Obama in a good light- a terror fighting man.

He even had some movie makers who were covering the Bin laden raid- in some secret meetings- when they were discussing the aftermath of the raid.

It was reported that the Intelligence people were shocked that they sat in on the meetings.

Okay- more than likely he [his team] are behind the leaks.

The denial?

It was done in a way that if it comes out that he did know about them- that he could say ‘I denied authorizing the leaks of classified materials’ and simply say when he gave the go ahead to release it- he ‘declassified’ it.

Now- like I say- I have watched/heard the pres these last 3 years- he does do this stuff- lots.

Just a few quick examples.

It came out this week that Obama was indeed a member of a political party in Chicago called ‘the new party’.

This is a left leaning group- socialist- that advocate for a European type govt.

Okay- in 2008- a news reporter- Stanley Kurtz- reported that Obama was associated with the group.

 He vehemently denied it- it was all lies from some ‘racist guy who hates Blacks’.

The whole thing- you’ve heard it before.

So now we find out- that he was indeed a member.

It came out in an investigation of another group- Acorn.

It was in the minutes of the meeting where he joined- pledged allegiance to the group’s ideals- the whole 9 yards.

Are they denying it now?


What’s the big deal?

If you are running for pres [2008] and a top candidate is known to have been a member of a socialist group- that usually would kill your chances.

So he simply lied- not a big crime- but one of many.

Obama wrote 2 books- autobiographies no less- in his early 40’s [late 30’s?]

Now- for your only 2 books- at a young age- to be about you- does say something.

In the books there were ‘cowboy stories’ if you will.

Of course- when writing the books- you think ‘who will ever go thru them with a fine tooth comb’.

But when you become pres- some will.

So- some people on the right did indeed do this- and they found lies.

The pres denied it.

Yet now- after many years of denials- a biographer who is currently doing a friendly book on the pres- well he ran into some trouble during his research.

He could not verify some of the stories that the pres told.

Just one example.

Those who critiqued the original books- the president’s critics- said he made up stories about some White girl he was dating- that the places and events that he said took place- were actually fake.

These same events were told earlier- by a man named Bill Ayers [who the pres has tried to distance himself from].

They said Obama simply made the whole thing up.

He adamantly denied it ‘how dare you say he lied- you must be a racist’.

Okay- the new biographer- David Marranis- found out that the pres did indeed make the woman up.

Then they spun the story to say ‘he made a composite woman from various women thru out his life’.

Then you had the Obama defenders- like historian Doug Brinkley- saying ‘the purpose of biographies are not to be factual’.

Wow- thanks Doug.

The point is he denied making up the story for years- now he says it was not true.

This is one of many- I don’t want to give them all.

But after seeing this happen a lot- I simply doubt the things he says.

I don’t hate him- I’m not a racist- but this has happened- a lot.

When the president had to distance himself from his former pastor Rev. Wright.

He said ‘he didn’t know the man held to these extreme views’.

That he was shocked to find out all the stuff Wright said- for 20 years.

When he threw Wright under the bus- he told the country that this was a man he did not really know [like Bill Ayers].

Yet the president had written/spoken about Wright- that he was one of [if not thee] most influential men in his life.

He said Wright baptized his kids- performed ceremonies for their family- he even titled his book ‘The Audacity of Hope’ after a line from Wright.

He attended the church for 20 years.

He had lots of wrights’ tapes and C.D.’s that he listened to.

He even said [before he threw him under the bus] that he could no more disown Wright than he could his own Father or family member.

His own testimony was that he knew Wright- loved Wright- was influenced by him- more than other man alive.

Then he said ‘I never really knew the man’.

How can this be?

I guess I’ll end with Ayres.

Bill Ayer’s was the terrorist that blew up a bomb in the 60’s, 70’s- I think a cop got killed by the bomb.

Anyway- he was a radical left wing guy- involved with a lot of the social unrest at the time.

The bomb case was thrown out of court because the govt. messed up some way in the case- Ayres has never denied his involvement.

Okay- Ayers and Obama were said to have been friends.

People that knew them knew this.

But during the campaign Obama denied knowing the man.

He sat on a board with Ayers- but said ‘people sit on the same board with other people all the time- that doesn’t mean they know them’.


He lived on the same block.

The excuse was ‘Chicago is big- you might live on the same block and not know someone’.


Then it was revealed that when the pres launched his political career- it was from Ayers house.

How did that happen?

It just happened to be some strangers house on the block that had lots of room.

I mean nobody would ever get away with doing stuff like this- not when your running for president.

Yet- till this day- Obama says he barely knows the man.

Okay- when the critics went thru Obama’s books- to find the stuff.

One story was Obama walking down to the Hudson River one day- he saw some kid and said ‘see how the mighty river flows in and out’ and he went on to give a sort of parable about life.

This same exact event is in Bill Ayres book- but it happened to him years before.

The same exact event- with the same words.

Many people have said that Ayers Ghost wrote the Obama book.

Yet the pres does not know the man.

I’m sure our singing Cowboy meant well when he said ‘this is my truth’.

But after you tell ‘your truth’ one too many times- it becomes questionable.

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I want to end the week with at least some bible stuff- but let me share a few more homeless stories.

I have been getting with the guys the past few days and have not written about it every time.

A few notable things.

I heard that Chris- a homeless friend for many years- drove to Louisiana with another friend [a former ship captain- a Greek].

And Chris actually got a machinists job making 15 bucks an hour.

I was happy to hear the great news.

I have written about Chris before- he always told me he was a machinist- I think from the classic Youngstown area [Ohio- Springsteen’s famous song].

One day I had Chris over at the house.

My dad gave me these antique boxes of his father’s machinist tools many years ago.

As I kid I used to go thru the boxes in my garage [for any of my old friends who read the site- do you remember these tools?]

So when Chris saw them- he knew them like a carpenter knows a hammer.

So I knew he wasn’t making the whole ‘I’m a machinist’ thing up.

But I also could tell that Chris- like most of the street guys- has some type of mental problem.

So I never knew if he really was as good as he made it sound.  But after hearing that he got hired- I was glad.

Dirk [another long time friend- a good friend] has been messing with the radiator on his van the last few days.

He lives in the van- I see it parked in the various parking lots on a rotating basis.

Dirk claims to be ‘a winter Texan’ sort of like he’s a retired tourist guy.

But the truth is- he is homeless- has been for years.

Anyway- he needed a ride to the other side of town to buy a new radiator- I obliged.

Henry went with us- Henry loves the fellowship- he’s the scholar friend- homeless too- but he picks my brain lots.

Dirk offered to give me 5 bucks for gas- it was about a 10 mile trek.

But I told him ‘no way’.

About half way back- he realizes he left his cell phone at the shop.

I was like ‘how did you do that- I never put my cell phone on a table at a store- when I’m done- it goes in my pocket’.

Any way- I told Dirk ‘don’t worry- we’ll get it’.

I kinda felt like taking the 5 bucks now- but let it slide [I have been giving the guys change from 20’s the last couple of weeks- I try to ‘spread the wealth around’ Obama style!]

