Saturday, March 17, 2012


As we end the week it’s been 22 days since Obama has held possession of the 1 million dollars that Bill Maher gave him.

I’m not sure how much longer he will keep it- all the clips of Maher calling women bad stuff- well they have been going viral on the net.

I even heard Ed Rendell- a big Democrat insider- say that he has Democrat women telling him that Obama needs to give the money back.

Maher just did a sold out show here in Texas [San Antonio] - he talked about giving up the ‘cu-t’ line about Palin [he also speaks of her as a ‘twat’ and makes fun of her Down syndrome child].

He said he gave up the ‘cu-t’ line [left the n out] even though it was the funniest line in his routine- that everyone loved it.

If that’s the funniest line on your show- then you have one dull show.

Sinbad [the Black comedian] is funny- you laugh when he does stand up- and you never hear any stuff like this out of him- if you need to degrade women and Down syndrome children to get laughs- then you have a problem.

The sad thing is- Obama and his guys are still 100% behind Maher- defending him on TV [Axelrod].

I heard Axelrod give a defense of Maher just the other day- while at the same time accusing the Repubs of waging a ‘war on women’.

Too much- that’s funnier than all the Maher skits combined.

Okay- let’s ‘keep em honest’ [as Cooper says].

As the debate heats up- Obama has been denying- vehemently- that he wants higher gas prices.

He told one reporter at a news presser- ‘do you really think that a president- in an election year- wants gas to go up’?

Actually- I don’t.

Then why ask this?

One of the political positions that some have taken over the years [Gore] believe that in order to wean the nation off of fossil fuels- that you have to get the gas prices high enough that it would then make the alternative clean fuels more economically feasible.

At the same time- this view believes that the Govt. should invest in clean fuel companies [thus Solyndra] and help them get off the ground.

Okay- has Obama and his Energy secretary ever espoused views like this?

Yes- many times- in public- on camera- on utube- even in the last couple of years.

Okay- do we have the right to be suspicious?

Obama- and Chu [energy secretary] have both said there goal was to get fuel prices higher- Chu said 8 dollars would be about right [a gallon].

This administration has touted clean fuel companies and has even been caught [emails] telling one company that was about to go under [Solyndra] ‘wait until after the midterm elections before you go bust’.

They have held this anti fossil fuel position for a long time.

Then why is it so unreasonable to simply ask ‘do you still hold to your past position- one you are on record as having- that you want gas prices to go up’.

Yet- the MSNBC crowd- and the other supporters of Obama in the media- they cant believe that anyone would ever believe that Obama and Chu would want gas to go higher.

Chu was confronted this week at a congressional hearing- the congressman asked him if he still held to the words he spoke a few years ago when he said he wanted gas to go up in price.

Chu said- ‘no- I don’t hold to that view anymore’.

Geez- this was your life long mission- something you advocated for- for many years- you’re were on that side- the Gore idea- and now you say ‘I don’t hold the view’.

Who do we believe man?

As MSNBC continues their ‘war on women’ accusation- we now have clips of Sharpton making the rounds [UTUBE] where he calls the Greek Philosophers [the ones I have been teaching on this least year] ‘a bunch of Homo’s’.

How wonderful- Sharpton- a guy- flim flam man- who holds a regular show on msnbc- he degrades Jews- calls Greeks ‘Homo’s’ speaks of Whites in terrible ways- yet he is lauded as some great civil rights guy- and he is a major supporter of Obama.


This week- the justice dept just overturned a Texas voter I.D. law.

Some states have been passing laws that say you need picture I.D. to vote.

Holder [attorney general- who has said that the civil rights laws are only meant to protect Blacks- not Whites- he did say this by the way].

He overturned Texas’ law because he said it was racist- because more minorities don’t have I.D.’s.

A few years ago- there was a video making the rounds- a Democrat woman [I think Ca.?] she was onstage talking to an Hispanic audience- she said ‘go tell your friends and neighbors to vote- even if they don’t have documentation- because they are not allowed to check at the polls’.

So some states have passed laws- trying to make sure that only citizens are voting.

In 2008- Georgia’s first vote after they passed voter I.D. laws- they had MORE Blacks show up to vote.

In 2008- the Supreme Court upheld Indiana’s voter I.D. law- Justice John Paul Stevens- a liberal- wrote the majority decision.

He simply said that states have a real interest- not racist- to make sure only eligible voters are voting.

He said there was absolutely no evidence to suggest that requiring people to have picture I.D.’s to vote is racist.

Yet Holder says that states that are trying to pass voter I.D. laws are trying to ‘undo’ the civil rights gains that men like John Lewis fought for in the 60’s.

This guy is unbelievable.

So we have an administration- whose public defenders- who’s attorney general- whose energy secretary- and all the other people around him- hold to paranoid views on race and energy and all types of things.

They call women the nastiest manes in the book- they speak about Jews and Whites as groups that conspired against Blacks and who need to be ‘eliminated as a social class’ [Bell].

Yet- at the same time they are also running a media campaign that says 'look at all the Repubs- they are anti woman- they are racist- they call women sluts’.

And then when 2 polls come out [this week- Washington Post and N.Y. Times] they cant believe that Obama’s approval actually fell- even among women.

Yes- after the Super Tuesday results- when Santorum won a large amount of women voters- you had the pundits on MSNBC shocked- even mad ‘I guess these southern women are too stupid- that they would vote for a guy who wants to take away their birth control’.

Now- Southern women- Northern Women- women from all regions and colors- they have daughters and sons who need jobs- who have a very bleak future ahead of them- if the economy does not start really producing jobs.

These women are paying 75 dollars to fill up their cars/vehicles.

These women- they have real concerns about real issues.

And for the media to have really thought that their contrived War on Woman campaign- to have thought that women would go out in huge numbers to vote for their ‘right to have birth control- paid for by everyone else’ for them to have thought this was demeaning- condescending.

Yes- women are concerned about health care issues- and the CBO said this week that Obama care will cost twice as much than what he said [1.7 trillion instead of 900 billion].

And that private employers would drop around 20 million people from their rolls [not 1 million as Obama said].

Yes- these health care issues matter to women- it matters to women that your major supporters degrade women on a regular basis- accuse Jews and Whites of conspiracies.

These things matter too.

But no- the media can’t understand how Obama’s approval actually went down among women- not up.

I guess they don’t realize that Jews and Whites and Hispanics and all other races- well they are women too.

And even though Eric Holder does not believe that these ‘other races’ are covered under the civil rights laws- and that states that simply want citizens to vote- whether they be Mexican or White or Black- they want to make sure only eligible voters vote.

Well Holder says that those states are trying to turn back the civil rights gains made over the past 60 years.

It’s no wonder why the numbers are going down- women see these things- women of all races- and its condescending to have thought that women were going to abandon the other side in huge numbers and support Obama- all because a Georgetown university student- who pays 40 thousand a year tuition- can’t afford 9 dollars a month at wal mart for birth control.

It’s a surprise for me to think that any woman- Black- White- North- South- would have swallowed a line like that.

Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John

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