My studies

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Let’s end the week with a few top news events. Yes- once again we have had the burning of the Quran- and the violent aftermath.

What happened this time? Well- it was not an outright insult to Islam- like the Florida pastor who hosted ‘burn the Koran day’.

These Korans were part of a ‘detention’ library facility [gee- maybe that’s the 1st problem?] where prisoners have access to religious material.

They were available to Afghani’s who were being held as prisoners of war.

So- our side found possible hidden notes in them- and yeah- we burned the stuff.

Okay- was this a bad thing to do? Sure.

But the nonstop apologies- the reaction of Muslims rioting and killing- all over the world- not just in Afghanistan- this reaction needs to be condemned.

We are falling into a trap- a mindset that says ‘we will tolerate- and overlook intolerance- because after all- it’s not as bad as 9-11’.

Yesterday Iran was going to execute a Christian pastor because he refused to denounce his faith.

You say ‘yea John- but we condemn Iran anyway’.

But they do stuff like this in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain too- and these are our ‘good friends’.

I was watching a show the other night- it was a defense of Islam- against those who have a ‘crusade’ against it.

Though the show portrayed the people against Islam as bigots- they showed a few clips and interviews with a woman who was raised in a predominantly Muslim land- and she now lives in the U.S. and she feels that many in the U.S. media are overlooking the very real prejudices against women who live in these countries.

So- during the interview- intended to make her look bad- they ask her something like ‘but what about all the Muslims who reject violence’.

The reporter wanted her to commend those in Islam who reject violence [Muslim Brotherhood groups] yet still advocate for Shariah law.

The ‘radical’ anti Islam woman’s response ‘so- you want me to give credit to people just because they don’t want to kill me’.

The lady was right- she warns people against the rise of Shariah law- as the ‘law of the land’ and even though some of these groups are trying to achieve their goals peacefully- thru the ballot box- yet the end result is a society that executes Christians because they believe.

So as the week has passed- we have been apologizing nonstop- writing personal letters [Obama to Karzai].

Showing clips of our commanders instructing our soldiers to not react- to not ‘get upset’ that Muslims are rioting and killing them.

Look- we made a mistake- on the scale of ‘crimes against humanity’ the mistake rates at around zero.

Yes- we understand that to Muslims it’s a blasphemous act- and we did not do this out of disrespect for Islam.

But we must say- loud and clear- if your religion justifies the killing of people simply because they burn a book- or write a comedy sketch- or do any of a number of things that most of the civilized world do- then you need to either change your religion- or come up with a better interpretation.

Because we can’t all live in a world where stuff like this continues to happen- and we in the West seem to say ‘we understand your side’- no- when your side kills because of it- then we must condemn that side- whether it be Christian or Muslim.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John

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