Yesterday I helped Tammy [I do usually give Tammy a few dollars every time I see her].

Tammy is a ‘working girl’.

Her and her boyfriend [Shrek] are Meth addicts.

It’s funny- I have been giving Tammy a few dollars for years.

Someone gave her a girls bike yesterday- but she had to pick it up [a lady at the mission gave it to her for some yard work she did- Tammy was going to give it to a friend’s daughter for an upcoming birthday].

So I told Tammy ‘I’ll pick it up for you and put it in the truck’.

She was going to walk over and ride it home [home- her and Shrek are staying in some broken down trailer].

I do realize it looks like I’m a ‘customer’ I mean I give the girl dollars- and then a ride.

I don’t really care to be honest- but I do see how people could talk.

Anyway- when we dropped the bike off- I saw Shrek [he’s a big kid- around 35 years’ old- 300 lbs].

He’s really a nice kid.

I gave him and Tammy a nice tent once.

They were living in the brush at the time and the tent was a 2 person size- a nice one I bought from wal mart.

They never forgot that.

Shrek was glad to see me- it’s been a while.

Okay- let me cover Deuteronomy chapter 4.

I have been reading it this week [it was a chapter from the Mass this past Sunday].

Moses is going over the story of the Jewish people right before they enter the Promised Land.

He tells them that God did a great work by leading them out of Egypt and being with them all this time.

A few points.

Moses tells them that God was angry with him and because of this he will not ‘go in and take the land’.

This 'anger’ moment was when God told Moses to speak to the Rock when the people were complaining of thirst.

For you ‘non bible readers’ this would be when Charlton Hesston delivered the people form Egypt and they went thru the Red sea and were in the wilderness.

At various times Moses loses his temper with the Jewish people.

This Rock incident was the one time God said ‘okay- that’s it Moses- you blew it one too many times- you can’t go in to the land’.

Moses was to speak to the Rock and water would come out.

He got mad- and struck the Rock- twice- with his famous rod.

The water came out.

Which was a type of ‘God striking the Rock’ [Jesus was punished for us on the Cross- Isaiah 53 says it pleased THE LORD to bruise him- God punished his Son on our behalf- Jesus was ‘the rock’ that the water flowed from [a symbol of the Holy Spirit]. On the Cross a soldier put a spear in the side of Jesus and water came out].

So the striking of the rock was a symbol that God would use- but striking it twice ruined the symbol.

The book of Hebrews says Jesus was struck only once for sin- not repeatedly.

So because of this Moses could not go in to the land.

Okay- to my bible scholars out there- I found a verse where Moses makes it into the land.


No trick [not really].

Okay- when?

In the New Testament Jesus was transfigured before the disciples- the Mount of Transfiguration.

At the time the bible says Moses and Elijah appeared with him.

Of course- they were in the Promised Land at the time.

One more thing from this chapter.

It also talks about the cities of refuge.

These were cities [3] that God set aside- if someone accidently killed another person they could flee to the city for safety.

At the time- if you killed someone- the family of the dead person had the right to ‘avenge the blood’ of their relative.

But if it was an accident- you could run to the ‘city of refuge’ and find safety.

You had to live in the city until the death of the high priest.

After he died- you could go back home.


The 'city of refuge’ is a type of the church- the community of God [not the building!].

We are all guilty of the innocent Blood of Jesus [he died for us].

We can ‘flee to the city of refuge’ and find safety from our guilt- as long as the high priest lives [Hebrews/Romans says we are saved by his life- he lives].

We also can ‘inherit the promise’ enter back into the land- after ‘he dies’.

Jesus died- and rose again- so we too could partake of the true inheritance- not a ‘city made with hands- but an eternal one in the heavens’ Hebrews.

Got it?

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Let’s cover the recall election in Wisconsin and a few other news events.

I read an article the other day- by the AP.

It said ‘the Republicans could extend the tax cuts if they wanted to- but they don’t want to help the President so it’s unlikely to happen’.

I’m sure many unsuspecting folk believe this- even though it’s a lie.


The Republicans have actually said they want to extend the cuts- the President is threatening a veto if they do.

The Pres wants to let the Bush cuts expire at the end of the year- all of them [except for those making under 250,000 a year].

Some Dems [Pelosi, Schumer] want them to expire on millionaires and over [because they have a lot of rich folk they represent- and they don’t want to raise taxes on their people who make over 250,000 a year].

So- the lines are drawn.

Yet- the paper said ‘the Repubs don’t want to extend the tax cuts and help the Pres’.

Okay- that’s what you call ‘the main stream media’ they lie often- and could care less.

Now- Walker won his recall challenge and the media also went nuts.

Ed Shultz- the nut on MSNBC- has been a strong supporter of the unions and has followed the recall closely.

Now- for full disclosure- I am a member of the IAFF [international firefighters union].

I was involved with collective bargaining my whole life- I know the scoop.

When Walker became governor he dropped the right to bargain for some union people.

 They still had their unions [something Rachael Maddow needs to learn- another MSNBC person who is misinformed. She thinks that dropping bargaining is losing the union- wrong].

The Unions in Wisconsin got mad and did a recall election.

After walker won- the exit polls showed that 38% of union households voted for walker.

Schultz was incensed- he said ‘how could you vote for him! He hates you- he wants to destroy you!! I guess Obama was right- you folk who cling to your God and guns- you never learn’.

Why liberals allow the liberal media to trash them- and keep watching- is beyond me.

What’s the MAIN reason Walker won?

Some say lots of outside money came in and swayed the vote.

Others say the people are ignorant.

In Wisconsin- like many other states and cities- one of the major expenses is the pension benefits for retired public sector workers.

In some states [Rhode Island] it’s almost half of the entire budget- they are on the verge of bankruptcy.

Yesterday San Jose and Sand Diego were in the news- they too have cut the benefits for their retired workers.

In San Jose- the union is suing the mayor- a Democrat- over this.

In these cities/states- when you look at the budget- you have no other choice but to reign in the cost of the benefits to the retirees.

Now- many in the media said ‘Walker is balancing the books on the backs of the average Joe’.

But- if this is the largest expense to the city/state- then you have no other choice but to cut there.

Some say ‘just raise the taxes on the rich/corporations’.

Actually Cali and N.Y. and other places tried it- and many businesses left the state- they lost more income then they made by doing this.

So- the people in Wisconsin saw this- and they voted for Walker.

Okay- there are other ‘side reasons’ too- but for the most part they saw the numbers- and are not stupid.

But when the media says ‘they must be stupid- that’s why they voted the wrong way’. That’s just condescending.

This same media- who thinks you are dumb- reported about a Japanese dock that landed on the shores of California yesterday.

Of course we have all the debris from the Tsunami that’s been making its way over to the U.S.

We have had lots of cases of stuff already washing up.

So the report [CNN?] said ‘mystery dock- will the mystery ever be solved’?


Yeah- they went on to show the dock- they explained that some people who have been following the aftermath of the tsunami have said things this big should not have arrived yet.

There have been reports of Japanese boats also showing up close to our shore- wrecks from the disaster.

