My studies

Thursday, February 02, 2012


Okay- the other day I fessed up and admitted that I watch Al Jazeera news every so often. So to balance the scales somewhat- let me admit that I also listen to NPR [radio].

Over the years NPR has received a reputation of being a biased Liberal outfit. But to be honest most of the ‘hard news’ is pretty good.

So the other day I had it on- but it was on the weekend and I couldn’t catch the news.

So I realized I was catching the tail end of some European travel show. Okay- I’ll give it a shot.

The host is singing the praises of traveling/visiting France.

He has on a few guests who can’t get over the wonders of the European world- compared to us.

One guy shared how he was on vacation with his buddy and they came across a stranded woman motorist. They got out and assisted as best as they could.

Within minutes the tow truck showed up- she also kissed both men before she left- as a family type thing [they do this by the way- I was in Switzerland a few years ago and the hostess of the Christian home I was at did kiss you on the cheek before you went to bed!]

And the host went on and said that in France they even have laws where the Taxis must assist female stranded women- and all sorts of wonderful things we don’t do here in the U.S.

Okay- I was starting to hear that Lib bias come out. But wait!

Yes- some guy called in and shared how he was pick pocketed while getting on the train. Oh My!

For a moment it sounded like it might be a negative story- hmm?

He went on to say that these young boys- he almost described them as his grandkids- they had a little scheme where they would distract you and one kid would snatch the wallet.

So he ran out the train door- and lo and behold there were 3 undercover cops- right there- who caught these little hoodlums.

They rode in the ‘Paddy wagon’ together- all the way to the police station. Yes- the victim rode with the robbers- and he said they were bumping knees together- like family- on the way.

He said at the station he got his stuff back- the kids walked out the door- and they waved goodbye as they left.

The host of the show said ‘gee- it’s almost like a fun sport- like what they were doing had no real danger- almost like friends’.

Yes- the victim went on and agreed- no real danger- not like in the U.S. - where you might encounter a knife or gun.

The host even described it in a way where he said ‘geez- these kids are all suffering from hard economic times- and they really treat their ‘victims’ well- I mean you would almost expect them to do this- out of necessity!’

Yeah- my ‘non liberal’ NPR- they turned on me- big time.

Okay- the point?

As the week roles on by- we are continually being treated to those in the media who feel like their ‘side’ justifies their arrogance- bigotry- and flat out false reporting.

I saw a clip where Soledad Obrien [CNN] was interviewing Rep. West [Fla.].

Now- Col. West is a patriot- served over 20 years honorably in the military- and sure- he is somewhat of a Tea Party favorite.

But he of course leans right- a big no no for a Black man!

Soledad- an Obama supporter- accuses West of not thinking/acting like a good Black man should- after all he never called Bush a ‘food stamp president’!

She puts up a chart- which indeed shows how food stamp usage increased more under Bush than Obama!

Aha Mr. Black man- what do you say to that?

Of course when you ambush someone like that- using skewed numbers- you catch the guy off guard- and you make him look ignorant [something that normally would be frowned upon if a White reporter did this to a Black man on the left.]

She finished the interview having made the man look bad.

What’s wrong then John?

Well- she used the results of 8 years of Bush- compared to 3 years of Obama.

If you annualized the numbers- food stamp usage under Obama is going up about 12% a year- Bush- 8%.

Now- whether you like West or not- agree with the left or the right- either way- you should not justify ‘lying’ like this- especially when you’re using this tactic against a Black man whom your accusing of not ‘acting Black’.

Last one- the other day I was watching the Martin Bashir show on MSNBC. He had on Eric Dyson- a Black activist and scholar. I have heard him before- and I like him.

He is on the left- he is one of the Black leaders who has been critical of Obama because he feels Obama does not stick up for Black causes the way any President should- regardless of his race.

Tavis Smiley- Cornell West- and a few other Black leaders hold this view.

So on Bashir’s show he is explaining all the hidden meanings behind the term ‘Food Stamp President’ and Dyson- who is an intellectual- went down this laundry list of racial slurs.

I mean he had hidden meanings that I never even heard of before.

When he was finished ‘exposing’ all the things that Newt was really saying when he used this term- Bashir simply said ‘wow- it’s amazing how that one little term can hold all those racial meanings’.

It sure is- about as amazing as turning pick pocketing hoodlums into the nicest little boys you ever could meet- almost like family.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John

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