My studies

Monday, October 15, 2012


What the heck- might as well do a post while the guy works on the van.

I am surprised that I picked up wireless here- Inkys or something.

O.K.- I have been wanting to mention the debates.

Of course last night we had Biden and Ryan go at it [I slept in the van and caught it on NPR].

If you’re a Dem- then you think Biden won- if a Repub- Ryan.

What do I think? [I am independent]

I think they both did well- maybe a sort of tie.

Now- what about the Obama/Romney one?

Most people think Obama did poorly- me too.

But- when I first heard the liberal side of the aisle skewer Obama- I thought it must have been really bad.

Whenever you hear a news guy- whether Liberal or Conservative- try and give you their narrative- always be open and make your own call.

I saw the Pres. Debate the next day on CSPAN- I thought Obama lost- but I did not see it as the Titanic.

I told a liberal friend ‘it really wasn’t as bad as they made it out’.

A few things.

Right after the pres debate- the campaign people for Obama put out a line that said ‘sure- Romney won- but it was simply a good performance from a liar’.

Then- the news media ran with that story- night after night- you heard them say Romney is a liar- who lied well.

I was at my mom’s house- she watches MSNBC a lot [I do on and off].

And I saw how it affected her.

She was furious at Romney for being a liar.

I explained to her that they all lie- Obama- Romney- all of them.

I told her how many see Romney as a ‘liar’ because he flip flopped on ‘Obama care’.

He was ‘for it- before he was against it’ type thing.

I told my mom that I don’t see either of these men as angels- or demons.

I said Romney says his health care plan in Mass [while governor] was different.

Okay- I have heard his explanation- I think it pretty much was the same.

But- I don’t hate the man- he’s running as the Repub candidate- and the Repubs don’t like Obama-care- so he’s against it.

I got it.

But how many Dem’s- who hate Romney for switching his view- over a period of years- also ‘hate’ Obama for doing the same thing?

When the president ran against Hillary- he vowed to never do ‘Obama care’ the way he did it.

Hillary was for universal health care- with a mandate.

A mandate is the law that says you must purchase it- or pay a fine.

Now- during the nomination process- right up until the election- Obama was dead set against a mandate.

Some people voted for him because of this- during the Dem nomination process.

Yet- it did not take him 6 years- 3 years- or one year to ‘switch’ sides.

It took him one day.

Yes- the day before he was elected- he was against the mandate.

The first thing he did after being elected- the major ‘accomplishment’ of his first term- was health care- with a mandate.

Yet- I don’t remember the news media spending days with a narrative [story] that said Obama is a liar.

So- it’s better to simply listen to the sides- if you prefer the conservative side- then you will vote Romney.

If you prefer the liberal side- then you will vote Obama.

But do we have to watch days on end of the news reporting- openly- that Romney is a liar?

I said about a month ago that the real big news story- that is worthy of coverage- is the situation that happened in Libya- the killing of our people at the embassy.

In last night’s debate- that was the first question that came up.

Yeah- their catching on- ya think?


Well- the N.J. trip was long- and I realized that I can’t drive like I did when I was younger.

It’s hard to see at night- and it just seemed much longer than it used to be.

From now on I will fly.

Okay- since I’ve been back I was able to catch up on all the news- all the shows I missed [I have Rocu- they basically DVR everything for you].

On the trip I caught some shows- but I realize now that there are things I do need to cover.

But for today- let’s just hit a few thoughts from the trip.

On the way back I broke down- for the 2nd time [the first was on the way to N.J. - I blew a belt and water pump in Arkansas].

I was in Kansas- and it sounded like the water pump went out again.

But the guy checked it out and it was a fan clutch [I have changed these before- it’s much easier/cheaper].

So I lucked out [of course prayed!]

On both of the ‘breakdowns’ I wound up getting the van repaired by small- kind of ‘po-dunk’ type shops.

I managed to drive to the shops- or to the town- and thru using the local stores was able to call the shops.

The shops both did great jobs- very professional- in Kansas I drove back in the tow truck- a brand new one- nice.

As we got back to the small shop- the tow driver was also the repairman.

He had it done in around an hour.

All these services were done by small businesses.

In actuality- they would be in the category of the ‘rich who are not paying their fair share’.

Yes- most small businesses fall under this category.

Why did these guys do such a great job- treat me well- and were available to do it?

Because they are in business- they are the capitalists of our world.

Now- if I had to use ‘government’ services- would they too have been there?


If I never made it to a town I would have called 911- and some type of ‘govt.’
worker would have helped.

Whether it was the local cops- the DPS- the highway patrol- all of these services fall under the heading of government- whether city or state- they would be considered govt. [public safety].


They are paid by taxes- and they are in a ‘non profit’ job.

Yet- they do it for a salary as well.


 Right now in our country there is a debate that says ‘should we be a conservative people- or elect liberal folk’.

Joe Biden said that’s the choice- and in a way he is right.

But I think if we see only one side or the other as the national ‘savior’ then we are setting ourselves up for a fall.

In a way we do need both- that is there is a need for government- how big? - well that’s the debate.

But a strict ‘capitalist’ society- where everything was based on services for profit- would not totally do the job.


Because there are needed- vital services- that would not make a profit.

The whole debate on health care- why do Insurance companies drop- or not insure- the elderly or sick [unless they are forced to]?

Because there is no profit if you have all chronically sick people.

That’s the whole point about the mandate/universal care- the private industry will not do the job- in this particular case.

So- I get that.

But in many areas- like my tow truck/mechanic experiences- they do indeed get the job done- and they do it well.

It’s sad that many of these small business guys have been demonized this past year.

From what I saw- both of the shops I stopped at were hard working guys/kids.

They treated me with respect- they did not rip me off [I know mechanics somewhat- I ‘diagnosed’ the initial problems and all- right away].

And they did it all under a ‘for profit’ venture- yet they met a vital service- - one that serves the community well.

And not just their local community- I was just one of many road travelers that have used them- and they do a real good job.

Okay- this week I will try and hit on some of the major news stories of the last few weeks- there are some important things to cover.

Last week I read Hebrews 2 [Psalms 128 and Gen 2]- this week lets read Hebrews 4- Psalms 90 and Mark 10.

I will try and comment on them at the end of the week.

Okay- that’s it for now- remember- pray for one another- if you disagree with people about stuff [often politics or religion] try not to demonize them- they are also created in the image of God.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to scroll down on the timeline [Facebook] - I have posted lots.

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