Now- they went on for about an hour talking about this ‘mystery’ as in if it was an alien spaceship.

 What’s the mystery- we have debris floating from Japan- it’s been landing on our shores- and this is debris from Japan.

After about an hour I’m sure some producer said ‘get that stupid headline down’!

Yeah- the mystery has been solved.

Now- these are the same media that think you are stupid- that you [some of you] voted for Walker because you cling to your ‘God and guns’.

I’ll end with Jack Cafferty [CNN].

I kinda like old Jack.

I grew up in the local media market where Jack got his experience.

So last night he did his rant about the debt- yes- he’s mad that we have a 16 trillion dollar debt and ‘nobody wants to fix it’.

He talked about the real threat- and he said we are in an election year- and therefore both sides wont act.

Now- I’m not a conservative nor a tea partier.

But let’s do a little history here.

When Obama came into office- for the first time in memory- we had one party controlling everything [White house- Senate and House].

You also had what’s called a Super Majority- in the senate.

They had a 60 vote majority- a filibuster proof majority.

So- after the first year being wasted on Obama care- as they ended their session a reporter asked Harry Reid ‘are you going to pass a budget being you have the majority all the way around’?

Reid's response was- no- let the Repubs do one and they can get the blame for it.

What? The Repubs were a minority- in both houses.

It seemed ludicrous to think this way.

Then we had the midterm elections- and it was a blowout- the Repubs took the majority in the   House- the Senate held.

So the next 2 years the Repubs passed budgets in the house- actual budgets that made tough choices- they did cut the growth of entitlements and made an attempt to balance the books.

The Dems simply used the budgets as political attacks- they did exactly what Reid said 'let them get the blame for it' and they were the chief 'blamers' [anybody remember the Dem ad that had Ryan throwing grandma off the cliff?]

Okay- we have had 4 years of a Democrat Presidency- 2 of which the Dems held the majority in both houses.

They never passed a budget.

 The Repubs came to bat the last 2 years- even though they are still a minority- they simply have a majority in the house.

Yet- they still passed a budget- and it was shot down by the Dems. in the Senate.

Okay- to Mr. Cafferty- one side has made an attempt to fix the thing- the other has not.

As we end the first term of Obama- after 4 years of ‘kicking the ball down the field’.

He has said ‘if you elect me once more I will pass a budget- this time’.

If you had 4 years- and by law are required to pass one- and you did not do it with a super majority- how do you expect us to believe you will do it now?

The odds of losing the Senate are possible.

You will never get the house back.

And you had 2 years of a super majority to do it.

The only possible solution- in my mind- is to elect a majority of fiscal conservatives [some Democrats fit this too- look at all the Clinton 'gaffes’ these last few days].

I mean if you made excuses- when you had one of the greatest majorities in the history of the country- then there is no way you will do it now.

So- people are not stupid- they see the debt- the writing on the wall.

They saw it in Wisconsin- they see it in San Jose- San Diego and Rhode Island.

They are making the tough decisions- even the Democrat mayors and governors [Cuomo in N.Y.]

It’s not that we hate the unions- or that we are clinging to ‘our God and guns’.

No- it’s simple common sense.

Or you can still keep listening to the main stream media- you know- the ones who can’t seem to explain that mystery dock.

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I was going to cover Exodus chapter 4- but let’s see how much time we have.

Last week I noticed a bump on my right arm- and I was familiar with the feeling.

I told my wife ‘damn- a got bit by a brown recluse- again!’

Yes- many years ago in Kingsville I had a bite on the leg.

I didn’t know what it was at first- so I ‘self treated’.

I had some leftover antibiotics and sat in Epson salt.

The bite got big- red- and really ugly [won't give you the gory details- look on line if you want].

It eventually left a hole in the middle of the infected area.

Years Later I realized it was a brown recluse spider.

So- when I showed my wife the bite- she kinda doubted at first.

But after a couple of days she was like ‘when are you going to see the doctor’.

Of course- I self treated again [it’s in the final stage- why go now?]

That brings me to another thing- I don’t have health insurance.


When I retired from the fire dep’t we did not have a contract deal like the northern depts.

Today Wisconsin holds their recall- it looks like Walker will win.

One of the reasons for the recall was Walker ‘recalled’ bargaining rights for some public service employees.

He left the Cops and Firefighters alone.

But these guys do indeed have ‘Cadillac’ retirement plans.

They get their insurance covered- in some cases- 100%.

Not here in South Texas.

So- after I retired I got my kids on a plan [they are on their own now] and I applied for my wife to get on with the V. A.

We were both in the Navy [I did not get on- made too much money- but not enough to buy my own in the private market].

So- I self treat- or pay cash [around 120 on average] for a doc visit.

This is what some people don’t get.

I had a conversation with a liberal friend of mine.

They get free coverage for themselves and a family member.

The ‘son in law’ also got on the plan.

None of them work- the daughter and the sons are drug addicts.

And the state they live in [N.J.] considers ‘drug addiction’ a disability- they all get free coverage.

Now- I don’t judge them- or complain [too much].

But one time they were arguing with me about how everyone who was complaining about Obama care were deadbeats who didn’t want to help pay for those in need.

I told them that I not only pay for myself [when I have the cash] but I also will now pay the fine [if the Supreme Court doesn’t strike it down].

I explained to my friend that my daughters will also pay the fine- except my daughter who is a teacher.

So my household will be paying a couple of thousand extra bucks a year- a fine- because I have no insurance- and I still don’t have coverage.

So- for people who don’t work- who get the free coverage like my friend- they don’t understand why some of us are ‘miffed’.

One time at the fire dept we ‘self insured’.

Every year the city put out bids for our insurance.

And every so often our plans would change- you would go in and get briefed on the new plan and all.

So one year they decided to do the self insurance thing.

The city hires someone to administrate the plan [Entrust] but they only do the clerical work- the pool of money is simply the money the city collects from the workers.

Risky indeed- one guy with HIV and the pool is empty.

So we had a bunch of disgruntled fire fighters to say the least.

It didn’t help much that some of us veterans kinda teased them a bit.

They would ask ‘what’s self insurance’.

We told them ‘whoever is on duty that night- they will provide the health care for your family’


Yeah- at our fire dept we also ran the EMS service [ambulance].

Over the years we had various medical criteria that we had to meet.

For most of my time I was an EMT.

Some of the guys were Paramedics.

Others held something called ECA.

This was truly the bottom of the line certification.

It was basically a glorified first aid thing.

Most of the Captains held this- eventually it was done away with all together.

So- we told the new guys ‘yeah- that’s what self insurance is- we will be providing the care to ourselves- just hope you don’t get stuck with the ECA when you call for help’.

Needless to say- they were livid.

You know- kidding around breaks the ice at a job like that. LOL

One more from the fire dept. and I’ll be thru.

The town I worked in was a great little city- Kingsville.

My retirement comes from that job.

We would drive around often- whether a fire or simply doing maintenance on the fire hydrants.

So we would see all the little FIX A FLAT shade tree mechanics all over the place.

