My studies

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Okay- I caught the debate on U- tube.

Bad choice for sure- missed about 15 minutes because of the bad download.

But- for what I saw- it was kinda mean to be honest- and even though the President did much better than the first time- there is enough for both sides to say ‘we did well’.

A few things.

Whenever you hear me talk about media bias- what I mean is most reporters/news guys usually vote for the Democrat candidate.

Polls have been taken in the past and over 90% of those who work in what we call the main stream media are indeed Dem’s.

So- does this means that have a secret conspiracy to go after the Repub?


But when you hold to a particular view- it’s hard to not let it slip out in ways that you- or the hearer- might not even realize.

On the U-tube event- they had Sam Donaldson on- a liberal news guy- who was tough on both Dem’s and Repubs over his life.

But- in one of those ‘unplanned’ media bias moments- when Sam was asked what Obama needs to do.

Donaldson said he has to ‘show how Romney does not really care for the average people’.

Okay- but the way he said the statement actually says Romney does not care for the average guy.

It would be like saying ‘what should Romney do’?

And the reporter says ‘he should show how Obama ruined the country’.

If you believe either of these charges- that’s up to you.

The point is- a reporter should not state the charge as fact.

So- overall the debate went okay.

I thought there were times when the president said ‘you are just not telling the truth’.

A line I find disturbing- because if you keep saying the other guy is lying- when both of you have used the facts the same way- kind of fudging when you can- then you’re not really telling me what your vision is.

But- when one candidate makes an accusation like that- its normal- even called for- to let the accused respond.

In this case- the moderator- Candy Crowley did not let Romney respond back.

But- what’s done is done.

The pre debate chatter from the U Tube panel talked about Romney’s obstacles.

They said that one of his problems is people just don’t like him- that he is really- at heart- a very unlikable person [huh?- both candidates have people who hate/ Love them].

And the panel said the way Romney must deal with it is to simply acknowledge that he is very unlikable [Huh?] and appeal to the people on the basis of ‘Sure- I am not a nice person- I’m actually one of the worst people you will ever meet. Yet- even though I’m so mean- I think I can manage the country better’.

Now- I’m sure the panel thought they were being realistic- but when you use words like this to describe one side- you are being biased.

One more example.

When the president changed his position on Gay marriage- the media reported it as a very good thing- that he was ‘evolving’.

When Romney changed on health care- he was called a flip flopper.

Now- you might think both of these descriptions are accurate- but they play into a mindset- a way of framing the words of a story to make you see the person in a negative light.

This is nothing new- it happens every day in the media.

All in all I think the president did much better than the last time- and I thought Romney did okay.

The real decision should be based on the record- in my view.

Last night the president spoke about how bad things have been for the past 10 years [he’s smarter than Biden- who said the middle class have been crushed these past 4 years].

He blamed all the ills of the last 4 years [you know- they are part of the 10] on the republicans/Bush.

He has said you can’t vote for Romney because he has not actually said- in detail- all that he will do in the budget.

It’s amazing that the president says this- he has not passed a budget- in 4 years.

And when he actually has presented one- he did not get a single vote for it- either Repub or Dem.

As far as I know- this is unprecedented in the history of the country- for a sitting pres to not be able to get a single vote from his own party on his budget.

So- these are the things you should decide on.

If you’re the incumbent- and your saying things have been terrible the past 10 years because of Bush- then you- in my mind- have no real solutions.

I am not an Obama hater by any means- but in the real world if you miss managed the ‘company’ so badly for your first term- then you would not get another.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to scroll down on the timeline [Facebook] - I have posted lots.

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