My studies

Thursday, February 09, 2012


Last night I caught the tail end of the Wolf Blitzer show [CNN] or has Herman Cain calls him ‘BLITZ’.

Jack Cafferty does the usual rant- I like Jack- I grew up in the local media market where Jack got ‘broken in’.

As he’s reading the emails from ‘regular folk’ he reads one that says ‘Jack- I am a Southern White Evangelical- and I just want to admit that we are all lying to you- the world- and everyone. We hate Black folk- we use the term Nigger whenever they are not around- even my Pastor. We will not vote for Obama- because he is one of them’ and the email went on in this way.

Now- as someone who has done radio for 20 years- you do something that’s called ‘screen the callers’ you basically get both Lib’s and Conservatives that call in and act like they are on the other team- and they try and influence the conversation by faking it.

Oh Jack- my poor brother- I know you have been on the Wagon for many years- and I commend you for that- but I think the effects are long lasting- maybe Blitz needs to adjust the show.

In the last post I mentioned Syria- I don’t not want anyone to think that what’s happening over there is good- it is not!

My critique of the handling of the situation- especially of our U.N. ambassador- Susan Rice- was basically meant to say we have tried the strategy of saying ‘you are on the wrong side of history’ and demonizing the leaders of these countries- and maybe now we need to try another approach- because this one has not worked.

Then I caught the Russian ambassador on the Charlie Rose show- note- his show is very informative- for those who want to really get to know the issues in a serious way- I recommend you watch the show.

But the ambassador was asked what happened in the recent veto- by Russia and China- on the Syrian resolution.

He said Susan Rice has no idea what she’s doing- that Russia put an amendment on the table- and they have even offered to hold talks between the Rebels and the Syrian leader- but the U.S. refused to listen- and they did not even know how to bargain for a negotiation.

Okay- I listened with a grain of salt.

The next night- I heard a former U.N. worker- a U.S. worker- say the same thing. That the insiders have been saying that Susan Rice is a total incompetent- that for the sake of the country Obama simply needs to realize she is in over her head and replace her.

But on MSNBC I hear Matthews speak of her as doing one of the greatest jobs ever.

We need to be able to keep politics outside of this- if indeed she has messed up- which happens- then instead of jumping to her defense- let’s fix it. People are indeed dying- and it’s a tragedy.

The nightly news coverage is showing the damage- and when the media decide to play an angle- that says ‘see- Obama and Rice were right’ then you will be told that story.

This week the Russian envoy went to Damascus- and he was greeted with cheers from thousands of people- they want to sit down and have the talks- these people were not staged.

These are people who live in the capitol- who have businesses and kids going to school- and they have lived fairly decent lives for 30 years or so.

They have seen the result of the Egypt uprising- basically your country goers to hell in a hand basket. They have seen the Libyan situation- that many in the city of Tripoli- they too lost their lives and futures after the ‘revolution’ and these Syrians in Damascus really want the Russian solution- not the American one.

But instead- we have called the Russian solution ‘disgusting’. Why won’t we sit down with both sides?

The rebels- like in Libya- have said no.

When you have armed people on both sides- and one side is saying ‘let's have a cease fire- lets meet’ then the side that says no bears some blame.

In Libya and Syria we are saying no to the side that wants to negotiate a peace- we are leaving them with no option- except certain trial and execution by the rebels once they take over.

Our handling of the Arab Spring has been a gigantic failure- and if Susan Rice is indeed not up for the job- then she needs to go.

The other day I had a conversation with my liberal friend- who only watches MSNBC for their news source.

In the conversation the person tore Romney apart- talked about how the Repubs are all crooks and cheaters- and on and on.

I told the person I was no bigger fan of Romney then Obama- but I tried to tell the person that they are only seeing one side- they have all these complaints against one side- while they are unable to see the wrongs being done right now.

I mentioned the Fast and Furious scandal- and the cover up going on at the justice Department under Eric Holder.

This person never heard of the scandal.

I explained that it had to do with a program approved by Holder- the justice Dept. - that allowed illegal guns to be sold to Mexican drug runners- and that these guns were then later found at the scene of the death of one of our border patrol guys- agent Terry.

Now- my friend thought I was making this up ‘how could anyone ever do this’.

I explained that the intent of the program was to try and track the guns down- but instead we let over 2,000 walk- and for many years to come these guns will kill many Mexicans and Americans and other law enforcement folk.

Now- when the story broke [February of last year] Holder and Obama and others swore they had no knowledge of it.

The Repubs held a hearing on it- got some documents- and found out Holder lied.

They did indeed know about it- and at the point of them realizing their cover was blown [2-11] they refused to give up any more emails or correspondence from the justice dep’t about it.


Well it’s obvious that they have said stuff they don’t want the public to know.

The Repubs are now threatening to charge Holder with contempt of congress- because he has 80,000 known papers on the subject- but has only released 20,000.

The other 60 are all after the point where they realized the news was out.

Holder’s response is ‘if you don’t like it- sue me’

When Obama made the recess appointment a few weeks ago- he said ‘if you don’t like it- sue me’

I watched the hearings this past year on CSPAN [Holder]. The administration and the justice dept. were denying any involvement and knowledge- at one point they caught one of the main guys in a lie- you saw it live.

The mother of the dead agent- who was being lied to- broke down in tears.

What is our govt's response to this ‘don’t like it- sue us’.

Her family sued the justice dept this past week for wrongful death.

Last year- in the first time in U.S. history- an American president gave orders to execute an American citizen without a trial- or even charges being filed against him.

Some say it was good- others say no.

When asked for the paper that gave the justification for the action- the administration said ‘no- sue me’.

The ACLU [no conservative group!] sued him last week.

Texas just recently got turned down for a partial exemption from the new health care law.

The law says starting this year insurance companies must spend 80 percent of their money on actual health care- and if they spend less- then the difference will be rebated back to the customer.

Good deal?

Overall it sounds good.

But many say the result will be private insurers will leave some markets- and the average person will pay more.

Texas applied for a waiver that would allow the companies to transition more slowly.

70% one year- 75 the next- and then hit the 80 mark.

Obama said ‘no’.

17 states have applied for the waiver- 9 were denied- 6 got it- 2 are pending.

All the states that got the waiver are more pro Obama than Texas.

It would be reasonable to say ‘why not us’?

No answer- don’t like it ‘sue me’.

As a retired Texas fire fighter- still in the union- over the years when we have had real bad wild fires- we would apply for federal aid- and if you met the criteria [so much land burning at a certain rate] then you got the aid- no questions asked.

During Obama’s administration- for the first time I can remember- we applied during real bad fires last year [maybe 2 years ago?] and they said ‘no’.

We were shocked- many of us could not believe he would play politics like this. Perry was about to run- and he was touting the economic success of Texas- and Obama said ‘well- you guys are doing so good- you pay for it’.

Don’t like it- sue me.

My friend who watched only one source of news- they felt very justified in their view- but they only saw their side.

I know I have been hitting Obama hard- but the media have a way of showing you what they want.

If you only see one side- then you will always hate the other side.

In all these dealings- especially with the death of a U.S. border patrol agent- these things should not be covered up- all the papers need to be released- we need to know what happened.

As of today there have been no firings- no suspensions- not even a letter of reprimand that you would normally put in a person’s file- even for the smallest offenses [I worked civil service for 25 years- you normally would at least get this].

I hope we can straighten out the U.N. problem- the Holder problem- the whole ‘don’t like it- sue me’ problem- but if we can’t straighten it out soon- then maybe we just need to change the guy at the top- because this suing thing aint getting us any where- you think?

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John

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