We would get a kick out of the signs that said ‘WE FIX FLAT’.

I mean we didn’t expect the guys to be geniuses- but at least put an S at the end of flat.

So one time I told one of my buddies ‘man- you’ll never guess what happened- I brought my truck to the tire guy- and had a couple of flats’.

 He fixed one and said he was finished.

 I told him ‘man- what about the other flat’?

He said ‘can’t you read the sign?’  Nuff said.

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1845- 69,000

I was going to take a few days off- but yesterday’s news was big.

Actually- in the morning when I was about to post I almost gave a warning about the market [for real].

Not because of the terrible jobs numbers- I mean nobody saw that coming.

But because of the overall bad data that came in thru out the week.

Then sure enough the May jobs numbers came out- 69,000.

It was a disaster to say the least.

The Dow went down about 250- and the spin doctors were on call.

I really found it funny [amazing] to hear the spin.

Julian Epstein- an Obama guy- talked about the job loss at the end of the Bush years and the start of Obama’s term.

The loss was bad- about 800,000 a month.

Yes- it was a real recession.

So- Epstein noted that for the first couple of months of this year the jobs were positive- created a couple of hundred thousand a month on average.

So- he says ‘Obama has turned the jobs numbers on average to a positive 900,000 jobs a month’ [my paraphrase].


Yeah- according to him Obama has actually ‘created’ 900,000 jobs a month.

He said this was the most amazing job growth in our lifetimes.

This on a day when the numbers were the worst in a year.

Then I saw an interview with some Chicago big wigs.

Rahm Emanuel- another Obama fan- and a few talking heads were eating some Chicago pizza.

They said that the economy under Obama is actually great [not good- but really good!]

They gave a few numbers.

Then they said the problem is the media only play sound bites- and the public gets ‘fooled’.

I have heard this accusation before- that the insiders who surround the pres actually say this- that the true message of how well he is doing is not making it into the minds of the average person.

That the people who ‘cling to their God and guns’ are actually ‘less than intelligent’ and that’s why they don’t appreciate his presidency.

Then old Bill [Clinton] made the rounds- and he pulled a Cory Booker.

He said that Romney’s business record was ‘superb’.

Geez Bill- how bout he simply didn’t do shaky schemes? [Like the Chicago pizza crowd- Rezko- shady real estate deals. Jobs ‘created’ for the wife of a senator- making around 400 thousand a year. And after the senator leaves town and becomes president- the job never gets filled again. Or Rahm sending a dead fish to a political opponent- doing a cheap replay of the dead horse head in the God Father movie].

No- not only was Romney a good guy [according to Bill] but ‘superb’.

I bet Biden was jealous over this gaffe.

So the week was not good at all for the president.

Where do we stand?

To be honest- for the May jobs number to be that bad- was a shock.

You were hard pressed to find any market Bulls running yesterday.

I do think we are now in a major slowdown- and if we get any worse- we might see a double dip recession.

And it’s not just the U.S. economy- the far east is also slowing down.

China’s economy is not as hot as we hoped either.

‘Well John- then why are oil prices better’?

One of the reasons oil [gas] goes up- is because you think there is a demand for the stuff.

If you think the global economy is slowing down- then you think ‘maybe the demand for oil will be low’.

So that plays a role in the thing.

I found it sad to see the spin.

I watched most of the news shows during the day.

And on MSNBC- Matthews [Obama cheerleader] I did not even hear him mention the number one story of the day- the jobs numbers.

Matthews spent most of the show accusing Repubs of wanting to jail women who terminate their pregnancies because of gender bias.

Now- should women ever abort their kids because they wanted a boy instead of a girl?


But if you watched hardball- that was the story of the day- sad indeed.

The ‘real’ story is not that Obama actually has one of the ‘greatest job turn abounds in the history of the nation’.

Or that the media have tricked the gun toting God believing lemmings into thinking his presidency is not historic.

No- the real story is the hopes [on both sides] that this year we would see a real economic turnaround has now faded.

So- this year will not be a ‘superb’ year- by any means.

All the gains in the market for the year have now been lost.

The unemployment rate has ticked up to 8.2%.

And the economy is doing badly.

Yeah- the spin doctors were out in full force.

One particular dose of spin intrigued me.

It was a report on the Brewery companies.

They said this was one of the few businesses that has- for some strange reason- excelled.


I will quote you a verse- maybe it will shed some light.

‘Do not give strong drink to those who are doing well- but give it to those who have no hope- then they can forget about all the bad news and pass out’ Proverbs.

Yeah- I think that tells it all in a nutshell.

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I want to try and do some spiritual stuff- but I have a few news things first.

Okay- the headline read ‘Beiber wanted for questioning’.


The story was short- and sweet.

Some paparazzi called 911 and quote ‘complained of being roughed up by the pop star’.

2 things.

Is the actually possible?


Why would anybody ever admit this?

Okay- more important stuff.

A while back I wrote a post on the train debacle in Cali.

Yeah- the President wants to sink billions of dollars into High Speed rail.

This was one of his main ideas to produce jobs.

You hear the same mantra on MSNBC- day in and day out.

They keep talking about spending billions on schools [buildings] bridges- ‘shovel ready’ jobs.

And after 3 years- we have thrown billions of dollars down the drain.

So last night I caught an expose on CNN.

Cooper did a good job critiquing the latest fiasco in California.

Now- you must understand Cali is dead broke- billions in the hole- cutting everything from school funding to cops and firefighters.

Yet they are still determined to go forward with the high speed rail thing.

Cooper detailed how the state has struggled to keep the vision alive.

The guy in charge of the project- to build the fast trains- came out recently and changed the entire route.

The new route goes thru a number of different cities- the train goes much slower- and it will now make stops at more cities.
The initial idea of ‘high speed’ meant the train would not stop a lot- it would go- well- fast- and it would service this ‘need’ to transport folk who for some reason disdain cars.

But now- it’s simply a train- a regular good ole U.S. of A Amtrak vehicle.

O- I forgot- the initial cost for the whole project was around 30 billion.

Obama has already given the state 4 billion [money we don’t have for ‘stuff’ like this].

But the new price is now around 130 billion.

By all estimates- California will never finish this project.

They already passed some type of bond money- but to get the voters to approve 130 billion- to put in a regular train- which no one will really ride- this will never happen.

And to do this when you’re cutting Medicare- food stamps- schools- I mean the people will never approve the rest of the money.

So what is the state determined to do?

The guy in charge says they are going to spend the 4 billion- no matter what- on the first part of the project.

The ‘foundational’ section will cost 4 billion- it will simply be rail track going from one town to another.

It’s supposed to be ‘high speed’ so this track is expensive.

It will take around 15 years to finish.

And there will be no train- no depot- nothing- but a stretch of track sitting in the middle of nowhere- costing the taxpayer 4 billion.

Okay- this is what you call waste- inexperience- bad vision.

These are the types of things that people in the real world don’t do.

But if you mean well- have some distorted idea that you can convert the nation- in a few years- to a solar energy world.

If you think building these trains all over the country is going to be the answer to lost jobs.

