My studies

Thursday, September 13, 2012


We got up early yesterday- had a couple of the street guys spend the night.

I cooked breakfast and we went to pick up Andy’s daughter.

For some reason this past week she had some kind of mental breakdown.

Her name is Rocelle [yeah- not Rochelle] she is around 38 years old and Andy [her dad] told me she tried to commit suicide the other day- she has been acting different- a type of mental breakdown.

So her husband is afraid to leave her alone when he goes to work- and we went and got her.

She spent most of the day with us- we drove over to the hospital to see John David.

He would be her uncle- Andy’s brother.

He just had open heart surgery.

Rocelle liked my yard/study.

It’s funny- I have verses and stuff all over the place- lots of people think it looks overdone- sort of ‘trailer trash’.

I do joke about it at times.

But Rocelle told Andy- as they were walking back into the house- that she wanted to just walk around and read all the verses- she was ‘fascinated’ by it.

I also had another friend- who just happens to suffer from mental problems- he too loved the yard- just ‘being there’.

In a way I do think it’s a sort of prayer garden type experience- these friends sense the presence of God- I walk the yard early in the mornings and pray- many of the verses are written out of this prayer time.

So- in a spiritual way- they are entering into this time.

We went and seen John David- I posted the pic last night [with Huey his brother by his side].

I haven’t seen David in a few years- I have written a bunch of posts about him- he was the one who killed his best buddy years ago in Dallas.

Got off by his mom hiring the lawyer who represented the guy who killed Lee Harvey Oswald [remember the post?].

Anyway David was an addict for many years- got clean a few years ago and has been wanting to start a halfway house.

David and his brothers have told me that he was a very successful business man years ago- made lots of money [millions?].

You know- he had a construction business- a big one.

He eventually blew the money on drugs and became a street guy.

As we were waiting at the hosp to see him- we walked passed some guy- dressed nice in a suit and all- and later he came up to us.

He told Huey ‘do you remember me’?

Huey said no.

He told Huey he was John John.

Huey told me that John John was a young boy who used to work for David years ago.

They all hauled concrete and stuff together.

Huey told me that John John is a ‘big wig’ now in the area- runs a big furniture store- lives in Kings Crossing [a rich area].

He came to see David.

He said David was his neighbor years ago.

David lived in the rich section too.

So we talked with David- I prayed for him- and I told him I’m gonna try and help him set up the half way house.

I drove by the house he’s looking at- right in the drug area- perfect spot.

I had Andy drive me by John David’s apt.

We got out to talk to his girlfriend- Andy tells me ‘be careful round here- it's a big drug dealer spot- don’t look at anyone’.

I laughed- I told him I have been ‘hanging out’ on the corners the last few weeks [remember the posts on Terri and Arnold- and the guy I tried to give a dollar to- he ran away!].

Yeah- it was funny.

We had a good day- Rocelle asked if we could do this again.

I told her sure- she can come with us when we get together.

Now- I know that driving around- we did pray- shared scripture- stopped for snacks- I know from years of experience- that in a way this can be true fellowship [I have actually written a few books about this- on the blog].

So- Rocelle was simply enjoying the fellowship time- she is having a hard time- and instead of being out hooking up for drugs [I think the reason she has been having this difficult time- in her mind- is her dad and uncle think she might have done some type of new drug- maybe Bath Salts- the drug that has caused people to go nuts].

All in all- it was a good day.

I do want to mention the current situation in the Arab/Persian nations right now.

Yesterday I posted about the killing at our embassy in Libya- and the protests at our embassy in Egypt.

Over the night they have now spread to Yemen and Sudan- and maybe more.

The news talk now is about the politics of the whole thing.

Did Romney criticize too soon?

Did the state dept. [our embassy in Egypt] jump the gun in a kind of apologetic statement they put out- sort of ‘siding’ with the protestors.

This last year [even this last week- before this broke out].

I have been saying that the media have not been truly covering the aftermath of the things we have dome in Libya and Egypt.

I told a friend that Libya is highly unstable.

I told him that various militia groups still roam around- fully armed- and no one is really in control.

My criticisms have been that we sided with the people in the east [Benghazi] and ‘took out’ the leader in the west [Gadhaffi- Tripoli].

The problem?

The people of the east- many of them- are/were anti American- and some of them are indeed Al Qaeda [do you remember Gadhaffi saying this- over and over again?]

Now- without re-posting everything.

One of the reasons some in the eastern part of Libya wanted to remove Gadhaffi- was because he was seen as a ‘puppet’ of the west.

Yes- he decided to work with the U.S. and this angered some of the radicals in the east.

Okay- what happened yesterday?

These same radical groups- who are walking around with heavy artillery- Rocket Propelled Grenades- they basically attacked our embassy- in Benghazi- in the eastern ‘capital’ and killed 4 Americans.


The newly installed govt. in Libya has said that they have no control over the country.

They said this a few months ago.

Why does the average person not know this?

Why have we not been doing  more to protect our embassies- we know [I hope] that Libya cannot provide the security needed- they have said this publicly for heaven’s sake.

I do think we need to pray- I do think the initial statement from the state dept. was bad.

And I do think Romney should have waited- at least a day- before commenting.

But the bigger story is when the U.S. involves itself militarily- to depose a leader- any leader- we need to also be aware of the aftermath- the instability that will result when the job is ‘finished’ [even in Iraq- and right now in Syria- we need to stop saying that these leaders- any/all of them- are committing ‘crimes against humanity’- geez- both sides are. We need to stop making it into a soundbite ‘you are on the wrong side of history’. No- the answer- moving forward- is for all sides to sit down and talk- Russia is right in what they are saying about Syria].

The statement [or lack thereof] from the new Egyptian president- Morsi- was dismal.

Last I heard- he still has not condemned the attacks- and he basically sided with the protestors.

We have no ally in Egypt- the people we backed in Libya [not all of them] just killed 4 Americans- and it seems like the violence is spreading.

Pray for world peace- I know it sounds ‘liberal’ but it is the will of God.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John. Don’t forget to scroll down on the timeline [Facebook] - I have posted lots.

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