Then you are a well meaning guy- but you do not have the experience for the job.

One last example.

Last year the President went to Brazil.

By the way- Brazil just passed Cali as the worlds 8th biggest economy.

While there he guaranteed U.S. taxpayer money to Brazil’s national oil company.

For what?

So they can drill all types of new oil rigs- off shore.

Why did we give them U.S. money for this?

Because the President said if they can really develop their oil production we will buy lots of oil from them- at a high rate.

There was no deal to get the oil cheap.

Okay- at the same time Texas [as well as other oil producing states] has gone thru the ringer trying to survive at a time when the federal govt. has come down hard to stop new oil production in the U.S.

Many in the oil field have lost jobs because of the very ‘environmentalist’ agenda of the President.

The guy who was in charge of our area- recently was fired [or quit] because he was caught making the famous ‘crucify them’ statement.

He was the Presidents man overseeing our region for the E.P.A.

He said their tactic was to go into areas in the south- find certain oil producing companies that have any types of violations- and ‘crucify’ them.

I recently read an article from a former commerce guy in the town I retired from [Kingsville].

He wrote a piece in the paper after the ‘crucify’ them guy was let go.

He said for the last 3 years this guy has done everything possible to kill jobs in the state.

He gave examples of how Obama used this guy to virtually attack the oil industry in Texas.

Now- at the same time we gave loan guarantees to Brazil to ‘drill baby drill’.

This was federal tax money- that many of the oil people paid into the system.

Does this make any sense to you?

About as much sense as calling 911 and saying ‘Beiber roughed me up’

Amen [I told you I would try and get something spiritual in- this was the best I could do].

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Well it’s been a long Memorial Day weekend.

Late Friday one of the big banks of Spain asked for a 40 billion dollar bailout.

Bankia is strapped with billions of dollars of failed mortgages- and the S and P downgraded them to junk status.

Spain- like many of the other European nations- is in big trouble.

There unemployment rate is 25 %.


Yesterday the Dow closed over 12,500.

There was a mini surge in the market.


The Dow is funny- it is not always an indicator of how well the economy is doing.

For example- the jobs numbers for April came out- late Friday [we try to release bad news on Fridays- after the markets close- so people have to sit and wait until Monday [or Tuesday] before they can respond.]

Yeah- the numbers were not good- total jobs for the month were around 115,000.

So- this makes investors think ‘geez- the economy is in trouble- maybe the Fed. will print more money’.

And the big investors will add that into to their calculations- and Walla- the Dow goes up.

As we hit the middle of the year- after 3 months of bad jobs numbers [they need to be around 250,000 a month] it sure looks like we are not recovering well from the Great Recession.


Yes- once again it made headlines.

There were reports of lots of civilians killed again.

Many of them kids.

Assad [the leader] denied it was his men.

The killers were indeed militia men- in uniform- not standard govt. fighters.

But it seems as if they are working for Assad.

Russia at first questioned it- they are strong supports of Assad.

They thought maybe it was Al Qaida- who are operating in the country.

They bombed a military hospital a few weeks back and killed civilians.

But Russia seems like they might be changing their tune a little- they are also speaking out more forcefully against Assad.

I watched Tom Freidman on the Charlie Rose show.

Freidman is a writer for the N.Y. Times- he’s usually right on.

He’s calling for a No Fly Zone in Syria.

I must ask these guys ‘what do you mean’?

Assad is not using planes to attack the rebels- just like Gadhaffi in Libya.

So what would a true no fly zone accomplish?

The term ‘no fly zone’ has come to mean ‘we will go in to your country- under the guise of NATO- but the U.S. will pay for most of it- do most of it- and we will bomb the hell out of your leader’.

Oh- then after were done- Al-Qaida- or any radical Islamist group- will rule the land.

So- because of our action in Libya- this is the new definition of a no fly zone.

I don’t want to sound like I support Assad- I don’t- but this strategy has failed.

In Egypt- where we forced the leader to step down [Mubarak].

They just had their election- and it’s a runoff between a former govt. man and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The president has supported the Muslim Brotherhood [our president!]

He had them at the White House a few weeks back.

This gave them an aura of support from the West- for a U.S. president to invite one of the groups of an upcoming election to have a personal sit down in the White House is showing favoritism.

So the actual protestors who gave their lives in Tahrir square- their voices are not being heard.

The moderate candidates did not win.

The Muslim Brotherhood might not be as bad as Al-Qaida [Might!] but they do advocate for Shariah law.

Egypt was not an Islamic run state in the past- we ousted out Mubarak and now it looks like they will become one.

Why is this bad?

Let’s see- gay folk- yeah- we catch you in the act- we kill you.

Women- caught cheating- we stone you.

Christians- if we think you blasphemed Allah [like witnessing for Jesus] your dead too.

Should I go on?

Yet the president and many in the western media hail the recent elections as a great victory for Democracy- after all it is a real vote.

I wonder how many of these same reporters would think the same if some Western nation elected a bunch of radical Christian fundamentalists who wanted to kill gays and women.

We see the double standard- and it’s huge.

And let’s end with politics.

Yes- the lines are drawn and Obama has made it clear that his strategy to go after Bain capital is going to be their campaign.

Okay- Bain capital is the financial firm that Romney ran.

This firm used PRIVATE MONEY to go into hurting companies and provide cash.

In some cases- not all- they had to downsize.

They laid off workers- cut back- and even closed some businesses down.

In other cases they saved the company- and the businesses went on to become great successes [Staples- the office supply chain is one example].

So- the President is criticizing Bain because in some cases they lost jobs.

Let’s look at his record for a moment.

One of the things that Obama likes to do is invest PUBLIC TAX MONEY into private business- businesses that have direct ties to him and his friends.

Yes- he sunk tons of money into Solyndra [a solar energy company].

This company- now famous for having gone under [yikes- you mean you invested money into a private company- TAX MONEY- and it shut down- sounds like Bain to me].

And when the company was on the verge of going under- it was right before the midterm elections- the president changed the govt. loan- against the law- and made it favor one of his top money guys.

Yes- this is fact- it all came out- in the news- on a bunch of Fridays no less.

The loans that the govt. makes to these private companies has a law that says ‘if the company ever goes bust- the taxpayers get paid back first- before any private investors’.

Got it?

The law puts the tax payer over the ‘private equity money’ that is- Bain money.

Okay- the law protects you and me- and it makes the Bain’s of the world get paid last.

So what did the Pres do?

His campaign guy- who had invested money into the company- told the Pres ‘look- I will put more money into Solyndra- to keep them afloat before the election- but if they go bust- I want my money back first- before the taxpayer’.

Now- this is against the law that governs these loans.

So- after all this came to light- an email/memo came out that said ‘it looks like your wanting to change the law to benefit your friend might be illegal’. This was an internal memo from Obama’s people.


Yeah- Obama’s own people wrote this.

They advised ‘you need to get the approval of the justice dept. before you change this loan’.

He never did.

He changed the loan- his top campaign guy got his money first- and you and I got the short end of the deal.

Now- after all this- the presidents main campaign message is ‘look at Romney- he has a past of using private money to bail out companies- his dealings with private money are bad’.

You think with a history like Solyndra the last thing you would want to bring up is private money deals versus the U.S. taxpayer.

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We had an interesting news week.

I saw a clip from Penn Gillette- the comedian/atheist/magician.

Yeah- he was raging against the President.


Because Obama supports tough laws against pot smoking- and he at the same time was a pot smoker.

Now- at first I did not understand the ‘guttural’ anger.

That was until I read some of the reports about Obama’s past.

Like most people- I knew that he toked a joint or 2 in high school, and I just chalked it up to growing up in the 70’s/80’s.

Sure- we all did stupid stuff.

 I thought the high heels on my shoes were cool- I still remember how proud I felt when my dad painted my room with red, white and blue stripes and stars- ‘just wait until the girls see this!’

But after I read some of the articles on Obama- I was actually surprised that he basically was the biggest ‘pot head’ at his school.

Why surprised?

Look- it wasn’t just a toke or 2- it was the whole image of the Cheech and Chong thing.

The reports said how he coined the term 'T.A.’ Total Absorption.

He had this thing that of you wasted the ‘precious Hawaiian weed’ you were looked down on.

He also started a trend where you all light up- and sit in the car- the car fills with pot and you do not roll the windows down until all the pot is gone- consumed by the guys in the car.

There were many pictures of Obama with a joint- scenes where the car is pot filled- they showed the ‘pot van’ they all used.

Obama even coined another term ‘interception’ when they guys were passing the joint around- he would grab the joint out of turn and say ‘intercepted’.

Now- does all this mean he should not be Pres.?

Not really- but I had no idea he was the biggest pot head on the Hawaiian Island!

I mean I now see how his old buddies must be laughing about the whole thing.

They really pulled a fast one on the public.

I read this from a liberal news site- Huffington Post- as well as more conservative ones- it seems like the story is true.

There were lots of pictures and names- and even the nicknames they used- all pot head type stuff.

Now I see why Penn was mad- he ranted on his on line Sunday School program- he is a libertarian- against the drug laws- and he said if Obama was ever caught doing this stuff he would have been arrested and had a record and would have never been Pres.

But then he still supports tough pot laws- that- in his mind- are ruining the futures of many other kids.

Yeah- got it.

Facebook IPO- a mess.

Okay- to all my Facebook family- Dad [Zuckerberg] had a bad week.

As most of you know- Facebook went public this week.

For the first time- you can now buy stock in the company.

The opening price was 38 dollars a share.

I think today it’s around 31- not good.

What happened?

Lots of stuff.

The Nasdaq- the tech arm that lists most internet/computer stock- messed up.

On opening day the purchasers [and sellers] were delayed for a couple of hours during trading.

That’s bad.


If you think your buying at say 34 dollars- and it takes 2 hours to go thru- and you find out you bought at 40- not good.

So you have lawsuits being filed as I speak.

Also- it’s kind of complicated- but the way Morgan Stanley [the bank that financed the initial offering] went about offering stock- they seem to have blown the deal.

Right up until the day before the stock sale- lots of institutional investors had their bids in.

These are the big hedge fund guys and all.

Now- they expected to get so many shares for the money they put down.

When the actual sale went thru- to their surprise- they had lots more than they thought.

It spooked them.

The reason for this was Facebook and the bank decided to put more shares for sale than originally thought.

This caught the investors off guard and added to the fear.

There are a few more things that went wrong- all in all in was not a good day for Facebook.

I like Facebook- I try not to criticize it- it gives us all a free venue to ‘vent’- but this thing went bad- fast.

Some thought the company was valued too high for the projected income- that other tech companies that went public [Google] were bought and sold at a much cheaper price- compared to the amount of projected income- so there were lots of things wrong with this offering.

And last.

I was surprised to see the president loosing over 40% of the Democrat vote in some of these primaries.

Obama is running unchallenged- and yet he is losing lots of the vote- to either unknown candidates [they simply vote- other] or to guys in prison!

Yes- a guy sitting in jail here in Texas got over 40% of the vote- amazing [and this was a primary in another state!]

Alaska, Kentucky and West Va. all had a huge percentage of Dems vote against Obama.

I do think the odds of him suffering a loss- maybe a big loss- is very real.

James Carville- the ragin cagin Dem strategist has warned about this- he thinks the Dems are taking this election too lightly.

He sees the writing on the wall.

He’s asking ‘what are you all high or what’.

No Jim- it’s called total absorption.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.


About a week ago I noticed something.

The media began running with a story that said ‘the austerity programs in Europe did not work- look- their economies are collapsing’.

Now- at first there were just a few people saying it- Paul Krugman from the N.Y. Times.

He is a liberal economist who has advocated for more stimulus spending.

He has said that 800 billion was not enough [the 1st stimulus] that we needed about 2 trillion.

Of course if your whole career is based on teaching this principle [Krugman is a Noble Prize winning economist] then instead of admitting you were wrong- you will say ‘they did not spend enough’.

So he just put out another book [how to spend our way out of this depression] and some others have jumped on the bandwagon.

These people know that we will never know if 2 trillion would have done the job- because we will never agree to another trillion in stimulus.

So- after hearing inklings of this over the past couple of weeks- I saw a report on the presidents meeting with the G-8 nations [top economies of the world] and the news report showed Obama and the U.S. on one side- and the E.U. nations on the other side.

They then said how Obama- and the stimulus- brought our country out of the recession- and that all these other E.U. nations tried austerity- and it failed.


The E.U. nations that are suffering their own ‘great depression’ got into this situation by spending more than they had.

Greece was the first one to see trouble- and others followed.

This is why we saw the Greek riots and stuff like that.

Now- out of the 17 nations that make up the common currency group- the Euro- Germany is the most stable of the bunch.

Germany has practiced austerity [spend less than you have] for years- they saw the writing on the wall and cut back their spending years ago.

They are also the strongest nation in the Euro Zone [note- there are 28 nations in the European Union- but only 17 are in the common currency called the Euro- Obviously Great Britain has the largest economy in Europe.]

So- after some of the ‘overspending nations’ got into trouble- they wanted the banks in the E.U. region to bail them out [U.S. style].

The banks- and the other more stable economies told Greece 'if you want the bail out- you must show us you are serious about getting your house in order’.

And this led to cutbacks in spending in Greece and a few other troubled nations.

Okay- the Greeks did not like the new cut back measures [called austerity] - many of the retired people lost half their pensions- other benefits were lost.

Greeks retire in their 50’s- with full benefits.

They gave too much over the years- and got in over their heads.

So Germany said ‘look- our people retire at 70- if you want our tax money to bail you out- then you need to retire at the age we do’!

Sure- they were mad- they were not going to subsidize another countries young retirees.

So all this played into the call for cuts.

Did the cuts work?

They never had a chance to.

The recent elections in Greece kicked out all the ‘cutters’ and put in new people who vowed to tax the rich.

In France- the new leader is calling for a 75 percent tax on the rich- 75!

So- the Euro Zone nations have not even been able to see if the cutting worked.

There spending went up the last few years- from 44 to 49 %- as compared to their GPD.

So- when the media reported ‘the Obama spending worked- and the E.U. cutting did not’ that’s really not the full story.

I find it funny how quick the media and the Obama people began running with this message- in no time at all they saw a political advantage in making it look like the Krugmans of the world were right.

Remember- the strongest economy in the Euro Zone is Germany- and they did not spend like the other weaker nations- or like the U.S.

They are the strongest because they reigned in spending- not increase it.

The U.S. economy did gain some benefit from the 800 billion stimulus- because much of the money that went to the states was used to simply prop up the states budgets- but that money is now gone.

Overall- the cost per job from the stimulus money was not worth it- and many of the programs [Solyndra] that we spent money on was lost.

So all in all- to say ‘the U.S. has proved that stimulus works- and the E.U. has proved that cutting does not’ is really not true.

Also- the other day I posted about the danger of the President going around and using the class warfare language.

Sure enough- we had 2 more incidents of anarchists [people mad at govt. and rich folk] who were arrested for planning terrorist attacks.

These guys [5 in all] were at the NATO meeting in Chicago and supposedly were planning bad stuff.

Some say they were set up by undercover agents- so how serious they were we don’t know.

But this happened just days after Biden went on a rage at some union event.

I’m sure you saw the clip ‘they don’t get us- they don’t know who we are!’

The ‘they’ are the rich folk [opps- Biden just happens to be one].

Now- he went on for a few minutes- in a rage.

The Obama campaign has continued to hit private enterprise hard- they are gonna wind up sinking Bain Capital.

Bain is the private equity firm that Romney ran.

Bain has gone in to businesses in trouble has done one of 2 things.

Sometimes they close the business and pass the profits off to the stock holders.

Other times they save the business- and create jobs.

I must admit- as media critic- I even began becoming influenced by the nonstop campaign against Bain.

Just recently I saw the stats- they actually have helped/created more jobs than they lost.

I never knew this.

Just yesterday Bain had to start putting out statements in defense of their business.

You must understand that the president’s choice to basically throw this private group under the bus is sad.

If you work- or have money invested in Bain- you are in trouble.


Look- private companies hire Bain to come in- and at times- help the company.

Now- if you are an employer- and word gets out ‘the boss hired Bain’! The Union guys will revolt!

You say ‘well John- that’s good- they will save their jobs’.

Not always.

The company will simply avoid the media publicity from Bain and hire another firm.

So- the decision to blast Bain is an attack on jobs- in a way.

Even Cory Booker- the mayor of Newark- went on the defense of Bain on Sundays Meet the Press.

He had to back track later because he is a supporter of Obama.

But he too realizes that to attack private equity is stupid.

Private equity just bailed out Newark a year or so ago.

Mark Zuckerberg [Facebook founder] gave around 100 million to Newark to help with the schools.

Yeah- Corey had a dog in the fight- and it wasn’t Obama!

Okay- I think will end with this- I was gonna throw in another thing or 2- but let it wait.

Rarely is one side always right- and the other always wrong.

But when you see the trend of a false story develop in the media- and the concurrent Obama campaign narrative- then you need to be aware that this in not journalism.

It is simple advocacy.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.


Very rarely do I post more than once a day [sometimes once a week!] But as I sit here watching the news- some news shows [absent Fox] are going ballistic.


A story has hit the air that some conservative Pac [political action committee] is going to run a ‘negative campaign’ [could this be?] associating the president with Rev. Wright- his former pastor.

Now- whether a person agrees with this or not- both sides do it- and will continue to do so.

The description by the media is ‘a billion dollar campaign to bring the president down’.

I have never heard any other negative campaign described like this.

It has been reported that the Obama campaign plans on spending millions to attack Romney’s character.

Yet- the media simply describes it as ‘there you go- that’s modern politics’.

2nd- there is another story that has hit the air today- it is a TRUE story about a past literary agent for the president.

This agency- with the president’s obvious approval [knowledge] listed the president as being born in Kenya.

Now- some media people are ready to explode.


They are not reporting that the story is actually true- not that he was born in Kenya [I don’t think so personally] But that he had his own lit. agent represent him this way.

For various reasons- in the past the president has used ways to define himself as having an international persona.

He himself has used this characterization.

So- how do we explain his own agent speaking [actually putting it in a promotional book] about him being born in Kenya?

I don’t know.

But the story is not fake- the book actually exists [until they burn the last copy].

But instead of the media reporting that the story is true- that this literary agent represented the president this way [in 1991].

No- they are making it sound like the story is fake- and that anyone who believes it is a birther.

Even the conservative sites that broke the story DO NOT BELIEVE HE WAS BORN IN KENYA- they say so in the coverage.

They simply are reporting the factual part of the story- that an agent for Obama represented him as being born in Kenya.

A while back I had a conversation with a friend- this friend is a liberal.

I informed the person that one of the media Fables was that Sarah Palin said ‘you can see Russia from my house’.

In actuality she never did say this.

She said ‘you can see portions of Russia from some spots in Alaska’.

Tina Fey [SNL] made the other quote famous.

After not being able to convince my friend of the truth- I then realized that either way this person still thought Palin was an idiot.


Because ‘who thinks you can see Russia from Alaska!’

Actually- you can see Russia from Alaska- for real!

But on most maps- they show the Western half right up until Alaska- and the Eastern half ends at Russia.

So- any thinking person would think ‘gee- I guess if you put the 2 ends together [called a globe?] you might have Alaska and Russia side by side’.

Yes- and this is why Alaskans find it necessary to often inform people that you can indeed see Russia from Alaska.

But the media [and my friend] were laughing so hard- they never heard the message.

[The purpose of this post is not to condone negative campaigning- or to engage in Birtherism- But to simply show you how we respond to things differently.

Instead of the media going ballistic ‘how dare anyone say the president was born in Kenya’.

They could simply report that a past agent for Obama described him this way- and they can say the agent was obviously mistaken.

But instead- many people- good people- will never know the truth about the story.

They will go on for years with the mindset ‘wow- can you believe some people think you can see Russia from Alaska?’]

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.


I read an article the other day that got me mad.

It was a news story about a prisoner of war- one of our guys- who was taken captive in Afghanistan in 2009.

He has been held in Pakistan by the Taliban/Al-Qaida for the past 3 years.

As I read the article it was ‘slanted’ to make it sound like it was the parent’s fault that their son was still captive.


The article stated that the parents just came out and finally ‘broke their silence’ which finally ‘freed the hands of the President to work to free the man’.

Now- as a media critic- it took no time at all to see that this journalist was simply lying to make it look like Obama was just- and the parents themselves were to blame for their son’s imprisonment.

What do you think would make the parents ‘keep silent’ for all those years?

Obviously they were told that some type of negotiations were going on- and to keep the thing private.

Then why do you think they would come out now?

Because they probably felt like the administration was dragging their feet.

So later in the day I saw multiple stories about the case- and that’s exactly what happened.

The parents have been trying to meet with the President for a couple of years and he has refused to meet with them.

They spoke publicly because they feared for their son’s life.

Okay- this particular media bias upset me more than usual because they printed a nationwide story- that blamed the parents for their sons fate- all in order to spin the story to benefit Obama.

The other day I heard a montage of statements from an NBC news man.

These were various statements made over the last couple of years about the President.

‘His I.Q. must be at least 160’

‘That smile is worth 5-10 points alone in the election’

‘His body is in great shape- just look at that lean body’

‘I feel a tingle go up my leg when I hear him speak’

‘A star is born’ [after the election]

Okay- I’m not one of those ‘far right’ guys who thinks the President might actually be the anti Christ [or the Messiah- false].

But what would posses any news man to talk this way?

I have gay friends- I don’t condone the lifestyle- but I have never even heard them speak about another man like this.

The point?

When the media does this- when they are willing to slander the parents of a POW- and make it sound like they were the very ones who 'tied up Obama’s hands’.

Then it’s very difficult to trust anything they say.

The N.Y. Times just did a poll that said over 60% of the American people believe that Obama’s ‘new’ gay marriage stance was a political calculation.

Now- believe it or not- I don’t hold this view.

I wrote on this a few posts back- and I do believe that Biden simply did what he does best and forced the president’s hand by blurting out that he himself was for gay marriage.

So why do over 60 % believe his decision was political?

A day or 2 after the decision to come out in favor of it- the Washington Post [or times?] put out that now infamous 5 page- front page story about Romney being an anti gay bashing bully- who packs scissors!

Okay- this was a 5 page story- they obviously didn’t just come up with the thing in a day.

They were sitting on the story- probably waiting for the best time to deliver it- and because Obama just came out with his pro gay stand- they might have thought let’s do it now to contrast Romney as being anti gay.

Either way- the timing looked coordinated- people are not dumb- it’s an insult when the right or the left treat people like this.

It’s an insult to make it sound like the parents of a POW were ‘tying up the hands of the President’ and they were the ones who were putting their sons life at risk- as the President was sitting in the Oval Office wringing his hands over it.

Yes- media bias exists- we all want to give people the benefit of the doubt- but after a while people become suspicious- they see so many news stories that lean to one side- that they simply begin believing the worst.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.


This past week I spoke with my Liberal friend from the North- yes- a real person- not a composite!

I always try and take the middle ground in these talks- showing my friend that to be too partisan clouds the mind.

One example- this friend has bought the whole media line that Romney- because of his wealth- is unfit to serve.

That his wife does just sit on the couch all day and does nothing- and they are unable to speak about real issues because of this.

Now- this person voted for Kerry a few years back.

I told my liberal friend ‘say if you found out that Romney actually never earned his money- but he married his wife- who also never earned it- but she inherited it from a rich father’.

And say if Romney was spending all of his wife’s money on yachts- expensive vacation homes- and all the ritzy stuff that Romney has [elevators for cars].

Of course my friend would be even more mad.

Yet this is exactly what happened to John Kerry.

He simply married a woman who was heir to the Heinz ketchup fortune.

Okay- does this make Kerry a bad man?


But this shouldn’t make Romney a bad man either- yet I never heard one story about Kerry being a free loader off of his wife’s money.

The point being we get mad at the other side- even though we allow those same things to slip by if it happens on ‘our side’.

Now- the other day I posted on the economy- that I felt we still had a ‘long hard slog’ ahead.

Others had too rosy of a picture in my view.

Now- economics/finances is like anything else- you look at the data and make the best ‘guess’ possible.

When I looked at the data at the end of last year- we had some bad signs ahead.

This year- the states and local govts [cities- towns] were not going to have anywhere near the revenue that they had for the past few years.


The federal govt. has cut back much of the funding that they gave to the states.

Obama care has also put a huge burden on the states.

One of the ways it ‘covers’ the uninsured is to simply mandate that the states put millions of more people on the Medicare rolls.

This is a tremendous cost to the states- money they don’t have.

Home prices.

Housing prices have gone down- in some places more than 50%- and the way most states/cities pay for their local expenses [schools] is this way [property tax].

So you basically have the states and cities having to come up with more money- and in reality they have nowhere to get the money.

Now- last night I watched the governor from Cali. say that the state is in almost double the debt that they we were expecting.

California is 16 billion in debt- not 9 billion as was projected.

Governor Brown- a smart guy- he once studied to be a Jesuit priest- they are top of the line intellectuals among Catholic priests.

 [just as a side note- this order rose up during the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. A soldier by the name of Ignatius Loyola was wounded and recovering in the hospital.

He read about the life of Christ and dedicated himself to the Lord.

The Jesuits were the order he founded.

They evangelized all the way into Asia- an area that the Protestant missionaries avoided.

The Jesuits played a major role in the scientific revolution- as a percentage of how few Jesuits there were- they had a huge impact on the development of modern science.]

So governor Brown said his state has lived beyond it’s means for too long- they spent money they did not have- and now the chickens have come home to roost.

Brown is a liberal Democrat.

The governor of N.Y. said the same thing a few months back.

When he got elected he actually worked with the unions in the state and worked out a deal where they were going to cut the huge expenses that the retirees managed to bargain for over the years.

Cuomo- another Democrat- said it was impossible for the state to continue to pay out these lavish benefits.

After the union leaders made the deal- the rank and file rose up [like Greece] and simply elected new leaders who would fight the changes.

I heard a clip from Cuomo- he was yelling ‘we can’t keep making the rich/businesses pay- they are all leaving the state’- just like Cali.

So- with unemployment at historic highs- with state and local govts having to lay off tons of teachers and cops and firefighters.

While the cost to the states is going up- a lot [Obama care].

With all these things in the hopper- besides the ‘unknowns’ like the banks [Morgan Chase] still making risky bets.

Yes- in my view I could not see how some financial guys were talking a huge recovery- some have said they thought the DOW would be at 17,000 next year- nuts!

As I spoke to my liberal friend- they said ‘so- do you think Romney would have been able to create more jobs than Obama’!

They were mad- I said I’m really not a Romney supporter- but being I live in oil state I know from firsthand experience that Obama has cost us jobs.

When he got in office the regulations and the EPA came down hard on the state- they cost lots of jobs.

I saw a clip- video- from Obama the other day- it was from January of 2008- he said he wanted to see the cost of opening up coal powered plants go so high that any sane business person would simply choose not to do it.

Okay- if you have said these things- and have actually done them- then yes- there have been very real jobs lost because of these things.

I assume Romney would not have done this- at least not as much as Obama.

So yes- it’s quite possible that the president’s agenda has cost jobs.

I also explained to my friend that many business owners have put off hiring for 3 years now- because if Obama care passes many of them will be mandated to pay the health care- or a huge fine- for each worker.

Now- as noble as these things might be- they cost real jobs.

My liberal friend- who is a nice person- has lived off of govt. programs for a long time- has only worked a real job for a small part of life.

This person simply had no idea how the private sector really worked- they just listen to the media talking points- and the real world is so much different.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to ‘click’ the note App on my Facebook Profile- I have posted lots.

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